I asked the guy to update the top post when you open the thread, but I'll post it here again.
If you remove single core from the POE2 process then the game doesn't hard lock/freeze your PC. The problem is happening to multiple games (Ubisoft's games 3 months ago were a first symptom, I had it happen with Remnant 2 and now POE2).
You can google "change CPU affinity" or "process lasso". Process Lasso allows you to automate the CPU core affinity change on launch so you don't accidentally brick your PC when trying to play.
My freezes are so bad that I just straight freeze on the loading screen following character select so no playing for me (not like my frost sorc is worth any more time). :/
Posted byJirinaForever#5513on Dec 13, 2024, 11:56:00 AM
I asked the guy to update the top post when you open the thread, but I'll post it here again.
If you remove single core from the POE2 process then the game doesn't hard lock/freeze your PC. The problem is happening to multiple games (Ubisoft's games 3 months ago were a first symptom, I had it happen with Remnant 2 and now POE2).
You can google "change CPU affinity" or "process lasso". Process Lasso allows you to automate the CPU core affinity change on launch so you don't accidentally brick your PC when trying to play.
My freezes are so bad that I just straight freeze on the loading screen following character select so no playing for me (not like my frost sorc is worth any more time). :/
Ubisoft games and Gunfire Games fixed their problems all their games work fine with no issues.
Last edited by Seba2007#3315 on Dec 13, 2024, 12:03:34 PM
Posted bySeba2007#3315on Dec 13, 2024, 12:00:09 PM
Amazing, hundreds of thousands of views of topics about PC freezing! Thousands of comments and no response from GGG, except "send me the log file" I did not expect this from a large company.
It's in their known list of high priority fixes. I don't know what else you want from them.
maybe give us information? that would be a good start. maybe just disable multithreading while inn loading screen? it's easy for them and would solve the issue in the meantime so we don't have to disable it every single time we teleport.
maybe finally solve this issue that has been going on for months it has been haunting players since poe1 and they literally transfered this issue over to poe2.
maybe let the players refund their money? most of us can't because of steam policies. we are sitting here having paid 30 bucks for a game that doesn't work neither can we play the game or get our money back. not even some form of consideration apart from no information at all
cool that they have this on high priority list but the issue has been on high priority in poe1 for MONTHS and it never got fixed.
personally i expect a bit more than just " we are looking into it ".
Posted byNufPoD#2344on Dec 13, 2024, 12:05:58 PM
I played Remnant 2 at the time and was getting these freezes. The problem seemed to have gone away, but there was no Remnant 2 patch that I'm aware of, it was more like Microsoft fixed whatever was broken through stealth update? Ubislop games I can't comment, haven't played one in years, but they were the first ones to have this happen (it's just the company is so dead the most commented on Reddit thread has like 2 replies - at least the one I found :D).
Posted byJirinaForever#5513on Dec 13, 2024, 12:06:08 PM
Hi everyone, whilst we have already been investigating this issue already, it would be massively helpful if you could provide your dxdiag output by doing the following on windows:
run > dxdiag > save all information
and sending me that file or it's contents in a private message.
Guys, if u still have issue do it like Timothy ask for. Maybe that will help us.
Posted byczarrnuch#4979on Dec 13, 2024, 12:08:56 PM
Amazing, hundreds of thousands of views of topics about PC freezing! Thousands of comments and no response from GGG, except "send me the log file" I did not expect this from a large company.
It's in their known list of high priority fixes. I don't know what else you want from them.
maybe give us information? that would be a good start. maybe just disable multithreading while inn loading screen? it's easy for them and would solve the issue in the meantime so we don't have to disable it every single time we teleport.
maybe finally solve this issue that has been going on for months it has been haunting players since poe1 and they literally transfered this issue over to poe2.
maybe let the players refund their money? most of us can't because of steam policies. we are sitting here having paid 30 bucks for a game that doesn't work neither can we play the game or get our money back. not even some form of consideration apart from no information at all
cool that they have this on high priority list but the issue has been on high priority in poe1 for MONTHS and it never got fixed.
personally i expect a bit more than just " we are looking into it ".
This comment will not be here for long. My last comment asking how do I refund the game was deleted and people are reporting the same.
I want to play the game. I gave my support for an early access, just fix the game to be able to play it at least. Or refund my money. I mean off course the game will have bugs and need tons of adjustments but if I can’t even play it how am I supposed to report any bug?
Posted byfallenmask#6554on Dec 13, 2024, 12:12:28 PM
Maybe i should post it here aswell:
Same bug here in addition to that, it sometimes crashes my whole system to the point i have to reset the pc. Hard-resetting your pc isn't something you should take lightly.
Frustating to deal with, if f**** you over while doing ultimatum runs and resets your whole map.
Sometimes no problem over hours, sometimes it happens ever 10-30min. On both DX12, Vulkan, Fullscreen/Windowed Upscaler on/off. It happens not only while gameplay also directly on start (after GGG logo).
Win11 Pro 10.0.26100
AMD 7 5800X3D
Nvidia RTX 4090 Driver Version 566.14
Last edited by Defans#7640 on Dec 13, 2024, 12:13:35 PM
Posted byDefans#7640on Dec 13, 2024, 12:12:33 PM
This is what has been working for me:
Edit the game ini to use the Vulkan renderer.
On next boot, change the renderer to DX12 and let it 'settle', you can tell this by the graph in the top right corner.
Change the renderer back to Vulkan.
Each time I but the game I change it to DX12 then back to Vulkan and I have had success every time since then.
Posted byStratus#3799on Dec 13, 2024, 12:21:12 PM
This is what has been working for me:
Edit the game ini to use the Vulkan renderer.
On next boot, change the renderer to DX12 and let it 'settle', you can tell this by the graph in the top right corner.
Change the renderer back to Vulkan.
Each time I but the game I change it to DX12 then back to Vulkan and I have had success every time since then.
Don't forget to come back and report when it will freeze again. It will
Posted byDanteKannCry#7497on Dec 13, 2024, 1:03:31 PM
I asked the guy to update the top post when you open the thread, but I'll post it here again.
If you remove single core from the POE2 process then the game doesn't hard lock/freeze your PC. The problem is happening to multiple games (Ubisoft's games 3 months ago were a first symptom, I had it happen with Remnant 2 and now POE2).
You can google "change CPU affinity" or "process lasso". Process Lasso allows you to automate the CPU core affinity change on launch so you don't accidentally brick your PC when trying to play.
My freezes are so bad that I just straight freeze on the loading screen following character select so no playing for me (not like my frost sorc is worth any more time). :/
This happened only on 24h2, and ubisoft with gunfire already fixed it. Here is some people who freeze on 23h2, and even on win10
Last edited by DanteKannCry#7497 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:06:29 PM
Posted byDanteKannCry#7497on Dec 13, 2024, 1:05:53 PM