PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable

Performance on PS5 Pro is also poor. Drops to 20-30 in Act 2 camp and during intense combat. It needs to be fixed, but I feel like we're being ignored.
I'll add more comments regarding this, in the endgame it's quite unpleasant to play the game, it never ever goes to 60 fps, I don't know if it's too many particles or something, but I tried to put the game in bilinileal and yes, I was able to reach 60 fps, but the game looked horrible, I wouldn't be surprised if it reaches 480p resolution, I don't personally ask for it to look the same as on PC, but if I put FSR in ultra performance, it reaches 60 fps without problems without screen tearing, which is another big problem that the game has, because no matter what configuration I put it in, the screen tearing is constant, especially when I see the atlas map.

Pd: this text comes from Spanish passed through google translator
I sincerely hope that GGG pays attention to console players and doesn’t abandon us. I hope they communicate that they are aware of the performance issues on consoles and are working on them so that we can enjoy a decent and quality gaming experience comparable to those on PC. Hopefully, a performance patch for consoles will be released this week.

It's early access so I'm not worried yet. Would be nice to hear something on this though.
As of 16th Dec 2024, this problem still exists. The game is paused every second on PS5, and it seems like not just me having this issue.
Is it known about the developer that ps5 always crashes? there was a patch, but it didn't help.
Last edited by Xx Dark Leon xX#8299 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:41:01 AM
My friends disconnect every time they travel on PS5, this is unplayable!!!! I can't play with them. Does anyone know a solution? Travel and it always comes to crash. Game has been reinstalled, everything... The server is Frankfurt (EU), as they live in Germany.
Has anyone found the same problems? Found a solution?
Last edited by Xx Dark Leon xX#8299 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:42:41 AM
This is the worst part I've been able to capture so far. If you play Infernalist with a bunch of arsonist minions, SRS and casting flame walls, textures will just disappear in Temple of Kopec:

This is PS5 Pro, settings doesn't matter, it lags on any preset. As somebody pointed out in the different thread, this game is CPU heavy, and GPU settings doesn't do much to prevent the lag. This is unacceptable, and need to be fixed.

The game become absolutely unplayable (not exaggerating) when you either open a breach or juicy ritual in the endgame. It become like 5 FPS and you get killed instantly due to enormous lag.
Last edited by vancoder#9307 on Dec 16, 2024, 1:10:35 AM
pdgenshin#9654 wrote:
The game's performance on the PS5 is beyond disappointing, especially in co-op mode. I understand that some bugs and other gameplay aspects can be relatively easily fixed, but how do the developers plan to address the issue where, for example, when a Sorceress casts a wall of fire and a Monk places a bell against 5-7 mobs, the FPS in some locations drops to an utterly unplayable 25-30? This happens even with all game settings prioritized for performance.
My wife and I absolutely love the game, and we didn’t hesitate to purchase early access. However, I have serious doubts that the developers are prioritizing any significant work to improve the game’s performance.

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