Max Block Warcry "Karen" Warbringer - Insanely Fun EZPZ 1-Button Build
Final (probably) edit for the build: I've moved on to a support chronomancer for party play with my friends so Im not currently playing/progressing the warbringer at this time.
There are other versions of the build out there, including this one on maxroll that do weapon swap stuff with totems for more single target. Check those out if you're looking for more direction with the build or other ways to play it. GUIDE UPDATED DEC 15TH, 2024 WITH NEW MAX BLOCK TREE With 3rd trial complete I grabbed the 40% base block ascendancy node and decided to rework the tree for max block. We need 88% increased block chance to hit the 75% cap. Hitting the 75% cap gives us 75% increased damage from "Lay Siege" to make up for the Str we lost (about 60) and grabbing "Hard to Kill" helps offset the regen we lost from the Templar start area. Eventually we can annoint "Offensive Stance" giving us another 75% increased damage. ![]() Hey guys I wanted to share my Warcry "Screamer" build my friends have dubbed the "Karen build". The build is very tanky, clears maps decently fast and has no issues with bosses (not pre-nerf cast on x damage but 100% uptime and decent DoT damage). This build is VERY easy to play and controller friendly. We stack strength to increase the Corrupting Cry DoT. We want as much warcry speed and warcry AoE as we can get and for the rest we get life regen, regen rate, armour and increased phys damage. For gameplay, you just blast through the maps spamming Seismic Cry. For whites/blues I usually just do 2-3 cries and by the 3rd cast something is usually popping from our ascendancy nodes and that clears the screen generally. Gearing is straight forward, get as much Strength, life, resists and armour as you can. Early on you can use Deidbell unique hat for some extra aoe and warcry speed. If you don't need the resists in maps you can keep using it. >> NEW VIDEO OF MAP FULL CLEAR << Im not a youtuber and my video editting skills don't exist but I'll consider attempting to make a build guide video if there's a demand for it.
Early Videos
Videos of the build fresh after I swapped to it with awful gear during Cruel A1
Video of Cruel A1 Rust King boss A2 Cruel pack clear & rare mob
Stats & Char Sheet
My stats at level 71
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Passives (Updated)
This was the tree I used when first trying this out, I plan to spend some more time looking at options as I progress. For now you'll just have to take my word for it, it works. Lvl 50 Tree Lvl 65 Tree Lvl 75 Tree Lvl 77 Max Block Tree <<-- do not switch to this until you've done 3rd trial and have the 40% base block node, it's a medium sized tree respec but the max block is nice. I plan to get more regen again in my next few levels to make up for what we dropped. I currently have "Defensive Reflexes" annointed to cap block but I plan to drop it when I get better jewels. Annointing "Offensive Stance" will give a big damage boost but it's currently very expensive. Level 85 Tree Plan?
Warcaller's Bellow -> Greatwolf's Howl are the priorities.
After that I'm considering Renly's Training and Turtle Charm or Jade Heritage. I'll update this more once I get there.
Gems Setup
Currently I'm using:
Seismic Cry + Corrupting Cry + Magnified Effect + Brutality for 5th link use Swift Affliction for 6th link use Physical Mastery Infernal Cry + Dazing Cry <- only use for dazing tough rares and bosses, if you use this while clearing the infernal cry pops will deal less damage than the corpse pops from ascendancy. Time of Need + Fast Forward + Vitality Overwhelming Presence + Cannibalism If you have the Int from gear, you can use Enfeeble at low level for bosses if you want but it's largely unnecessary. You can also use Blasphemy + Temp Chains/Enfeeble in lieu of Overwhelming Presence but you would need a bunch more Int and a spirit weapon. Shield Charge and Leap Slam are nice for movement[/b]
I levelled to 45 using shockwave totems (very solid in early game with low invest - just get weapons with + melee gem levels and use overabundance support + lacerate) and grabbing the aoe nodes, once I got Earthshatter I used that. Earthshatter and the first ascendancy for explodey warcries will carry you until you go all in on warcries. You can also just keep going with Shockwave Totem until 41 for Seismic Cry but I wanted to keep exploring the new gems and I liked Earthshatter.
I did originally path to the "Urgent Call" node and grabbed the totem nodes "Ancestral Artifice" and dropped overabundance for brutality in shockwave totem setup. Then later respecced all of that when switching to Earthshatter but I don't think any of it was needed. I had very little issues with any content while levelling after starting with shockwave totems.
Old Stuff From Theorycraft Post
Update 1: Added a new level 65 tree, added gameplay videos (I know theyre bad). I'll take a couple better videos when I get to maps, finishing campaign today on this char.
Seismic Cry only triggers a cooldown when you stun a target, so you can start using the build without the Warbringer node for ignoring warcry cooldowns, but you will occasionally have some downtime as the stun buildup is pretty fast. Seismic Cry also knocks back so most mobs cant attack or cast. We use corrupting cry support to stack corrupted blood on mobs, scaling off our strength. Usually 2-3 stacks is plenty to kill white/blue mobs and 10 stacks drains rares/bosses pretty quick. With the Warbringer node "Warcaller's Bellow" you explode corpses when you warcry, so as soon as the first mob dies it'll pop on our next warcry and then the whole pack explodes. Last edited by Jaypoc#3937 on Jan 5, 2025, 9:21:13 AM Last bumped on Jan 27, 2025, 8:41:43 AM
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Damn, I figured out this build myself (and currently using it) and I thought about posting it, but you beat me to it.
It is indeed a fun and funny build, an angry warrior who runs around yelling at people all the time till they explode. Additional notes: For non-Warbringers, all the other classes can use this too by using: 1.Pin support gem or 2.Bushwhack Lizardscale Boots (unique boots) Those turn the stun build up into pinning, which prevents Seismic Cry from ever going into cooldown, mimicking the Warbringers Greatwolf's Howl ascendancy. For the corpse explosion, you can use Deidbell Elite Greathelm (unique helmet), it's a 10% corpse life instead of 25% but should work. Last edited by inotna#6573 on Dec 19, 2024, 12:10:20 PM
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could you maybe post a rough lvl tree til 50? iam so lost in poe 2 rn :D
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Do you think the Deidbell unique helmet stack with the explode ascendancy node?
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It doesnt stack.
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" Doesn't seem to stack but the extra aoe is nice until you get enough from the tree. |
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" I'm level 60ish now, finishing up the campaign today. I'll post my current tree when I'm home from work. |
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I'm playing this build with an Omen Sceptre. Malice aura gives some base crit for a little more damage out of Seismic Cry. Sceptre gives spirit and I use that for the Blasphemy + Enfeeble + Heightened Curse setup.
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also playing this build - level 76 currently ... mapping just fine
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