(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)
You're the man, thanks for the response!
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" how to set up with EF for boss? do you use EF for clearing? |
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" EF casts quickly so during clearing you use it against rares, or just tap it occasionally as you're moving to clean up any targets you've missed. Against bosses you cast EF twice, make sure there's a Firewall between you and the boss and depending on how much time you've had you have Exposure, Curse and Sigil of Power down and it should do a good chunk. You can also use EF a lot easier than Fireball while you're doing any mechanics, or being forced to move. |
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" the frost walls dont stay alive for very long, so they don't help us regen mana we want them juiced up so they explode for lots of damage, and also spread everywhere cast on freeze is a meta skill, impetus supports it, impetus is also optional if you find yourself cooldown capped on frost wall creation while clearing. What impetus helps us do is create a frost wall with a single fireball cast into a pack, to give us follow up shotgun effect |
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" thanks for tips, do I need to place frostwall for EF? |
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Level 80 MoM+EB with 76% damage to mana recoup:click (You need good base ES and lots of mana regen for this to be safe and be worth it)
This is the build I'm currently running and found something that kind of shocked me and I'm still kind of confused why this is the case... Anyway, all the ES nodes being removed after EB is active on the tree, doesn't move my mana at all. I removed almost every node that had ES in it, and all I truly lost in terms of extra mana, was the additional effects that a node gives (IE: Insightfulness gives 6% INT & Mana Regen, arguably good enough to take for this build and definitely gives me some mana, but the 18% Max ES literally does nothing for the mana pool). Proven by the fact that I can take off other nodes without additional effects, (IE: Dampening Shield, 28% increased max ES, and my mana stays the same). Another one is Calibration which gives 4% max mana, but the other part gives nothing. Which is surprising because you'd think it helps you gain more ES, which in turn would help you gain more mana with EB. Asking the question then, why do we even spec into these nodes for maximum ES, when EB doesn't even seem to take them into regard when it comes to your mana total. Again, I'm new and could be wrong somewhere, but I'm seeing taking away all these ES nodes is saving me skill points, as it gives me nothing and or minimal mana. edit/ More nodes confirmed to do nothing for this build, entire "Heavy Buffer", branches and also, "Dreamcatcher". All you're realistically losing are the side mods/buffs (25% spell damage while on full energy shield, which I don't even know if this procs considering we don't have one). Again, please correct me if I'm wrong, anyone! lol Last edited by HigherTimes#6965 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:57:02 AM
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" who knows? the primary build is ES/MoM hybrid, EB was just there for the weirdos who insisted on using it. The eb build is half baked at best, I messed around with it for an hour and switched back because I didn't have ideal gear to support it. If EB users want to fix it up into a working state they can can submit their working EB build in the thread and I'll update it. I really don't think EB is worth it personally, because we are a very close range caster and we need to be able to tank huge single hits on occasion. With EB we might gain a large and fast recharging mana pool, but we lose total combined EHP of our ES on top of our hp. With amazing gear that lets you tank the biggest hits in the content you are doing with your mana pool, it's probably objectively superior. Until then...here we are. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 19, 2024, 8:56:45 AM
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To be honest, I can't get anything down with it. For trash mobs it's OK, if they are not fast. Rares is significantly harder and bosses are impossible for me. Freeze and frostwall procs every 2 minutes once - this is useless. Sigill of Power is completely useless - I don't see any effect in damage numbers.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein Last edited by Hausgeist#5228 on Dec 19, 2024, 9:08:48 AM
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Wanted to chime in as I have been playing this build for about 80 hours or so now with different variations.
HigherTimes#6965, regarding your observations about ES -> Mana from EB, that is correct. If you look at "Conversion" tooltip in game it says it converts the "BASE" value of something to the "Additional" value of another. So your raw/base ES with no % mods either increased or more etc, would impact this conversion. Any percent increases to MANA however would increase the amount you are now getting. This is to avoid "Double Dipping", as intended. I have seen a few people report this as a bug, but the math IS correct. I can also confirm that Ancient Aegis is now working correctly as well (60% ES Increase on armor equipped. Having 100 ES on chest now means 160 ES.) I tried EB+Staff for about a day of mapping and it felt terrible. I swapped back to Wand/Focus with heavy tree investment into ES and decent bases. I am sitting at about 7.5k ES currently. The only mobs that scratch me in T13's are Rares, or projectiles I fail to see. I cannot recommend any stronger than this. Swapping to ES if you are an EB user will result in around 100-200% increased defenses in terms of 1 shots or quick hits (Monsters fire x additional projectiles). I also wanted to add that a poster from a few pages ago (crackred#7106) had the right idea in terms of setup for gems. Having unleash in fireball is a horrific setup in terms of sustain dps and defenses when compared to other setups. I played unleash for 3 days and couldn't make it work consistently. I changed to (Wildshards, Scattershot, Arcane Tempo, Controlled Destruction, and Mobility) and this setup is absolutely rocking. If you need more damage take Rising Tempest or something similar. The defenses from Mobility now that it does NOT impact damage directly is a solid tradeoff. The "defenses" you pickup from this switch cannot be understated as it simply moves you out of things while keeping dps up, which acts as a better type of evasion/dodge. I know the OP mentioned that he wants that big moment where the screen fills with 7 billion fireball projectiles, but I found that unleash simply had too many downsides not only directly, but in terms of competing options in the support slot. Again I want to emphasize that EB should NOT BE USED unless you are drowning in ES without any modifiers to it and mana regen is insane as well. I'm talking like multi mirror budget range, as I tried this with like current value of 1 mirror worth of gear and did not see any significant increases, and actually saw a decrease in my defense capabilities. I am also running CI, as I specced that before the chaos damage scaling changes with the .e patch. Getting a focus and some solid es gear with decent resists is paramount to making this build feel good in terms of living. Also worth noting, you MUST have Grim Feast running and reserving spirit (Get a 30-40 spirit amulet or on the chest). It's defensive layer makes ES shine as you can basically overcap ES by up to double (5k es can go to 10k) which allows you to run maps 2-3 tiers higher than you would be able to without it as you can tank huge hits on ES alone. You can blast if you don't need it, or play a little slower to build up the temp ES in preparation for a tough rare or boss if one is present. I hope somebody out there read this and finds this post helpful as it took me almost a week of keeping up to date on the game as a whole as well as.to find out where the build was failing me in terms of defenses as well offense. Again not to say the original build is strictly bad, but it is NOT for me, and given responses I'd assume a lot of players that want consistency of mapping/clears more so then big spikes in terms of raw dps. |
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Just hit level 90 tonight after a string of double corrupted T15's and a few T16's.
