POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

For what it's worth I was able to play on Linux Mint using DirectX12 without crashing or freezing. However when using Vulkan I did freeze. Performance seems comparable to Windows. I have encountered network based lag spikes but I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my hardware or network.

So it did freeze. So the fixes don't work. Sigh. I doubt different renderers matters. That would have been figured out by now.

I will give it a try myself. But since you are still freezing I suspect the root cause of the crashes haven't been dealt with.

ProtonDB PoE2: https://www.protondb.com/app/2694490

It looks like most who run PoE2 on Linux have to use DirectX12 rather than Vulkan. On Windows most seem to be using Vulkan. You might be right though. I haven't played long enough on Linux yet to say for certain whether the freezing is completely fixed.
PoE2: A good, giving game
For what it's worth I was able to play on Linux Mint using DirectX12 without crashing or freezing. However when using Vulkan I did freeze. Performance seems comparable to Windows. I have encountered network based lag spikes but I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my hardware or network.

So it did freeze. So the fixes don't work. Sigh. I doubt different renderers matters. That would have been figured out by now.

I will give it a try myself. But since you are still freezing I suspect the root cause of the crashes haven't been dealt with.

ProtonDB PoE2: https://www.protondb.com/app/2694490

It looks like most who run PoE2 on Linux have to use DirectX12 rather than Vulkan. On Windows most seem to be using Vulkan. You might be right though. I haven't played long enough on Linux yet to say for certain whether the freezing is completely fixed.

The root cause cannot be fixed if there is still freezes happening during loading of maps. But, it may be that using directX12 on Linux makes the root cause not happen for some reason. Lets hope Its not the same case on windows. Vulcan runs much smoother than directX12
The moment they found out this was destroying people's computers this should have been top priority for them, but this entire thread has a total of three staff replies...

I can guarantee you, from a trustworthy source, that this thread (as well as the other big thread about the same issue) are monitored by staff members much more than the number of staff replies would imply, and that this issue has been the top priority of the engine team since day one of the EA.

Can you ask your trustworthy source why they did not communicate with us then? Why not come out and tell us that this is top priority and that they are working night and day to fix it. Why did they remove the issue from the "known issues" page after deploying a fix that did not work for all players and systems? Why did they still claim in patches and other updates it was a windows 24h2 problem when this whole thread and the other one proves that it's not.

It's good if it indeed was a top priority. Its just strange not to let everyone know. I lost all hope and thought they had abandoned the issue for good a while back. Keeping my fingers crossed that the latest fix did solve it for good.

I can answer that.

If you start "communicating" on an issue like this to the level people are demanding, then you'll see a playerbase believe that they're in charge of the development. They'll start dictating to the developers what they should and shouldn't do, not having looked at a single line of the code.

It's called "community management" for a reason. YOU manage the community. The community doesn't manage you. Just because they're not giving you the feedback you want doesn't mean they're not working on the solutions. It simply means that they need to keep the problem isolated to "in house" so they don't get distracted by a barrage of noise from people who, for the most part, aren't qualified to do the job.

Hope that helps.

I can guarantee you, from a trustworthy source, that this thread (as well as the other big thread about the same issue) are monitored by staff members much more than the number of staff replies would imply, and that this issue has been the top priority of the engine team since day one of the EA.

Can you ask your trustworthy source why they did not communicate with us then? Why not come out and tell us that this is top priority and that they are working night and day to fix it. Why did they remove the issue from the "known issues" page after deploying a fix that did not work for all players and systems? Why did they still claim in patches and other updates it was a windows 24h2 problem when this whole thread and the other one proves that it's not.

It's good if it indeed was a top priority. Its just strange not to let everyone know. I lost all hope and thought they had abandoned the issue for good a while back. Keeping my fingers crossed that the latest fix did solve it for good.

I can answer that.

If you start "communicating" on an issue like this to the level people are demanding, then you'll see a playerbase believe that they're in charge of the development. They'll start dictating to the developers what they should and shouldn't do, not having looked at a single line of the code.

It's called "community management" for a reason. YOU manage the community. The community doesn't manage you. Just because they're not giving you the feedback you want doesn't mean they're not working on the solutions. It simply means that they need to keep the problem isolated to "in house" so they don't get distracted by a barrage of noise from people who, for the most part, aren't qualified to do the job.

Hope that helps.

The trustworthy source is you isn't it?

Anyway, Im sure GGG is happy they have ppl like you communicating on their behalf. Much better than communicating directly with the customers.

Also, now you ruined their strategy of keeping the community in the dark by giving absolutely 100% trustworthy information that they indeed have had this as their number 1 priority all the time, even after they took it down from the known issue.

Are you sure they wanted this strategy to be known?

So far so good with the new update.

The cogwheels doesn't seem to get stuck nearly as often or as long as before. Game seems to run more smooth in general.

Before, the cogwheels almost always stopped spinning for at least 1-3 seconds, which 20% of the time led to a complete freeze and 80% of the time just continued as normal.

This hasn't happened to me yet. Only small stuttering.

Lets hope this continues!

I can answer that.

