Please allow us to turn off auto aim

I'm playing with Frostbolt, and when I use the skill, it fires in the direction of the nearest enemy to my mouse. This mechanic is frustrating and makes me want to stop playing. I want to aim my projectiles at a wall or pillar so they explode and deal area damage to multiple enemies. Instead, it automatically fires directly at the center of the nearest enemy to my mouse.

I understand that this feature might be great for joystick users, but the majority of Path of Exile players use a keyboard and mouse. Please consider adding a configuration toggle to disable auto-aim for projectiles.
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 2:29:14 PM

I also noticed that when firing Frostbolt to the sides, the projectile travels at a slightly incorrect angle. This angle deviation decreases the more vertical the projectile's direction is. For example, when I fire upwards or downwards, the projectile goes exactly through my mouse pointer. However, when firing to the sides, it veers slightly towards the top of the screen. Could this be related to height?

I took petrify totem in trial and the auto aim kept screwing me over when i tried to look away from the totems..

You need to have control of your char when choosing these mechanics!

For me it's unplayable with auto aim. Not only is it on by default, there is no way to disable it. It's so jarring when I'm aiming one direction and my ability shoots off in the opposite direction.

Every other ARPG I played allowed me to manually aim, at the most it controlled distance, but I was always able to control exact direction. I heard even on KB+M with WASD it auto aims.

Who designed this and why?
POE2 obviously had consoles in heavy consideration in the design process as the game is chock full of those types of mechanics. The checkpoint system, resetting maps upon death and auto aiming are trademark console features, not translated well over to PC, unfortunately. They could have scrapped checkpoins/map resets and been totally fine, but it seems they are trying to appease the TV crowd here.

Also, the checkpoints give away nearby events in the maps. If you stumble across one, there is something notable ahead. The funniest one was the checkpoint right next to a secret stash in Act 1.
Last edited by Shardz#6676 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:42:45 PM

Please disable auto-aim locked on PC
+1. I'm on controller on PC and auto aim has messed me up a lot. Really would like the option to disable it and to be able to assign skills to L3 and R3 as well.
Ooohhh is this why my Unearth would go in a totally different direction to where I pointed it especially if a mob was 'nearby'? Oh yeah, please so many +1 to this
Playing on PC with a controller. My main is a mercenary. When trying to get the freeze + shotgun combo done I often get the freeze done easily, but then struggle to hit the frozen mob as auto-aim targets other enemies :(

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