making the worst build possible . game is not to hard
i hear the game is too hard for some player /facepalm so today i just start a melee witch with a two hand mace and i have 0 issue so far killing everything with 1 or 2 blow let see how far is possible to push a melee bloodmage play my first rpg on the intellivision :) Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be" Last edited by charley222#3935 on Dec 7, 2024, 7:57:25 AM Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 1:26:42 PM
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The worst build possible is to try to focus on minions early on. I tried literally everything else, warrior, monk, ranger, mercenary, various elemental attacks, all of those are better than minions.
Minions don't do anything, they just eat up spirit, do no damage, can't even reliably get aggro, and they just rip repeatedly. Raging spirts are also trash. They hit for peanuts, and even if you got peanut x7 or x8 that's still peanuts. Minions aren't great to start in PoE1 either, but at least you got SRS to level up with. They're way worse in this, and minions themselves (skeletons, zombies, etc) are way worse in PoE2. They're way tankier, did more damage, and held aggro in PoE1. Minions need to be buffed. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 7, 2024, 10:12:16 AM
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a lot of the 'the game is too hard' is coming from the distinct experiences of each class. Witch is not in a good place. sorceress is in a slightly better place. witch is hot dog ass right now.
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" Post a video of killing Lachlann with that build |
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I did Lachlann with a melee witch. To be fair, it was awful, but feasible. I have a harder time with Jamanra rigth now.
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It is known by pretty much everyone early game is tuned a bit to high. Saying /facepalm game to hard is just not being honest.
The issue is, people play ARPGs to fill strong and kill a bunch of monsters. POE 1 feels this way. POE 2 is slower at this moment, harder, and some classes have a harder road up hill early game. I figure all will get worked out over EA. But I'm tired of people making posts basically going "how you fill is wrong". Its worth the devs knowing you got this part of the community feeling X, this part feels Y, do we go somewhere in the middle or do we go with Z which is our vision. Last edited by kargion#6909 on Dec 10, 2024, 8:56:31 AM
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What an embarrassing thread.
What was the point of this? Some fleeting feeling of being better than people who are completely new to the genre? Cringe. |
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been trying to check out some of the less functional builds while not completely gimping them.
ran into some issues with thorns/regen warrior. first time i had issues being able to kill rares/bosses without switching to an alternate weapon. especially when you try to avoid abilities that go against the spirit of the build. armor break, especially resonating shield is especially awful balance wise. not enough armor break without armor break investment to get scavanged plating going. very high mana drain. not a lot of damage via thorns without thorns investment on the tree ( which needs armor break first to get going and needs a lot more health regen to feel good too) absolutely lousy dps by itself. i managed to get to early act 2 but i really notice if a boss has no minion spawns to refill flask or if there are ground effects in addition to hits. got mostly carried by earthquake, boneshatter and basic mace attack through act 1, now warcray with corrupting blood and totem helps progression, but i really hope i can get this to work somehow. high life regen feels like it might be super fun in a game like this and if you get thorns on gear early on you notice how impactful it can actually be in this game... with the amount of melee swarms about. edit: forgot to mention why i am even talking about this build - i was thinking about doing a leech version of a tanky melee bloodmage with thorns, but sadly the leech is based on spells Last edited by dragomob#6624 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:16:51 PM
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All i will say is blood mage Ed contaigen..... Gł my freund.
I did get it to maps but man it's rough dmg wise even with +5 to skills mid way cruel and all chaos and duration nodes in the top half of the tree. Ed contaigen despair hexblast gł |
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" Try actually doing something other than beating up the easiest content in the game maybe. Hit us with your /deaths and you character sheet after ACT 3. Your words mean nothing provide proof instead. |
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