If you start "communicating" on an issue like this to the level people are demanding, then you'll see a playerbase believe that they're in charge of the development. They'll start dictating to the developers what they should and shouldn't do, not having looked at a single line of the code.

It's called "community management" for a reason. YOU manage the community. The community doesn't manage you. Just because they're not giving you the feedback you want doesn't mean they're not working on the solutions. It simply means that they need to keep the problem isolated to "in house" so they don't get distracted by a barrage of noise from people who, for the most part, aren't qualified to do the job.

Hope that helps.

The trustworthy source is you isn't it?

Anyway, Im sure GGG is happy they have ppl like you communicating on their behalf. Much better than communicating directly with the customers.

Also, now you ruined their strategy of keeping the community in the dark by giving absolutely 100% trustworthy information that they indeed have had this as their number 1 priority all the time, even after they took it down from the known issue.

Are you sure they wanted this strategy to be known?

Interesting take, but no...I'm not their "trusted source", but I've worked in an official capacity with the community in an MMO.

Additionally, you're conflating common sense with "a strategy", implying there's malicious intent. For this, you may want to find someone to talk to about these kinds of unverified fears.

However, putting all that aside, I'd like to remind you that you didn't "buy" a game. You contributed to the development of a beta test for a game that's going to be FTP later this year. This, alone, wipes away any thoughts of nefarious intent. It just doesn't make sense to deliberately put out a bad product for free when the only source of income is MTX.

At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?). Even more to the point, if you don't like the state of the game, or the direction it's going...well, there's a solution for that. Trying to stir trouble on here just isn't that solution.

I can answer that.

If you start "communicating" on an issue like this to the level people are demanding, then you'll see a playerbase believe that they're in charge of the development. They'll start dictating to the developers what they should and shouldn't do, not having looked at a single line of the code.

It's called "community management" for a reason. YOU manage the community. The community doesn't manage you. Just because they're not giving you the feedback you want doesn't mean they're not working on the solutions. It simply means that they need to keep the problem isolated to "in house" so they don't get distracted by a barrage of noise from people who, for the most part, aren't qualified to do the job.

Hope that helps.

The trustworthy source is you isn't it?

Anyway, Im sure GGG is happy they have ppl like you communicating on their behalf. Much better than communicating directly with the customers.

Also, now you ruined their strategy of keeping the community in the dark by giving absolutely 100% trustworthy information that they indeed have had this as their number 1 priority all the time, even after they took it down from the known issue.

Are you sure they wanted this strategy to be known?

Interesting take, but no...I'm not their "trusted source", but I've worked in an official capacity with the community in an MMO.

Additionally, you're conflating common sense with "a strategy", implying there's malicious intent. For this, you may want to find someone to talk to about these kinds of unverified fears.

However, putting all that aside, I'd like to remind you that you didn't "buy" a game. You contributed to the development of a beta test for a game that's going to be FTP later this year. This, alone, wipes away any thoughts of nefarious intent. It just doesn't make sense to deliberately put out a bad product for free when the only source of income is MTX.

At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?). Even more to the point, if you don't like the state of the game, or the direction it's going...well, there's a solution for that. Trying to stir trouble on here just isn't that solution.

The good old "If you dont like the game, then dont play it" argument. nice. I somehow knew this was coming. I think GGG approves of that message.

You think I would be here 3 months after release, hoping they finally fixed the game if I don't like it? I like the game, thats why I want to play it. But I can't, because its not working properly. Like, thats why we are all here right?

"At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?)"

Thank you kind messenger of truth for doing what needs to be done. You're a real hero, fighting against certified troublemakers and villains like me. You made me see the light. I will now join your cause and fight the evil along side you.
Last edited by snurrfint#5780 on Mar 7, 2025, 6:45:32 AM

Interesting take, but no...I'm not their "trusted source", but I've worked in an official capacity with the community in an MMO.

Additionally, you're conflating common sense with "a strategy", implying there's malicious intent. For this, you may want to find someone to talk to about these kinds of unverified fears.

However, putting all that aside, I'd like to remind you that you didn't "buy" a game. You contributed to the development of a beta test for a game that's going to be FTP later this year. This, alone, wipes away any thoughts of nefarious intent. It just doesn't make sense to deliberately put out a bad product for free when the only source of income is MTX.

At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?). Even more to the point, if you don't like the state of the game, or the direction it's going...well, there's a solution for that. Trying to stir trouble on here just isn't that solution.

The good old "If you dont like the game, then dont play it" argument. nice. I somehow knew this was coming. I think GGG approves of that message.

You think I would be here 3 months after release, hoping they finally fixed the game if I don't like it? I like the game, thats why I want to play it. But I can't, because its not working properly. Like, thats why we are all here right?

"At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?)"

Thank you kind messenger of truth for doing what needs to be done. You're a real hero, fighting against certified troublemakers and villains like me. You made me see the light. I will now join your cause and fight the evil along side you.

