Hard crashing PC locks up

As many people has commented on their experiences with complete pc crashes, i share the experiences. And i have, tried multiple guides on to work arounds. For example turning off CPU 0 and 1 to safe power for OS to run.

Have anyone tried this? Im not that technical, and to me it seems fairly unsafe deleting a security package.

Otherwise, guess the only solution is to wait for this to get fixed.

To people not running into this issues constantly, enjoy the game! :-)

This doesn't work.
Email GGG support. Request a refund. They won't fulfil it, but at least they'll know this issue is still a problem. It's pretty obvious they haven't even looked at this thread since 11/10.
Kalyqto#0776 wrote:
Hey guys, I'm so back after my PC got bricked playing PoE2 only two days before Christmas so I had to troubleshoot over the holidays, because I need it to function for work as well. Even Cyberpunk worked well on max settings days before the PoE2 incident.

TLDR: I only had to replace my Mobo, CPU and Ram hehe fun!

After a clean Windows 10 install it still was freezing and restarting in idle. I had a mix of Q codes. It was booting with 55, I changed Ram sticks (one was indeed defect), then later 22 and no boot. Cleared CMOS, no change. CPU made problems and Mobo had trouble recognizing plugged in USB devices. Good mix I would say!

At least I now upgraded to AM5 and burned a little money (-500 noice).

Hope your hardware stays safe everyone! If GGG wants my hardware for inspection, feel free to message me. I think the only thing I can really do is hope for a refund, unlucky.

This is my first and last post, so don't even bother if your are annoyed by people like me, I just wanted to push this thread with my last piece of remaining holiday spirit.

Crying over.

Atrocious that there aren't bigger repercussions for this company. What a joke GGG, I saw your Youtube videos with the dev talk and now I haven't been able to play the game for 1 month and the forum is full of half a million posts about a bug you won't acknowledge and do something decent and I'm stuck in this nightmare with you. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Jan 7, 2025, 2:00:40 PM
Other day i was playing on poe1 and had the same issue as i have in poe2. During a loading screen the pc just freeze and I have to hard reboot it.
Same here, i reset my pc by power button like a couple times - i dont wanna do this again.

INTEL CORE I5 13500k
32 RAM

win11 pro - 64
Bump to wake the Devs up - hopefully.
The truly terrifying part is that while the people here try millions of methods and struggle to solve the problem on their own, not a single official even responds. Despite loving the game, this has really made me disgusted with the company.
Unchecking "Engine Multithreading" under Options > Graphics seems to help the issue, but the game runs at low frames, especially in town.
AMD Ryzen 7700
Nvdia 3060Ti
Windows 11 pro

Which metods i tried:

Open task manager> poe2 affinity mode
Poe Uncrasher
Format to Windows
Dx11 to Vulcan
Reinstall all drivers with DDU
BES to limit CPU usage

Issue is still continuing. Poe Uncrasher was the only one that can help me. At least u can shutdown the poe2 and reopen it without hard crash. But im not gonna play until it fixed. Im done. I spend tons of hours to fix and adrresting the issue when devs re not responding with even one word.

I tried this game with my Ryzen 5500 first. Then after the first crash. I got fps drop spike issues and bought a new CPU motherboard and ram.I dont know its related with this game or not but probably.
Last edited by CursedTypeBeat#4328 on Jan 7, 2025, 3:04:22 PM

Explain to us the difference between:

Continuous measurement of 100% CPU load with a responsive system


Last frame (frozen) measurement of 100% CPU load during full system malfunction?

Already explained. Read the topic, don't want to repeat this again x10 time. Your system designed to work at 100% load without significant degradation of the QoL, if you need so. The problem is system-wide, not just PoE-wide. And it has WAAAAAAAY deeper roots than you can even imagine. I strongly recommend you to find some basic information of internals of NT family systems. For example from Mark Russinovich.

it is not that it is the 100% usage that causes the crash.

Yes. It's sort of deadlock / race condition in the deeper levels of the system, in particular it can be faulty driver code, scheduler code, UEFI non-maskable interrupt handler code or altogether. Even it may be hardware bug (both CPU and GPU) on the modern GPUs in case of compilation performed on the GPU. Who knows. This is not something easy fixable.

You are telling me you know what has happened and currently happening to the PC during a full system freeze?

You are telling me the computer can communicate with you telepathically under duress?

How can any science based observation be taken seriously if the instrument itself is directly interfered by the observation?

Do you hear yourself when you tell people that 1 game out of thousands is the only one bricking the computer CONSISTENTLY and FREQUENTLY?

Guy thinks hes cooking by throwing jargon

Literally no one asked. You would never get it though
Last edited by godimpulse#1516 on Jan 7, 2025, 5:29:41 PM

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