I'm really satisfied with the final state of the build and overall gameplay and skill expression opportunities. I had a great time and wasn't bored at all for almost all of it. Outside of a few moments of frustration, I was also very satisfied with the opportunities to experiment and min/max the gem setups, which evolved greatly as the demands of harder maps needed to be met. One of the most fun ARPG experiences I've had in recent memory. The thing about grinding up to 90 is that you just really cant afford to die at all, 10% of your exp bar might be two very expensive or annoying to acquire corrupted T15 maps that are worth running. So, some things had to be adjusted gear wise and skill gem wise to respond to the RIPpy map mods that I had to run due to no map sustain. Thoughts on gems: Fireball (arcane tempo, scattershot, controlled destruction, inspiration) turned the skill from less of a super shotgun, into an automatic shotgun with a choke. It became very useful as long distance crowd control total lockdock of the annoyingly HUGE and ENDLESS packs of monsters in juiced maps. Not exaggerating sometimes I would just set up in a chokepoint with my sigil of power and spam down a hallway for a good 20 second, because stuff just kept charging in from offscreen. This is probably because we create frost walls when we freeze things, and stuff from offscreen aggros onto them. Ember Fusillade (Unleash, Considered Casting, Rising Tempest, Fork) went from being an annoying skill I never used, to one of my favorites thanks to the interaction of unleash and our added projectile nodes. Getting 9 embers instantly meant we could stack up to max damage with the skill with 2 casts. Adding fork was just extra fun and utility, because we could shoot through our walls now instead of being blocked by them. Feels so good to get a full stack with one button press, and unload it with a fire ball swarm into a rare pack and watch everything detonate. Frost Wall (Spell Echo, Cascade, Conc Effect, Ingenuity) evolved quite a bit from the early days of our build. After the wildshard nerf, it became a core skill of our build for bossing. When I combined spell echo and cascade, it's potential skyrocketed. Spell echo usually just overwrites, but with a boss on top it auto-detonates the first wall placed. Cascade with frost walls sets up a perfect trap for our fireballs, and its honestly a very satisfying gameplay to dance around the boss placing walls for the ideal shotgun blast. Frost wall usage in high tier maps was very common both to control mobs, distract offscreen mobs, and to instant detonate 'large' mobs that crush the walls automatically. Cast on freeze frost wall was a real revelation when I started using it. Before that, open maps were a bit annoying. After COF fw, open maps were now my own hallway shooting gallery. Automating exposure here was the right idea, these frost walls dont need to do big damage, just exist to blow up our fireballs against. Flame wall went from being a core ability in struggle mode at low tier maps, to being something I only rarely used in high tier maps since simply holding down the fireball button was enough to get aoe damage and crowd control done. It came into play during rare and boss killing, but vs normal mobs it began just slowing me down. It's very good and the damage boost is huge...it's just that we have enough damage for normal mob clearing without it. Sigil of power is GOAT'd for what it does. It ramps up quickly and the damage is just tremendous. It's a little boring I guess, but the class fantasy is there and it feels cool to camp my magic rune and nuke stuff down. The progressively blurred/weird graphic effect around it at max power makes ground effects hard to see though. Thoughts on passives: Going added projectiles was the right choice after the wildshard nerf. The synergy with frost wall shotgun playstyle, and now with the ember fusillade unleash tech is just huge, but more importantly its fun as hell. ES/MoM was a massive crutch and made gearing simple while providing excessive defense for cheap. I really don't like getting too deep into trade league things, so this was good for me. I also see no reason to ever switch out of ES/MoM except at ultra endgame perfect ES/CI gear. I have like 8k health pool and my gear total probably only costs 30ex. 8k health was enough to absorb even a monkey pillar strike in T15. Speaking of CI, at the moment I really didn't feel threatened by chaos damage. With 60 chaos res I was able to comfortably do chaos heavy and chaos added damage maps without it feeling bad. There are of course tricks with CI for enhancing ES regen but I don't feel like I was missing out. I have linked my gem setup and progression tree in the beginning of the thread. Thanks for following along this far. I'm going to finish up trials/ultimatum tomorrow then investigate what needs to be done to get the bosses on the map. I never found a citadel while mapping from T1-16. Not one. |
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