[PoE2] Blood Mage - Sanguimancy Hexblast/Chaos Bolt - Constant overflow - Stop killing yourself
Do you think it's able to clear T15 with ease or will it struggle?
Also, how's the clear speed and bossing speed? P.S. A side question: at which chaos bolt level does the skill have 6 sockets? Last edited by toilagamer852#0180 on Dec 16, 2024, 8:55:17 AM
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I will post an update when I get there, I'm on t10 currently. Clear speed is very good, for bosses it kinda depends. If boss spawns small mobs it's great, as it means more explosions, area damage and overhealth, if not it can be a bit of struggle. For sure it is better suited for fast clear than boss killing. Can't find any info about sockets question.
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is using shield with block chance near 40% would be usefull in this build?
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Interesting build. I wasnt sure what direction to take my Chaos Witch, but this seems great.
Question: Essence Drain. Manual cast or Cast on Crit? Chaos DOTs are supposed to get a buff, so perhaps by using ED a lot we might be able to have an easier time versus bosses. My intial goal was a chaos dot witch, but its 0dps vs bosses. Maybe next patch, spamming ED will be a lot better than Chaos Bolt, with the shorter duration but more damage support gem. On another note, i am currently going for a physical damage crit Bloodmage on another char, going Bonestorm for bossing and Detonate Dead. Perhaps 20 Weapon Set points are enough to make for a strong weaponswap? By now, Bonestorm does A LOT of damage to bosses. Considering Bone spells get buffed aswell, we might wanna go for it? Last edited by Blutseuche#4950 on Dec 16, 2024, 5:56:19 PM
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The chaos debuffs from skills apply new debuff instances or just reset the existing ones?
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I was playing without ascendancy because of how annoying the life cost was. Just paid for the last 4 points and the difference is huge. With atziris disdain and coupled with the es to life node on blood witch my health and es pools more than doubled. I also added ambush to hex blast instead of inspiration, which seems to work fine for me at these high health levels. Ambush means you’re just dropping insane amounts of remnants while mapping which makes clear a breeze. Definitely more sketch on bosses.
Right now in tier6/7 so dunno if my dps wil hold up later but am also only using 4 links, haven’t gotten a greater jewelers yet |
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currently playing on t6-7. have only second asc (gore spike). hexblast all crit chance/dmg + potential. power charges from profane ritual + charge infusion. mandatory hindered capabilities + zone of control.
to fix hp/mana I'm using blood magic from mask of the sanguimancer and stack str/hp. running CoC contagion, but have doubts about this. for clearing it's not working as all dies from 1-2 blasts, on bosses it just drains hp even if only chaos bolt is used. also it doesn't check if contagion already applied. also using +dmg on corpse consumption from jewels and corpses passives (meat recycling might be also used). + put some items with "gain life on kill" overall so far so good. clearing goes smoothly, but area of effect for hexblast could be better. problem with hp is absent in case one shots to mobs, you recover all spent hp. bossing works bad. also have issue with running hp flask charges vs boss hp. it could be worked around using remnants but you need to get closer to boss hence better vs-boss-survivability. could be much better if remnants do not disappear as they are in grim feast. can't say that blood chaos witch is broken, but some improvements are needed for sure, specially do smth with bossing. |
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My guy,
This does nothing for anyone trying to do DoT builds with Bloodmage. Spamming two abilities seems pretty boring imo and is a great work around but that is all you are doing, working around the problem. Your damage is absolutely weak compared to monks, warriors, mercenaries, rangers, sorcerers, and infernalists (all of whom were buffed even more with the latest patch (E)). You drop your extra health for no reason at about 4:35 where you go from 3500 health back to 1700. So storing the extra health does nothing for you. Unsure if it drops due to a timer or if you took a big hit, (but you didn't lose shield?) or if you just used a spell that somehow cost the 1700 health. You almost die a few times when you lose your shield and extra health but still use Hexblast and lose a good amount of health. My build is similar, I'm only level 52, have no great gear, can't recoup the life because there is no way to crit, but I still do 2k with hexblast and 1.8k with chaos bolt with only 900 health and 300 energy shield. Also, you're using mana, most builds I see, people aren't using mana (which sounds more true to the build). Would love to see you fight an actual boss and see how that works. I feel you avoid an entire play style because it doesn't work. Avoiding a problem and denying the existence of it just seems dishonest. |
