CRIT SPARK DOUBLE COC ARC + LIGHTNING CONDUIT - Auto Exposure Appliance - GIGA strong for endgame

I get about 2% energy gain per shock on normal mobs now
It's okay for Mathil to explode the screen instantly though...
Malkil#2706 wrote:
So is this build just dead now since they nerfed the energy gain?

Edit: ok well according to Reddit etc. cast on x gems are now basically dead 🥲 I will think about what to do and slightly change my build. Would be cool from ggg if they wouldn’t nerf such interactions after a week 🥲

I will think about what do to! Build will not be dead just „different“😂
Last edited by Angren1991#0758 on Dec 11, 2024, 11:28:23 PM
I get about 2% energy gain per shock on normal mobs now

Oh what? That’s a huge nerf😖 gonna adjust the build and think about how to change it!
The nerf to CoS was unnecessary since it only generated 20 energy prior to the change. The CoS-Comet combo provided a nice extra "oomph" for mob clearing. Thanks for the build though, Angren.
Nice, Atm the skill tree on mobalitics is confusing me I'm not sure what to follow, the list you wrote or the passive tree it self

Ah sry, so the list is an option for people that are not sure what they currently need for their char so it is a „guideline“ which nodes are good early on, the skilltree = passives from the list, I will put numbers before them so you know in which order you should take them but take them from top to bottom
The nerf to CoS was unnecessary since it only generated 20 energy prior to the change. The CoS-Comet combo provided a nice extra "oomph" for mob clearing. Thanks for the build though, Angren.

I will change the build so it will function with cast on shock! If they won’t semi revert this nerf I will find a way how you can play this without cast on shock. And honestly you didn’t need to change that „much“ with some adjustments the build can function without cast on shock I assume but I have to shift some nodes in the passive tree and we need to look at which spell we take, if we still go for spark at it is not great for single target or if we go full ham on arc and trying to push that!

So guys won’t give up I will find a way for all mana stacking stormweaver palpatine lightning lovers!

So as a wise man once said we gonna find our pathway to many abilities some consider as unnatural and we have unlimited power again, just need adjust things as always!

So i think since we also stack mana and go for mana tempest and archmage we should be fine to go for spark multicast and arc single target! I will update the charplaner and will remove the cast on shock!


So i read somewhere that for cast on shock boss it got actually buffed a bit. So if we use the stormweaver asc with 2 shocks and conduction for 100% more shock chance this could be our boss ability. So our cast on shock now will be for bosses, will try if comet or arc is better touch! Maybe arc so we don’t need the conversion of cold to lightning!
Last edited by Angren1991#0758 on Dec 12, 2024, 1:21:38 AM
Really annoying to have such a giant nerf when I and others spent considerable currency to make it work.

Killing anything feels so sluggish now and I am just kiting backwards across the level more and more.. sucks to be me LOL.

I'm happy I've been hoarding gold since day1 and can afford a totall tree respec at level 62. I feel sorry for those less fortunate.
Last edited by rampagingrabbit#6453 on Dec 12, 2024, 1:27:43 AM
Really annoying to have such a giant nerf when I and others spent considerable currency to make it work.

Killing anything feels so sluggish now and I am just kiting backwards across the level more and more.. sucks to be me LOL.

I'm happy I've been hoarding gold since day1 and can afford a totall tree respec at level 62. I feel sorry for those less fortunate.

So I will switch out some gems, but we should be fine even without cast on shock, now we just focus our focus on another direction. So cast on shock will still be good to boost our boss dpa but we gonna focus now more again on archmage! The build should still work without cast on shock we only have to switch out comet with another spell (arc for example).

The build didn’t went giga crazy in cast on shock interactions, we still buffed our dmg with archmage etc. i will update the charplaner the coming hours, and now we have to get archmage before cast on shock 😂

Last edited by Angren1991#0758 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:16:14 AM
I updated the charplaner with an arc for cast on shock, it will be our boss dmg dealer, spark will be our trash pack clearer

Will also update you with some videos, still the one is missing with leveling which will get published around Friday and the next one will be around the endgame and how the patch will affect us!

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