TRADE System in PoE

Trade system is SHIT. I message to somebody 80% of them dont replie, or change price。

make the trade system different, it's terrible, for example an auction like Alva's!
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 5:49:14 PM
I have no idea why there is not more posts about this. I guess the POE1 community is used to it. There are a few reasons I stopped playing POE1 and this is one of them.

Having a website to do trading makes no sense to me. Even with the current system it should all be done within the game and like the post says there should be a way for people not to post cheap stuff for low currency. As it stands I would never trade in this game.
Last edited by Devrik_van#2065 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:00:22 AM
I have had the same experience several 100 whispers 0 replies I am curious if it's even working correctly. I hope it becomes an in-game feature if it stays as is, I'm probably done.
Last edited by LevityBrevity#2514 on Dec 16, 2024, 3:27:20 AM
For me, it was always the worst part of PoE1, and for this day and age, it tastes even worse on a new game.

You don't get answers on your whispers because those are all price fixing bots.

For a game with such emphasis on trading, it's amazing how bad the trading system is.
The trading should be done in game.
Just put an Auction House in game.
I have had the same experience several 100 whispers 0 replies I am curious if it's even working correctly. I hope it becomes an in-game feature if it stays as is, I'm probably done.

As a casual dad that got to the end game a few times in POE1 and did maps, I think I can say most new players wouldn't get this system. From what I gather you need to trade in higher maps.

I think either make solo self bound better or make it so trade is easier for a casual. (Look how Last Epoch did it) I think POE2 is amazing and I am not going anywhere, but most likely a chunk of players will leave due to this.
Absolutely agree with OP, but don't get your hopes up. There are few posts about it because this used to be discussed a lot in PoE, GGG flatly refused to change it because of some esoteric BS reasons and I doubt they will change it now. People who hated it moved on, turned to SSF or learned to (grudgingly) accept it.

This is the way trading was done in Diablo II in early 2000's (and it felt kinda clunky even back then tbh)

This is the way trading is in PoE (and it feels shit, agree on that)

Implementing this ancient system in 2025 game feels like a bad joke, but here we are.

You can find multiple dev statements defending this system, apparently the fact rest of gaming world moved on years ago doesn't matter, if it was in Diablo II it's good enough and here to stay.

I just hope SSF will remain viable for this game, though current state of crafting is worrying, to say the least.
Tbh I thought they would add the settlers system to poe 2. My main problem with poe 2 isnt trading itself though but how balanced the game is around it. Gl finding items you want while not trading... I had really hoped they would dial back rng in ssf and not double down by removing the crafting bench. Other games got this balance much better, making a single player or coop game should be #1 priority. Not force us into trading even more.
icBett#4738 wrote:
Trade system is SHIT. I message to somebody 80% of them dont replie, or change price。

make the trade system different, it's terrible, for example an auction like Alva's!

You are trying to buy obscure items for 1ex or lower, and it is not worth people's time to stop what they are doing to trade you.

The solution is, don't trade so early. Get to maps first SSF, save your currency, and then buy gear to cap your resists for maps.

You shouldn't need to trade obscure 1ex items a lot. It only takes 2 good mods on an item to make it viable for campaign. When you start trading 5ex+ for gear, or buying stuff in bulk, then people will respond.

In the campaign/ before that, just save all the res gear you find, and when you encounter a boss that does cold damage you can't avoid, throw the cold res gear on, etc. Use charms if you can't fill it out to 75.
Last edited by AverBeg7#1689 on Dec 16, 2024, 5:11:22 AM
Would prefer an auction house system in game. Another thing, is that I have no idea what items should be worth.

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