Witch Minions, totally unplayable

Final edit-->Tbh this wasnt a whining post, and at the end, looks like everyone tried to help on what he can to get the build at a decent point.

On myself, i create a cold sorceress and im happy with it, close to end act 3, probably ill be back to the witch in the future.

Thank you all :)

So im "playing" this build, taking any minions node, right now im at lvl 18, but its absolutely unplayable, minions doesnt do damage, doesnt get aggro, they die constantly, and when they die, you die, because you have no other option than run.

I understand that im doing bad choices with the build, maybe i should not get that nodes, maybe i should get another supp gems, maybe i should focus on get that gear and that playstyle.

Clearing areas its nonsense, tons of time wasted.

I really like the game, and i want to like it like i did with POE 1, but its getting harder every hour.

Right now im doing a pause, hope it clears my pov.

Last edited by Sanchezxdd14#6360 on Dec 10, 2024, 7:22:56 PM
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 5:09:09 AM
honestly i agree the minions were pretty hyped and honestly kind of bad when u play with it
Also tried to play with only minion passives but it is so hard. On bosses they are kind of dead instantly. End of Act1 is the best example.

I do not mind challenges but if you constant run away from boss abilities, your minion instant dead, small windows to do any damage - its just unnecessary hard mode. And Act 2 starts the same with the first boss - bit you fight alone cause minions dead.

And yes all is in Minion damage and minion life, buffed also a bit with gems but 3..2..1..dead. And they level 5.

Nothing against not steamroll everything but as minions are in the beginning your bread and butter they should tank when they are tanks and not vanish after 1 or 2 hits. I am sure its just tuning things which needs to happen but yeah i share the frustration a bit.
I have just reached level 24, and my minions are absolutely unable to deal any damage. They are completely ineffective, and I can't even take down the small creatures on the map. No matter what I do, they are way too weak. This class definitely needs to be buffed; otherwise, it's not playable at this level.
Tuning in, yeah, feeling like a wet towel on this minion run, lol, all I do is running away 90% of playtime.
I fell you. I'm at the gate on act2 and I feel like I'm doing close to zero dmg. Each boss fight is a slug. Seriously considering restarting with a fresh build.

I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something, but in the same time, the minions do fuck all.
Here is what worked for me.

Until you get a lvl 5 gem yes, minions are dogwash, just spam something else.

Skeletal Archers+Infernal Hound=explosion on command.

Skeletal Warriors+Pain Offering=Massive boost to minion damage.

Profane Ritual+Zombies=Great for clearing maps.

Obv use secondaries and passives to help you out (meat shield+last gasp for early survivability on warriors is a must).

Most bossfights seems horrible for most minion builds. AoE clears out your minions right away while most bossfights don't have adds to fuel your zombies/ritual. I hope this gets fixed. Most bossfights I just end up popping the poison explosion+pain offering when I can and spamming -insert your generic spell of choice here- in the meanwhile. On bosses where your minions get to live AND you get corpses...forget about it. Act 1 final boss died so fast he is still drawing breath.
Ya im a minion build person , but these poe2 minions are weaker than a baby. I'll be switching to a chaos build rather than minion...just gotta farm for a while to get the gold + gems to fully switch lol.
not only are the minions weak and die fast, boss fights do no generate corpses that you could potentially use for zombies. you can not even take zombies into a boss area. on top of that, power siphon doesnt work on bosses so you can also not generate empowered zombies. lvl 24 here and most damage i do (painstakingly slow) is with essence drain. minions take forever to kill normal mobs.
Yeah, I second this.

Minions are woefully undertuned. I have about 2.5k hours in PoE and a good chunk of that was played as minion builds of all kinds. Not saying I am at the level that I can minmax a build on my own, but good enough to know what I am doing to get to maps w/o even looking at a guide smoothly.

The minions in PoE2 are just completely dogwater. Being locked into having only 1 support of each kind (which I actually like) means not having the choice to buff each minion with life. Not having to manually resummon sounds great - until you notice that you also cannot manually resummon in turn. Minions die too fast and have too little impact.

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