Very good filter, i like to edit it a bit to better manage loots.
I add the possibility to be visible any quality and sockets for every loot.
(Because now we can salvage quality too)
Also add dedicated filter to highlight ilvl 80+ 82 and 83+ equipe.
The rest is just stylish things, for example background based on rarity for Waystone T11-T14 and Text for rarity on T15
What do you think?
ilvl 80 81 equipe get a soft violet border(not on screen), ilvl 82 equipe get a blue border, while ilvl 83+ a magenta border, that can easly show you if an item with sockets/quality its higher ilvl or not and is also filterd same way when there is not quality/sockets
in the screen
-the "quarterstaff" is ilvl 83 with sockets
-"pet mantle" is a body armour 65 with sockets
-"Expert stone grave" is a ilvl 82 without sockets/quality
-"expert padded leggings" ilvl 82 Rare with socket
-"expert waxed jacket" a custom filter for my class
Also added filters for Quiver, Scepter, Staff, Wand, based on rarity/level/quality/sockets