(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)
Today I 6 linked my Fireball. 3 div is a big investment but fireball took me all this way so I decided to go all the way with it.
I am using Arcane Tempo, Scattershot, Wildshards, Controlled Destruction, and Inspiration to farm T15/T16 breach and ritual (layout permitting). For super rippy maps or ultimatum/sanctum I switch out wildshards for Energy Barrier(begin ES recharge when stunned). For fast tower clears or other speed farming I go with mobility. 6L fireball feels excellent and has tons of versatility to switch up our capabilities. I have a serious amount of cast speed on my gear now, it feels like the right way to scale the damage for league content. You really do just need an excessive amount of screenwide AOE to deal with breach and ritual. Considering fork on fireball instead for ritual TBH. Definitely not maxxed out gear wise, but content wise it's feeling a bit samey. I still haven't found a single citadel(???). Going to mess around a bit and see what I can finish up, and then finalize the build guide in the coming days. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 20, 2024, 5:02:34 AM
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The build looks cool but its though to get started. I see so many "options" you give, but id rather have a clear single path to start from. Then move on.
I struggle to get this running, i dont even understand which spells to use. Does this even work with 2-3 L only? Edit: TL:DR, we need a TL:DR. Last edited by Dixegu#6711 on Dec 20, 2024, 5:41:38 AM
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" Absolutely does. Before you can use the gauntlets, which are key to the success of the build, you pretty much have to make do with whatever you can use. Ember Fulisade for single target, maybe Spark and Fire Wall for clearing. When you have access to Ice Wall, Fireball and the Gauntlets is when stuff comes together: Use Sigil of Power on weaponswap (When you have access to it), throw down a Fire Wall, use Ice Wall on/next to the boss, then hit it with a Fireball that passes through the Fire Wall. Recast Icewall, recast Fireball, repeat. You want to hopefully have up Exposure from Frost Bomb when you can for the extra damage too. You do want a weapon with +Fire Gem levels, that's either a staff if you want higher levels from it earlier, or a wand if you want lower levels earlier but being able to hold a Focus too. |
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" tl;dr is put the gloves on and shoot fireballs at frost walls everything in the guide is simply an expansion of that concept Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 20, 2024, 6:04:07 AM
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Well, been trading most of the evening to upgrade my gear. Just gotta get a new helmet tomorrow, the ones up tonight just aren't quite good enough for me to shell out the cost.
Will mean I'm FINALLY capped on resists, doing maps with half resists was... interesting. 40% chaos res too, and 4.6k ES plus whatever extra I get from a helm upgrade which should be a pretty hefty chunk. Pretty happy too, I picked up a cheap pair of dual resist 30% speed boots... slammed an exalt and got the third resist. Next level I think I'm finally picking up MoM too so that should be a big help (hopefully). Edit: And then it's trying to find Jewels... ahahaha... haha *cries* Last edited by Zephryl#5929 on Dec 20, 2024, 7:40:08 AM
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" Would you mind posting your gear? So that we get an idea of what to aim for? My stream: https://www.twitch.tv/m_bison__
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" My Gear, except no hat yet. I only need... I think 26 lightning res, so I can afford to be pretty picky with that I pick up. There is also a lot of room for adjustment, especially if you don't want to get to the 190 spirit like I did. The chest piece was by far the most expensive thing so far, and the wand probably has some relatively inexpensive upgrades when I feel my DPS starting to slack. With the exception of the chest, all of this was between 1 and 10 ex each. Edit: Also pretty sure the Chaos ring can have an Exalt plugged into it, which I shall do after I get my helm Edit 2: Did a quick browse for hats since I was on anyway, picked one up so I slammed exalts into the rest of my gear where there was room. The ring rolled another element to attack, sadly useless but will up the resale value when I upgrade down the track I guess. Didn't realise my boots had another slot, so that was a pleasant surprise. Bought a high ES hat with the resist I needed, exalted it twice and got Rarity and Intelligence which I'm happy with. Brought me up to 5,737 ES and my next level is either MoM or Illuminated Crown, which will boost my new hats ES by 70%. I expect I'll try out MoM, I'm not sure if I have the mana regen for it since I have... almost 0 jewels. I have a random +cold damage one I looted in a slot, and the rest are empty. Last edited by Zephryl#5929 on Dec 20, 2024, 10:43:29 AM
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" Thanks for sharing! Are you going CI with all this stuff without life and little chaos res? My stream: https://www.twitch.tv/m_bison__
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Life really doesn't do much for us if we are running MoM, ES/Mana are like life but better because they both recharge quickly.
Chaos damage doesn't bypass shield in PoE2, it just does double damage to ES, so we still have our whole mana pool as a buffer for our health bar You can safely drop health and focus on mana/es entirely. I don't think we can get mana on chest, so you can try to get int and a bit of health just for that much bigger total hp pool. Most importantly, we have almost zero capability to scale our max health on the tree that is available to us, but tons of ways to scale ES, and several to protect and grow our mana. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 20, 2024, 11:07:45 AM
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Yeah as much as I love Chaos Inoc, there's just no need for it. 40% Res is still very nice, just gotta be vigilant for chaos effects.
Also I tried out MoM and... not yet, unfortunately. At least not without Jewels, or a 5L so I can slot in Inspiration. In happier news, I took the extra energy shield node so I broke 6k. When I find some more Armour Quality items I should wind up at 6100, maybe close to 6200. Not sure what I'm expected to be at for high end mapping, but this should carry me a fair ways. Edit: Would Mana Regen jewels be a substitute for Mana on Kill ones? I don't see myself being able to snag any of those for a while, the cheap ones sell out instantly. Last edited by Zephryl#5929 on Dec 20, 2024, 11:20:41 AM
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