Constructive melee feedback (Warrior centric)
" hey thanks for the link. I reviewed it a bit -- Knockback -- I think this might be OK for some slam skills, I'd prefer it personally on Leap Slam + Stampede//the travel skills. It feels real awkward that our "big tough warrior" guy gets stuck in place from random crabs and spiders. iFrames -- I can't say much here but I don't know if this is the right solution. I think warrior end game identity, IMO, should be "has what it takes to survive a few of the games biggest hits at the cost of lower damage and control than other classes" We are close to that now, but.... Armour/stats -- agreed here and I mention a similar feedback in my OP. I think armour should apply to ele/chaos dmg from hits baseline as well, or at least at 50% effectiveness. Either this, or monsters need to be tuned across the board perfectly which seems like a more daunting task... Movement speed -- this is a common feedback from lots of folks. I don't have anything to add to the conversation other than I feel the pain every map I run and forget 1 rare at the beginning, lol. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
>> 4a: Leap slam should give the player a z-index and hitbox that allows them to just ignore enemy hit boxes
Absolutely agree on this one. If you're surrounded it gets really hard to jump out of the crowd. The same applies to monk jumping skills, it's the same problem. |
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I agree with the hitbox problem on the swing. Everytime the first hit misses whenn the second one lands, i thought it was an hit rating deficit, but it always 50% hit/miss, especially with boneshatter
Last edited by Caern86#2356 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:37:03 AM
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bumping up - level 92 now
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
Sorry, best we can do is a bunch of nerfs to your damage
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updated OP --
removed comments on trials, they are prolly in a better spot now? Added commentary on map mods, gems, monster balance AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
" This happens on monk too. It seems as if you're "silenced" or something. |
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" My last experience on trials, I ended up on the fourth floor of the trial yesterday. Had a rare monster that was shooting some lightning projectiles and he would not move off of a staircase so i had to try and go in close to attack and he destroyed my honor. Stuff like this will always be frustrating for melee. The tight staircases with the skeletons on the fourth floor is completely toxic for melee builds and you cant fix it with balance passes. fwiw im playing monk atm (i quit warrior at 75) so i cant just use totem or sunder(no str) There may be some monk equivalent but if i have to fill my inventory with skill gems to do sanctum ill just play ranged. I've been wasting too much time playing melee for the last however many years its been since 3.14 Last edited by Lonnie455Rich#2087 on Dec 19, 2024, 2:47:41 PM
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Warbringer armorbreaker here. Agree with OP's post and I have a some points to add to the discussion.
- Currently, PoE 2 Endgame design philosophy is a masked-PoE 1 game design - I agree with your sentiment that maps is basically PoE 1.5 in the PoE 2 engine. The design philosophy in the campaign is so vastly different to the game design in endgame. Methodical and intentional is thrown outside the window against mobs of monsters throwing everything they can find at you. For instance, the no-cooldown lightning mirage spawns. You hit them and they instantly spawn lightning mirages so now you can't even throw hits and have to dodge these because the penalty of the waypoint affixes just hurt like hell and you risk dying 80% of the time if you try to tank them. On top of that, you have to be dodging volatile chaos orbs or fireballs while trying to see if there are explosive runes where you are trying to roll away. It's more tedious the higher the tier you go. As a warrior, I want to be hitting more than dodging stuff close range. I understand the dodges needed here and there but if the ratio of dodging/escaping is like 80% of the time, it's no fun. I wonder how much work is needed so that the endgame feels closer to what they did with acts 1 & 2 and if that is doable in the 6-12months EA they projected. - Skill Tree - You've written down the Titan fantasy but what I want is a Shield-drummer Warbringer that beats away at his drums at a high rate that breaks down the enemies. Sadly, the lacking options for shielders in the skill tree and the recent shield buff doesn't allow me to do that so I ended being a one-handed mace+shield warrior. Hoping to see more shield options as EA develops. Last edited by frankshmank#3123 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:08:13 PM
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Mace should have some kind of built in frontal guard/ shield like some skills in bdo have, during their long wind up. The shield could be a flat damage reduction or some kind of invulnerability up until a certain threshold (50% of max life) that only protects you from the front. When the shield is broken you either take increased damage for a few seconds or are stunned.
OR Give the mobs some kind off cooldown on their skills/ attack slower. It feels like Im playing POE2 against POE1 mobs. Running into a hastened yellow that stuns is a nightmare. Your forced to eat a crap tone of damage and hope it doesn’t crit. The ranged enemies just spam projectiles and it feels like a bullet hell were dodging is pointless because you’re just going to get melted for trying to avoid the barrage, melted for trying to use stampede/leapslam/ shield charge to get closer to the pack and melted because of the long animation wind ups with 0 built in protections. Game goes from being about skill into being a HUGE gear check. "but i tell u its just fo' try, fo' peep n' fo' know"
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