It's a valid and logical argument. You're complaining. You can't play the game. That's unfortunate, but not final. As I advised, you paid for the development of a beta. The beta works for many, but some are less fortunate. You're one of those. I get it. But what is the point of trying to muck up the works by spreading discontent to others? It's not going to make your computer able to play the game an iota sooner.

I'd like to think that, in a nicer world, your words were sincere...and so I'm just going to say "thank you" whether you mean them or not. What you do with that, and how you post in the future is on you. However, attempts were made to help you see it from a different angle and have some hope. You can't say nobody tried to do that. So, what are you going to do? Repeat the same lines and get the same results? Or will you shift over to do all you can do to help the devs understand your issues by providing feedback and trying other user solutions (some of which I've even supplied, which took my game from crashing to flawless).

You have choices now. It'd be unwise not to use them properly.

Interesting take, but no...I'm not their "trusted source", but I've worked in an official capacity with the community in an MMO.

Additionally, you're conflating common sense with "a strategy", implying there's malicious intent. For this, you may want to find someone to talk to about these kinds of unverified fears.

However, putting all that aside, I'd like to remind you that you didn't "buy" a game. You contributed to the development of a beta test for a game that's going to be FTP later this year. This, alone, wipes away any thoughts of nefarious intent. It just doesn't make sense to deliberately put out a bad product for free when the only source of income is MTX.

At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?). Even more to the point, if you don't like the state of the game, or the direction it's going...well, there's a solution for that. Trying to stir trouble on here just isn't that solution.

The good old "If you dont like the game, then dont play it" argument. nice. I somehow knew this was coming. I think GGG approves of that message.

You think I would be here 3 months after release, hoping they finally fixed the game if I don't like it? I like the game, thats why I want to play it. But I can't, because its not working properly. Like, thats why we are all here right?

"At the end of the day, you're either working your hardest to rile people up to create discord and issues, or you're like me that puts in the truth that needs to be heard (read?)"

Thank you kind messenger of truth for doing what needs to be done. You're a real hero, fighting against certified troublemakers and villains like me. You made me see the light. I will now join your cause and fight the evil along side you.

It's a valid and logical argument. You're complaining. You can't play the game. That's unfortunate, but not final. As I advised, you paid for the development of a beta. The beta works for many, but some are less fortunate. You're one of those. I get it. But what is the point of trying to muck up the works by spreading discontent to others? It's not going to make your computer able to play the game an iota sooner.

I'd like to think that, in a nicer world, your words were sincere...and so I'm just going to say "thank you" whether you mean them or not. What you do with that, and how you post in the future is on you. However, attempts were made to help you see it from a different angle and have some hope. You can't say nobody tried to do that. So, what are you going to do? Repeat the same lines and get the same results? Or will you shift over to do all you can do to help the devs understand your issues by providing feedback and trying other user solutions (some of which I've even supplied, which took my game from crashing to flawless).

You have choices now. It'd be unwise not to use them properly.

But its hard master. please help me make sound and wise choices so that I dont fall back to my old ways. My life feels empty now when I cant complain all the time. All I want to do is complain, but its unwise. Im lost.

But, if your game runs flawless master. What are you doing here on this forum? Is it also now my quest in life to defend GGG at all cost from ungreatful customers who complain that they can't play the game they paid to play for over 3 month with little to no communication, no way of getting a refund and no support?

Jokes aside. Im not really that mad actually. You make it seem like all I do is complaining, thats not really true. Have a nice day. talk to you later.


But its hard master. please help me make sound and wise choices so that I dont fall back to my old ways. My life feels empty now when I cant complain all the time. All I want to do is complain, but its unwise. Im lost.

But, if your game runs flawless master. What are you doing here on this forum? Is it also now my quest in life to defend GGG at all cost from ungreatful customers who complain that they can't play the game they paid to play for over 3 month with little to no communication, no way of getting a refund and no support?

Jokes aside. Im not really that mad actually. You make it seem like all I do is complaining, thats not really true. Have a nice day. talk to you later.

The first issue is that, if you want to actually get help from people, then you need to be respectful to them. Paragraphs full of sarcasm works against that. As a rule of comedy and sarcasm, "less is more."

But, once again, putting aside your sarcasm, the advice I've given a few times that helped me out quite a bit was checking my virtual ram. My default Windows 11 install had it hard set to 4gb. This was causing POE 2 and other apps running at the time to run out of memory, causing a crash.

So, I set the minimum ram to 1.5 times the installed ram, and the maximum to 3 times. Just multiply your physical ram times 1024, then times the above values. This cleared up most of the issues when used alongside POE Uncrasher. Also, I upgraded to Win 11 24H2. Shortly after came the GGG patch to address 24H2 issues. That cleared up the rest of them. Now, I don't even need to run POE Uncrasher.

My system is very "middle of the road". AMD processor and Nvidia GPU. No overclocking whatsoever. My only concern with the current state of the game is the CPU usage that spikes up the CPU temperature. I'm waiting to see how that gets handled.

Lastly, I just want to point out that I came to this point of my game experience without yelling and screaming at GGG. I simply read, did some research, and look at Event Viewer after a crash. Then I turned around and shared what I'd learned with others.

Hope that helps you.

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