Where are my pathfinders at?
" It is, but we need to wait a bit untill some1 will create a good build around PC ) |
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Has anyone tried a melee-poison-pathfinder?
Quarterstaff skills seem fun and are fast enough to stack several poisons. Constantly freezing everything is also a neat defensive layer. And it sounds plain more fun than spamming Gas arrow (which you could still use to break armor). Main issue seems to be that we "lose" all the +% projectile dmg nodes and it's hard to find something to replace them... On the other side baseline Monk starts whiteout such nodes and damage seems plenty fine. Something like this: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/mr2hz00w Last edited by aDoreMe#3888 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:11:37 AM
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Does anyone know what poison conc scales from?
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" You don't need to. Conc is super strong, and by all means stronger than gas arrow with minimal investment. I'm running it currently for T18 bosses and 4th ascendancy carries and obliterating bosses. Not tested on Xoph or Arbiter yet. Last edited by KnoxxVille88#6731 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:23:15 AM
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" Stronger in what way? Just dmg? I could see it being better for bosses, but for map clearing no way it's as good as GA right now. |
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Plannig switching to pConc from Gas arrow.Concidering PF poison spread, it should be better for map clear, not? Only biggest poisong prolifirate, and PConc applies much stronger poison than gas arrow.
So in high density maps, Pconc should be better or i am wrong? |
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" Depends on your view. Yes your slower using the skill due to it's animation, and in theory it's not as safe as gas arrow, but in terms of damage it's much faster. Gas arrow while it can 1 shot white mobs from initial impact and 1st tick of poison, pconc just deletes them right away. In it's current form, for mapping white / blue mob PACKS die with a single throw unless they have silly modifiers on them or %life map modifiers. That alone makes it stronger than GA. If you happen to face a map boss, vine arrow into pconc spam will delete a atlas buffed boss in seconds compared to having to whittle it down with poison stacking gas arrow. |
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I wonder if it's intended that you can use PConc while having a bow equipped and still benefit from it. If you reach a breakpoint with corrupted Widowhail or Widowhail + jewels you get 9 levels from quiver and bow alone. Another 2/3 levels from amulet, 1 from support and 1 from the small chaos wheel on the tree. That's 13 levels for free or 14 with a very good +3 amulet. I think with perfect jewels and 300% corrupted Widowhail you could get another 2 or 3 levels but they are extremely expensive right now.
PConc scales exponentially with gem levels, it goes from 495 flat chaos damage at Lvl20 to 2422(!!) flat chaos damage at Lvl34. Every level after that is like 27% more for every level. So you can see that Widowhail and +2 quiver are like 5x more flat damage than a mirror tier phys bow. Additionally PConc gets scaled with "Increased damage with bow attacks" on the quiver. Which then gets multiplied by Widowhail, tree and jewels. So you get like 150-200% increased damage for free. IMO this is a bug and will 100% get fixed in the next patch, I just hope that the Widowhail tech as a whole will not be deleted. From my testing this affix alone gives PConc 40-50% more damage. In addition get yourself 25-30 dex on the quiver and that's your attributes sorted.You can just focus on damage on rings and never worry about dex/int requirements ever again. I managed to get my PConc poison up to 33k DPS(about 24k without bow affix on quiver) per poison and I am extremely heavy invested into ES and flask recovery nodes, so I am missing several damage nodes. I think without going CI I would spec into some crit nodes, it is currently flying under the radar but imagine if you could get even 20-30% crit chance with 200%+ crit multi then it would be a massive DPS multiplier. That's what I intend on doing if Widowhail tech survives the nerf hammer. Something very important regarding PConc: it actually hits unlike Gas Arrow. I have 33k poison DPS, but also PConc itself hits for 20k a bottle and I throw 3 at a time. Get some attack speed on quiver(again multiplied by Widowhail) and you are shotgunning poisoning nukes. Roughly 20-30% of my total boss DPS comes from hits alone if I did my math correctly. For reference my Gas Arrow poison DPS was at 11k before I switched, so I more than tripled my DPS by spending ~5div on bow and good quiver. Also I see some concerns regarding PConc's clear: not a problem at all. Use Scattershot and replace Comorbidity with Magnified Effect for mapping. The poisons are so incredibly strong that even 1 stack instantly deletes trash and then spreads thanks to ascendancy. You can also use Herald of Plague since it has more radius than PF ascendancy at max level, but I don't find it necessary. Last edited by Andrewhuzar#7683 on Dec 20, 2024, 4:03:16 PM
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" Try using bursting plague instead of magnified effect, it's like having chaos shrine 24/7. |
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One With the Storm notable + Resonance keystone nodes maybe. Freeze = power charges > spend power charges on monk ability.
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