making the worst build possible . game is not to hard
hi everyone just a update
a most end act3. just remove the water from the city i play very slow enjoying a most everything , i die a lot (still have a lot of fun and this dont hurt my ego ) i die because hitbox collision yes ggg update this but this still happent to often and i think is not something that feel good for player personally i laugh at it because is really ridicule i personality think the game lost credibility , because this dont feel like a game mechanics but more of a flaw the game is a bit clunky and you get stuck somewhere in the map or use a movement skill that don't move properly because the map or hitbox collision ect,,, and you die ,for whatever reason you always end stuck and die because the collision and this is not a good feeling , you try to do something and know already how this will end the hitbox collision make the game feel clunky because some skill dont response well ,something really bad for melee in the front line i kill all the boss with auto attack and Corrupting Cry (only skip Lachlann ) also skip the trial not possible using auto attack because i lost honor , trial is a bit dump because is not desing for melee ,trial force you to build your character using area skill (mean range) something that remove all purpose to be a melee btw (the boss hit tracking is very sharp , good in theory but don't translate always well in game because is a online game(lag server ect...) sometime you make the right roll move and end dying anyway again 1 hit boss i dont think the game is too hard, in my book the issue this game have is more the hitbox collision , i think is the worst feature to have with a game is a bit clunky and in AE ,this make the game sometime not responding ok takecare guy going to play the game play my first rpg on the intellivision :) Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be" Last edited by charley222#3935 on Dec 11, 2024, 3:37:12 PM
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>"i hear the game is too hard for some player /facepalm"
>"I die a lot but it's the game's fault. It's not really hard though." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have to admit, I’m jealous. Only a select few gamers can reach such levels of delusion. Thanks for the blog post, let me know when you get those famous grippy socks. Last edited by Shoutenkou#0949 on Dec 11, 2024, 7:23:47 AM
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" While I did not play minions. I watched Asmongold play.. and he seems to have had no problems.. and come on .. is Asmongold.. not a god of hard games. So there is somethign amiss here, somethign he did right, knowingly or not that is nto obvious for many people |
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" On this I assume you use WASD or controller (as point click seems a dead control form now) I just keep side strafing around bosses, they miss easily 2/3 of their attacks just from that. Sidestrafe hitting with something with a short animation and then punish them after their attacks. The only problem I have are with real AOE attacks. |
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" i just use mouse boss are not that hard i just lock auto attack and roll sometime again 1 hit dead but sometime have weird tracking i guess because some latency something 100% normal online not a big issue :) my main issue is infinite hitbox collision is awful for poe i think 1sec or 2secmax collision stop is enough , infinite is bad in my opinion play my first rpg on the intellivision :) Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be" Last edited by charley222#3935 on Dec 11, 2024, 7:57:32 AM
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" At least OP is doing something and documenting it, unlike the difficulty complainers who most likely haven't even played the game and are just jumping on the complain train. |
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" You misunderstood; OP is documenting "how easy is the game", he isn't complaining at all and he is very happy to be killed every seconds. He's enjoying roleplaying as a carpet. For those who complain, they definitively played the game, it's actually more the other way around: People spamming "git gudd" are always stuck A1, at least in my language community, that's the funniest part about it lol |
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" Ah, yes.. the arduous task of blog-posting ("documenting") some nonsense about how easy the game is, and then contradicting himself the very next day after admitting to dying multiple times (but it's the game's fault!). As for the game, it's neither easy nor hard. People complain because there are a lot of newcomers who don't know the ropes and get filtered which, at the very least, is understandable. However, when I read some of the embarrassing "sigma gamer energy" garbage from the likes of OP, I cringe. |
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act 1.2.3 is done with auto attack trial done higher level np (not auto attack ) (Of course melee are at a disadvantage, compare caster & range for trial due to honor system) I think doing 3 acts with worst character perceptive for a new player experience with very low dps makes me learn a lot in comparison going with a heavier dps build and 2 or 3 aoe hits everything . also I play what I like and not what is strong. not a fan of melee elemental , of course I'm not a fan of the hitbox collision because the game is in EA and feel some skill are not always responsive because the collision, also the game lacks the type of skill like cyclone which goes through collision , also sometime running monster(act1 wolf ) push me in the end of the screen because the collision still in love with this game and is not to hard thank you play my first rpg on the intellivision :) Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be" Last edited by charley222#3935 on Dec 12, 2024, 11:36:26 AM
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I respect it. lol
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