Witch Minions, totally unplayable
I had problem in act 1 but after i got infernalist ascendency and i put arsonist minions only then i got auto bomber thats just melt bosses. Currently running 6 arsonists, inferno doggy from ascendancy. Also fireball insta spawns 6 raging spirits on top of that. Bosses in act 3 felt like rare monsters lol (SSF by the way)
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Honestly it was pretty good for most of the early act 1... But as I get further, it's like they don't scale enough even though I'm fully dedicated to them and my offensive spells don't really cut it either, so I'm left rolling left and right hitting with weak offensive spells as I wait for my army to respawn and get downed almost instantly again... Making bosses rather slow...
But yeah, the combination of not really having access to proper support gems for life / damage, of only being able to have like one of each type with the early spirito pool and the fact they aren't tanky at all makes them feel like a diversion more than a crucial part of your kit ,and I have I feeling I would have way better success and clear speed going all in spellcaster and not trying to make them do the work.. Was I Dreaming ? - Harry Mason
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Yea, i do agree with you all. Playing minions builds are always my favorite. But in Poe2 it just way too weak and do no damage at all no matter what i do to improve it. I'm not new to Poe either so it should not be that hard.
I'm droping a witch and go for sorceress instead. Very disappointing . |
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Minions felt decent up until around 15 then the damage started to slow down and the squishy minions would die before they could kill things. In the mid 20's now and it feels awful, have been reworking things to see if I can make them feel better. But really, it's just bad, im forever running around waiting for them to respawn while I do tickle attacks. The scarabs are absolutely destroying me now as they are very fast and chase. Ran into a scarab yellow that wiped my entire minion army in seconds and laughed as I dodged over and over with no damage being done.
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I would be happy if they'd just pull more aggro/enemies. I don't need the minions to deal big damage, but to distract/tank the enemies so that I can take care of the damage.
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What I did on my Act 1.
I had a scepter that granted the discipline aura. (energy shield on allies). This helped them take more than 1 hit especially in bosses. You need to use the ` key to command them to move out of aoe (really hard for me, having to dodge myself and minions) I also relied on contagion and essence drain on a few bosses that kept deleting my minions. so hybrid chaos and minion. Eventually I looked at all the skill gems (I think when I got my first lvl 4) and I picked up Raging Spirits. I found it comboed great with Flame wall. Let me clear the rest of act 1 with zero problems. I would like to see a slight buff. Especially I loved the unearth minions, but they simply are not even remotely usable in boss fights. |
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Minions are simply terrible. Even if you combine skeleton knights (scepter) with skeleton mages, with raging spirit (proc from fire skill) and raise zombies, the damage is still very low, and the pets are quite squishy. And even if you get +2 to minion skills on a scepter and extra minion damage and HP that's still not enough.
I was ripping through enemies (and bosses) quicker using a ranger with lightning arrow. My warrior also does more damage than my minion witch, and my warrior is using a weapon that's 10 levels old. Also, the minions don't take aggro very well, enemies often ignore the minions and just beeline straight for me, if I'm having to scramble to stay alive all the time, I might as well play a ranged class that does actual damage. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 7, 2024, 8:17:36 PM
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" I have noticed in the manor that they are bugged and do not register as entities to enemies. I am running 6 skeleton warriors and these Iron XYZ's will get body blocked by them, just stand there trying to reach me and get chipped to death by the minions. If the enemy can they will completely ignore minions and the minions have no agro generation to pull enemies off. I have respecced slightly to try and give my minions much more hp to prolong their viability in a fight but it isnt really working. I try and remain reasonable and balanced in my criticism, I know that the basics of playtesting indicated most players should be able to clear the act1 without dying too much but still, I am dying a lot and against Geonor I can't keep the minions alive long enough to do anything. It is reasonable and balanced to stop playing games I am not having fun in. This thread indicates it's not a "me" problem, it's the game and the balancing and the overbearing weakness of minions and bugs in their threat/agro with NPCs |
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Agree. Minions are very weak, deal very little damage...
ALSO - pathfinding is horrible! they get stuck in doors, narrow places, etc. And boss fights without generating corpses is horrible. Theyve been nerfing minion for few leagues, I thought they going to rework them, but they completley nerfed them into oblivion. |
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Minions used to be pretty terrible in PoE1, and they still are pretty bad in PoE1 during early game. But, they were buffed, because people like playing minion builds, and people expect these types of builds to be viable. And right now, they're simply not.
PoE1 got minions right. Last Epoch got minions right. Grim Dawn got minions right. They just need to get them right in this game. |
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