Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

Did trialmaster at lvl 84 (lvl 19 gems upgrade), and Xesht 4/8 at lvl 85 (had to get 1 more lvl to fit Second Wind in Time Freeze).


Xesht 4/8, lvl 81:

No more gear upgrades. Still 3d build.

I think Xesht 6/8 is ok to do with 2 freezes, but for 8/8 there is no damage at lvl 85 for me. Need some more lvls, and 6-linked CoC I think.

And yeah, I was using Unset Ring swap for Frost Bomb instead of Snakepit. It's just better this early.

Here is my Comet (w/ Conc) under all buffs:


Anyway, that's it. Tomorrow will do a full low-budget video compilation and a build planner, from early mapping (starting from the end of the leveling compilation video) to this point.

Since Xesht is done, everything else but Simulacrum can be done in a similar way.

Not sure about Simu, have to check it too. If t0-t1 can be done, it opens enough points for the decent farm on deli maps.
UPD: Failed 2/8 simu at wave 12. Not enough damage.


How do you make so much comets?

Scaling crit chance/damage. Tomorrow will do a build planner for reference.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:25:30 PM

I'm wanting to level this build, but I'm very confused on how to actually level it through the campaign. Just frostbolt and Ice Wall? Is there a lvling guide anywhere? The maxroll planner links and what not that are in the first post don't go into specifics.

ALSO: I don't have a snakepit (SSF), does the build still work? I'm not looking for mega clear, just want to get my foot in the door of mapping.


(EDIT: I'm going through the thread for answers to my questions but it's just so huge. I might have missed the answers to my questions somewhere in it, sorry about that!)
Last edited by ldbob#5812 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:10:52 PM
ldbob#5812 wrote:
I might have missed the answers to my questions somewhere in it, sorry about that!


Cold Slowmancer leveling guide:

Video compilation of a run:

ldbob#5812 wrote:
I don't have a snakepit (SSF), does the build still work? I'm not looking for mega clear, just want to get my foot in the door of mapping.

Works with Frost Bomb fairly well.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:23:15 PM
Amazing build! 1-2d (lucky loot) and I can do t14-15, but struggle a bit with critical chance. Can I ask you to give some kind of step-by-step way to raise the critical chance? With some kind of prio/price gradation?
Last edited by Sairef#3190 on Jan 21, 2025, 4:04:03 PM
monik390#5560 wrote:
ldbob#5812 wrote:
I might have missed the answers to my questions somewhere in it, sorry about that!


Cold Slowmancer leveling guide:

Video compilation of a run:

ldbob#5812 wrote:
I don't have a snakepit (SSF), does the build still work? I'm not looking for mega clear, just want to get my foot in the door of mapping.

Works with Frost Bomb fairly well.

Thanks! The video raise another question for me though. I look at the video for when you are clearing Act 2 final boss. It looks like you are using frost wall already, but you don't have it in any of your skill slots. Am I totally missing something here? Is it on cast on freeze/cast on crit somewhere?

The reason I'm asking is because I don't see anything like that in the leveling guide you provided. Sorry if I'm stupid! :)

ldbob#5812 wrote:
I don't see anything like that in the leveling guide you provided.

in the Skills sections there are two arrows that switch the 'pages'. Basically, cast on freeze is in act 3 there
Sairef#3190 wrote:
ldbob#5812 wrote:
I don't see anything like that in the leveling guide you provided.

in the Skills sections there are two arrows that switch the 'pages'. Basically, cast on freeze is in act 3 there

The cast on freeze is set on "comet" though, not ice wall?
I had a question regarding Chobi0ne's 1-button clear build listed on the frontpage.

I'm currently leveling my Chronomancer, and after playing with only Frost Bomb for a while and kinda struggling in the early acts due to the damage delay of FBomb, I wanted to swap to that build for the simplicity of spamming Frost Bolts. For the record, I'm 53 atm with a Snakepit ring.

I see that the Maxroll link associated hasn't been updated since January 4th, and I can't remember if the nerfs to Cast on Freeze/Crit had already happened at that point or not, but I'm noticing how I barely ever proc any Comets from my Cast on Freeze, the energy generation is hella slow despite playing with Impetus and Energy Retention.

So here comes my question: is that build variant no longer viable, or maybe just in ultra endgame when you have maxed talents/jewels/spirit and I should rather stick to the default leveling guide with Frost Bomb, or maybe that's just the way the build functions until higher levels, with the occasional comet procing but most of the damage coming from Walls/Frost Bombs/Frost Bolts and I shouldn't pay that much attention to the meta gems?
monik390#5560 wrote:
Meanwhile, almost done with the low-budget build.

3d budget lvl 79-80 vs t15(+1):

~9-10 seconds to remove 5kk boss life. Not sure if it's good or not.

Comet was with Impetus tho, forgot to switch to Conc.

Anyway, besides the wand (70ex), gloves (1d w/ Slow Magnitude, 3 ex w/o), and 3 mana on kill jewels (30+2x50ex), everything else costed 2-10ex per slot, with the Gaze (w/ Siphon), rings and sceptre for 10ex each, while clothes were 2-5ex.


Can be done on ~1.5-2d for sure, w/o slow magnitude gloves and with weaker wand/jewels.


I will add this build to lvling maxroll later, after I'm done with the trialmaster.

