Please allow us to turn off auto aim
" Why just PC? Controller players have the same issue. |
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impossible to play with auto aim. 30% of the time the character is out of control. he looks in the wrong direction, he doesn't use skills. Horrible gaming experience.
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I thought my Unearth act weird sometimes.
Auto aim would make sense then. Yup. If this is the case we definitely need an option to turn it off. It's enough that my Flame Wall gets blocked by pebbles when I'm in te open I don't need an auto aim to mess things up even more. |
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Turn it off?
I'd like to be able to turn it ON (WASD, Mercenary, PC, Steam). Been plenty of times during boss fights where I lost sight of the boss amid all the AoE spam and was definitely NOT namelocked. How about a hotkey to turn target lock on/off and cycle between nearby targets? |
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Desperately need to be able to disable this.
Probably the worst feeling targeting system I've ever experienced. Regularly makes my monk drop bell in some random place I may not even be able to hit cause of mobs blocking me, and then I can't target it with a ranged ability because there's no enemy that aligns my attacks to hit the bell. Just let us free aim abilities unless they absolutely require some form of lock on. |
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I think there's an ability that you can slot to toggle between "auto-aim" and "focus-fire" (Icon is a hand with index finger pointed upward).
Not sure if that could help you? *Edit: the FF description talks about having to manually aim and it won't switch targets automatically (On PC, but streaming to TV with controller) Last edited by Daemoroth#2516 on Dec 12, 2024, 9:53:34 AM
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It's absolutely not great for controller it's worse actually. they need to disabled lock on. If players need to lock on they should introduce a hard lock on system that forces our character to always face in that direction and autoimm all skills towards that direction and maybe introduce a soft lock system that's the same system we have now but that terrible system should be off by the default
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" I’m speculating here, but I’ve noticed the same issue in PoE1. Height seems to cause some problems. Have you noticed how, when you fire a projectile near a wall or staircase, it sometimes shoots upward and off the screen? I think this happens because the projectile tries to adjust its aim to hit the terrain or enemy at the clicked location. This behavior can be problematic, as pointed out by others in the forum thread. To fix this, the character should always fire projectiles in a straight line forward. The direction of the shot should be the vector between the points (player.x, player.y, player.z) and (mouse.x, player.y, mouse.z), which corresponds to the green vector in the diagram (fire angle). Another important consideration to address (which might relate to the vertical offset issue in the thread) is that when you click on the terrain, the point registered as the click isn't the actual point that should be used as the "mouse click" in the diagram. This is because the game perspective isn’t top-down but isometric. As a result, the projectile's trajectory shouldn’t follow the normal of the point where the click occurred in the terrain. Instead, it should be calculated so that, from the player’s perspective, the projectile appears to travel toward where the mouse is visually pointing, not where the click actually registered on the terrain. As i said just speculating,i hope they fix this soon i wanna play a frostbolt build, best of luck to the dev team. |
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+1 This definitely needs to be changed. I play monk and it is nearly impossible to reliably hit the bell after you play it down when surrounded by mobs. it just auto aims in the opposite direction of it randomly.
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Try playing Bone Blast as your main spell and fighting bosses that move alot, its the most frustrating thing. How you cannot disable auto aim actually blows my mind.
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