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" I think you missunderstod him. I've been playing similar build to the one posted here + several variations of it, one with Decompose and that also works. Now to address your point. You can make Blood Mage work with the Saingumancy. You just need to invest way more into life regen and leech. For whatever reason most people goes for max crit chance/dmg and expect it to just work. Well, it doesn't and it won't. Not like this. I also think Gore Spike is a trap and not nearly as useful as many think. Grasping Wounds is actualy amazing for high tier maps. You're right however about one thing - most Blood Mage builds uses Blood Magic node to just skip Mana completely, coz it's convinient. I'm currently lvl 82 and can do almost anything in the endgame. Also who said that Blood Mage must play DoT builds? There are so many ways to play this specific class. You can make Lightning/Tank Blood Mage(with shield) and it will work for high level maps, which somebody else discovered few days ago, which kinda shocked me but hey it works for high level maps, so why not. There is NO RIGHT WAY or ONE WAY to play any character in this game. Blood Mage is no exception to this rule and if you want to compare to other characters class/asc - Blood Mage imo is MID and that's fine. Sm0lin build is fine and it works, just like several other for Blood Mage. Last edited by immortalq#5973 on Dec 17, 2024, 7:30:45 PM
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So the concept... great, but i tested this and didn't like. I play blood mage with the same idea in mind.
Gear - Max Life Regen / Max Life / Generic Res and Damage stuff Tree - Leech Leech Leech / Regen (0.2% or 10% being better, change based off current stats) Blood Magic + Vaal Pact and Vitality Siphon + Grasping Wounds (from Bloodmage) Blasph + Despair (You can add in enfeeble once you get +1 curse if you life) Hexblast + Inspiration + Whatever you like here Blink Essence Drain + Chaotic Freeze (for bosses, this honestly aint that important, but i like it) I focus PURE armour with Projectile Bulwark + Sturdy Metal etc, But you can 100% do ES with Crimson Power from bloodmage (I take 2 little nodes on blood mage instead tho) Playstyle - Blink in, Hold Hexblast button, win Blink out if you need to let Regen full heal you for 1-2 seconds, repeat. Focus on range enemies 1st, leave boss / rare to last, dont waste blink when moving around in tight areas, save it for an escape if needed. Clears 10+ Maps with complete ease, no issues at all, kills all bosses i ever seen with ease, all bonuses from maps like when you get grasping hands are a complete joke, you just hold 1 button and win. As for the other options - Crit - tried it... was like maybe 10-20 seconds faster a map but 100x more likely to die, why crit things when you 1 hit them normally without? DoT - why wait 5 seconds for a mop to die when you can just 1 hit it ? Other Class style play - Play that class then Leech IS the key to the bloodmage things people say when they see my build "Omg it costs you Over 300 Life to even cast hexblast...." yes..yes it does...and im always on full life "You travel so far on the grid to get the nodes you need" yes...yes i did...cause i like to win and they let me win "blood mage sucks" no...no it doesnt...you suck as a blood mage Gear Piece example Body Armour 1200 armour +150-200 Life +Spirit +25 life per second current stats 3k Life 100 ES (just putting this here to show i have none) 570 Life Recovery Per Second 7k Armour No Mana (blood magic) 75 Cap all res (except Chaos, like 50ish) Hexblast 12k+ DPS (remember this is AoE) Cost - 300+ life to cast LOTs of Leech, 1 cast is ALWAYS enough to full heal me. So far map T10+ is crazy easy, what can kill me.. random huge hit that 1 shots me (rare), me getting so bored from holding 1 button i forget to move, Freeze/Bleed kinda suck if im not paying attention to them |
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