The build is fully operational gimped af version of my main. Mechanically, almost everything is the same (no maligaros ofc).

Also will check Xesht, but I'm not sure if it can handle >4/8.

Btw, <1d budget is viable, but only with Frost Bomb. Frostbolt/Snakepit were my next-tier upgrades.

After that I will make a proper all-in-one PoB, so can finally be free from maxroll. And this game, for some time.

Sainako#4280 wrote:
How hard/easy is to kill Trial of Sekhemas boss with Desperate Alliance relic and average amount of boons?

It just makes him a proper pinnacle boss, like max difficulty Xesht/Arbiter. Nothing special.

Casia#1093 wrote:

moniks build also has heavy frost.

Funny fact, but I found Pandemonius to be quite good for the amulet slot before Everlasting Gaze. That 75% cold pen right before act 1 cruel boss and up to the Archmage switch (lvl 75) was really good and saved me Heavy Frost point.

What build i can follow to make same this video?
I can't do this build or something similar, I can't do damage, my critical is low. I have similar equipment, the tree is the same but I can't do T5
Last edited by thedoldivic#1741 on Jan 22, 2025, 12:12:42 AM
ldbob#5812 wrote:
It looks like you are using frost wall already, but you don't have it in any of your skill slots. Am I totally missing something here?

The reason I'm asking is because I don't see anything like that in the leveling guide you provided.

Ooh, I get that maxroll might be a bit confusing to use. So let me clarify some things here.

- In the video vs act 2 boss Frost Wall is already binded to the right mouse button. I have only 4 skills on the panel for demo purposes here: Frost Bomb (lmb), Frost Wall(rmb), Freezing Shards(m4), and Hypothermia curse (E). For this fight, I removed Ice Nova from the panel. I put it back at the beginning of Act 3.


Next, a small guide about how to use maxroll. I'm not sure about your experience with it or what you have already seen, so lemme do it rewal quick:

1. Notes:

Notes have 4 sections (scroll down for more there):

- Overview, some random notes.
- List of useful uniques.
- General pieces of advice for acts.
- Act tips.

I believe I put all the necessary info here, including what are you looking for.

About Frost Wall in Act 2 - it can drop at area level 32, which means it can drop at the last area of the act (Dreadnought Vanguard). I noted, that it's really good to have at the last bossfight, so might ask some people or buy it if wasn't lucky with drops.


2. Skills.

- Maxroll interface is interactive. Hover over things for tooltips. Use buttons to switch presets.

- Please note, that I put support gems in the right order to add.

- Frost Wall was always in Act 2 tab.


3. Passive Tree.


I hope this can help you.


Sairef#3190 wrote:
Amazing build! 1-2d (lucky loot) and I can do t14-15, but struggle a bit with critical chance. Can I ask you to give some kind of step-by-step way to raise the critical chance? With some kind of prio/price gradation?


What build i can follow to make same this video?

I hope I finish it today later or tomorrow. Have about 50gb of videos to edit, so yeah, will be a bit long bc I want to include Trial of Chaos full run at the lvl 75 for the 3rd set of passives.

After I'm done with that, I'll work on maxroll page (decided to make a separate one instead of just adding to lvling guide) for all steps from the video.

Not sure if I'll do PoB rn, bc it's damn big amount of work to make all-in-one thing I want to.

AlviSVPP#5673 wrote:
I had a question regarding Chobi0ne's 1-button clear build listed on the frontpage.

I'm currently leveling my Chronomancer, and after playing with only Frost Bomb for a while and kinda struggling in the early acts due to the damage delay of FBomb, I wanted to swap to that build for the simplicity of spamming Frost Bolts. For the record, I'm 53 atm with a Snakepit ring.

I see that the Maxroll link associated hasn't been updated since January 4th, and I can't remember if the nerfs to Cast on Freeze/Crit had already happened at that point or not, but I'm noticing how I barely ever proc any Comets from my Cast on Freeze, the energy generation is hella slow despite playing with Impetus and Energy Retention.

So here comes my question: is that build variant no longer viable, or maybe just in ultra endgame when you have maxed talents/jewels/spirit and I should rather stick to the default leveling guide with Frost Bomb, or maybe that's just the way the build functions until higher levels, with the occasional comet procing but most of the damage coming from Walls/Frost Bombs/Frost Bolts and I shouldn't pay that much attention to the meta gems?

I can't really say much about their build, and I haven't seen them online for a while.
Personally, I won't support it or answer any questions bc I have no experience with it.

I remember, those early videos were with Cold Snap in CoF instead of Frost Wall/Comet. I can't recall the moment when they switched to Wall.

Your best bet is to check their post history to look for their updates on the build during EA. Good thing it's just 6 pages, so won't take a lot of time.

As for myself, I played with Bomb/Wall up to lvl 75 recently, before switching to Archmage and Snakepit/bolt.

The reasoning behind that is mostly about the damage that Bomb/Wall can offer. I mentioned about it earlier, but it's true that I could clear naked t12-13 maps (w/o boss or league mechanics) with my lvl 69 toon with lvling gear damage-wise w/o Archmage (not survivability-wise tho).

Your best bet is to make a switch later I think.
I'll publish low-budget build from the videos above later, you can use it for reference in terms of gear, but you will need the chest with spirit. And then just slap Chobi0ne's setup there.

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