(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)
First post on these forums in 10+ years. Having a blast with the build and appreciate all the updates and keeping it current. Any way you could share a snapshot of your current gear you're running in 14-15s to give us a template to chase? Thank you again for putting this together!
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Never played PoE1, people have mentioned a sigil of power but I don't see such a thing anywhere. Do people mean Mana Tempest?
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" It's a skill attached to a weapon "Chiming Staff", far as I know that's the only way to pick that one up |
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" That is the weapon ability of the 'chiming staff'. We use mana tempest also, especially just starting out in maps for a 'set up' attack. We keep a chiming staff (preferably with lots of cast speed) on weapon swap, and arrange our skill setup in such a way that we can use it and swap back to fireball or w/e without any effort. You go to your skill dps window and at the bottom you have a selection (always use with weapon set (I/II) and select which set to use it with. We keep all our skills on I and sigil of power on II. |
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" I've been running with and without unleash lately. It's true that once you get to a certain point the massive nuke doesn't really feel necessary anymore. I can still get some excellent millage out of it though by throwing down an 'arena' of cascade frost walls and absolutely obliterating a rare or a boss though. It's those moments that keep me coming back. Cast on freeze is a bit tricky to really optimize for, I've tried a whole bunch of things also but keep going back to frost walls (for clear), just because I play a bunch of beyond/breach/ritual and their utility is massive for shooting behind me while moving, and also generating walls on top of me if my arctic armor freezes something. The game is such a clusterfk with league content that it just feels kind of necessary to me. Some other interesting supplementary spells I have found when running extra projectiles is ember fusillade. It casts extremely often with cast on freeze and is just totally free and pretty decent single target damage, as long as you can sustain the extreme mana costs. I've had lots of 'blow up the pack with fireball, then EF nukes down the rare automatically' moments. I mentioned before it has great synergy with extra projectiles, so basically extra 2 proj lets ember stack up to 10 much faster than normal. It's only worth it if we are running a version of the build with projectile nodes. As for a bossing setup I'd use comet spell echo inevitable crit I suppose. We want all the frost wall charges for self use, and cof isn't great on the boss in the first place. Overall I'm pretty happy with the build and had a ton of fun with it. Right now it's just about pushing the endgame-endgame envelope of what is possible. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:11:51 PM
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I'm actually playing this as an Infernalist Witch running Blasphemy Enfeeble Cold Exposure to help survivability + dmg with some curse nodes. (I get extra spirit in my ascension tree to help run more spirit based stuff)
However I noticed that my skill tree nodes is actually slightly different than Sorceror and my current passive skill tree pathing has left me quite squishy. I'm gonna have to sit down at some point and try to remap my tree but it's hard whilst trying to hit all the +extra projectile nodes to the top-right. Last edited by SecretADCarry#3545 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:03:36 PM
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" My gear is pretty much garbage (for being in and farming T15 maps). It's just got resists, es, mana, and cast speed. OFC chest and amulet have combined enough spirit to reach exactly 190 after campaign spirit. 30% movespeed is mandatory. That's all you need for the build to take you to T15. I have 1200 life, 3600ES, 2000 mana, which is low. My resists are max and my chaos res is 56. If I spent some divines I could get up to 4.5k-5k es and 2500-3000 mana by just replacing a few pieces. It's just that survivability is not a huge concern in maps due to massive freeze output. I do have about 60ish rarity on my gear, but it was mostly incidental. I'm still using the same 5ex wand I showed in first post. My focus has spell damage and resists/max ES on it. I have a combined total of +4 to fire spells, +1 to frost spells thanks to the tree, and about 80ish increased spell damage from items. Needless to say, we are getting the vast majority of our power in this build through skill interactions, and not raw gear stats. That's why I say its cheap! So basically, there is no template to chase except for basic caster defenses and archmage (Tons of ES/Tons of Mana/Mana regen where you can). The raw clear power of fireball comes from its stacking damage properties with archmage and fire wall, and overlapping explosions combined with CC from cold conversion. The one simple direct way to increase your dps/burst DPS is to add cast speed, which lets you get more projectiles on screen faster. Cast speed makes everything feel better, happen faster, and lets you be more evasive when dealing with hairy situations because you finish casting sooner and can move before projectiles/melee hit you. That's why I personally prioritize cast speed. You can boost your damage massively by getting proper gear and ofc paying out the butt for it, but I haven't felt like it was necessary since the clear is already ludicrous except on juiced T15+ maps with giga resists and ailment buildup malus. P.S. The higher you go with spell levels, the more ridiculously expensive they get mana wise. It's the most direct way to add damage, but it can also outpace your mana. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:25:41 PM
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" It hurts to say this, but if your passive budget is tight and you're severely lacking in one area, then sacrificing the +projectile nodes is a quick fix. The build works without them, it's just a lot more fun and has higher burst damage with them. |
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What support gems you running on Ember Fush COF?
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" trying to use it as spammy supplementary damage, so controlled destro, tempest, impetus, energy refund (forgot what its called but chance to give half back) this really keeps the fusillade uh...fusillading freezing one pack will give you a stack of 10 instantly (and also obliterate your mana pool) it seems to fire automatically as well, unlike self cast fusillade which waits till you are not performing any actions, but I might be imagining things. CoF EF works just like an independent caster, if will keep casting as long as it is getting charge from freezing the downside of this is that if you're in a hairy situation and freezing everything constantly, then it will just keep casting and stacking uselessly instead of firing, this is a serious design flaw of the spell I think. It should stop really casting/stacking when it reaches max stacks, and also give a big visual indicator when you have reached max stacks. IMO This is probably one of those gems that will get a touch up/rework sometime in EA, it's just a bit janky. It takes some getting used to because we don't have the circuit breaker of charge regeneration that frost walls do, so it is entirely possibly to OOM yourself hard. The benefit is concentrated single target damage that automatically aims at wipes out rares and stragglers without you having to do anything. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:34:03 PM
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