TRADE System in PoE

There is 3rd party programs available that can "pricecheck" items with a keybind. Just hit the keybind tick the mods that look good and adjust the range to something similiar.

I use Sidekick Beta for PoE2, because I don't like using the Overwolf overlay.

I am not affiliated with Sidekick, and Sidekick is not affiliated with GGG in any way.

Another good tip, is to make sales tabs for "1ex", etc. and set it to automatically price them at 1ex. Chuck anything you're not sure about in the 1ex tab, and if people are live-searching for it (it's really valuable) then you should get a whisper really fast. If you get a whisper, then go back and price check it.
Last edited by AverBeg7#1689 on Dec 16, 2024, 5:16:03 AM
The official GGG stance on this issue is that trading has to be inconvenient to add friction, so people wont trade as much.
Even the trading we have now with the trade search on this side has been a thorn in GGGs eyes.
In early poe you had to post your items for trade in the forums trading section and also look through other peoples posts trying to find an item you need.
After a little while poexyz made the trade site with the same name (later on and it became the gold standard for poe trade, so much so that GGG saw themselves forced to adapt it for them and implement it on their site.
This is what you have here now as the trade search.
GGG would probably like to have trading even less convenient than it is now and they havent budged on this stance for 12 years now so i doubt they will in the future.
They have budged on it though. In Settlers they gave us Currency Exchange, so all forms of currency can be bought conveniently. That is in PoE2.

I don't doubt they might make it easier still.
Last edited by AverBeg7#1689 on Dec 16, 2024, 5:19:19 AM

From what I gather you need to trade in higher maps.

You don't have to, but you really want to.

The reasons why you're not getting an invite when you message about an item:
- The seller got 50 messages and decided to sell it to someone else than you
- The seller got 50 messages and realized the item is worth more, so they will relist at higher price (some people just throw every item into bulk 1ex each tab and only price check when they get a lot of messages about the item)
- The item already sold but website didn't update yet
- The seller is a troll posting highly sought after items for low price and ignoring messages just to vandalize the trade site (use the ignore feature on these)
- The seller just entered a map/is busy doing something and can't be bothered to leave it to trade you
- The seller is away from the keyboard, but didn't get flagged by the afk system yet

And yes, I also don't like this system, yes, I would rather have an auction house, yes, I'm used to it
If I remember correctly GGG didn't want a normal auction house to make bot's lives hell, but players suffer from it way more than bots
AverBeg7#1689 wrote:
They have budged on it though. In Settlers they gave us Currency Exchange, so all forms of currency can be bought conveniently. That is in PoE2.

I don't doubt they might make it easier still.

That is true, still i wouldnt get my hopes up. I would like some kind of automated trading system as well (for trading convenience, but also to make it harder on price fixers), but i have learned to live with what we got and just cant get myself to believe they would change this.
It baffles me that we have to use the same "go to web page" that in PoE1 even to manage the guild.

I agree with OP. There is 0 reason to not have an ingame solution to this.
Last edited by DeusExPoE#0456 on Dec 18, 2024, 4:36:27 PM
Bots can really only affect buyout items, ie a bot that scans the AH constantly looking for accidently lowball listed items and then reselling.

Thing is every endgame player pretty much has multiple active searches up, if you list an item too low you will know basically instantly when you get 50 whispers. So we kind of have human bots already.

Having a timed auction would fix that.

Second thing is bots do most of their damage via currency farming and selling, inflating currency, but not injecting more gear/items into the market.

The bettle checkpoint farm we had, probably did irreperable damage to the economy. I have a very basic understanding of AHK and I could have probably written a bot to farm that for currency, let alone someone with coding skills. Every account could probably generate 10-20ex an hour or more doing that, and with divs at what they are now even more.

I have more hours trading than 90% of people do playing the game, and know every in and outs of it, I have a huge advantage over a lot of people because of that, but I wouldn't even mind an AH wiping out all of that expierence and leveling the playing field a bit.
Last edited by BossOfThisGym#2062 on Dec 18, 2024, 4:42:49 PM
In-game Auction House like the Currency Exchange Alva has would be amazing for both games yeah. Trade has so many problems, people can just not respond, or be toxic and up their price on the item. There's also scammers. At least an AH with a gold cost on it would solve it all and it would be hard for bots to use it.
I know GGG say they're content with having no central AH, but somehow, they're fine with a Trade site that does the exact same thing except automating the transaction. And they're fine with a currency exchange, go figure.

They say they want people to have some kind of meaningful player interraction, but 90% of the time, at least in PoE, trading resulted in no chat time. It's invite, open trade, close trade, leave party, back to map... and somehow, I totally understand why players would do that as most people don't care about the other players enough. It's not important unless it's your guildie or friend, as you're unlikely to really speak or see that player again anytime soon.

Relying on whisper/invite/trade is just... an unecessary layer that even makes trading tedious and borderline annoying. Yesterday, I was trying to buy a few 5-10 ex items and... 90% of the time, I had no reply. I understand if someone is in a timed content, or Trials, they're certainly not going to drop it for a potential "sale". I wouldn't. Then, 10 minutes after I bought an item, I receive an invite for another item I asked for 15 minutes ago. Here again, I understand that this player was either AFK or in some kind of content where they could not TP out.

Having both "Auctions" and "Buyout" items would make it possible for anyone to sell their high value items at market value through a timed auction, and fast sell through a Buyout system. It would be really hard to gauge the initial value of each item on league start, just like it currently is, Auction house or not.

Right now, some players new to PoE want to trade to progress, but don't know to proceed and find it very odd that we have to go on a website to see a list of items and their asked price. Having some kind of centralized AH would clear most of the annoyances and would provide a better player experience to trading.

It does, however, would require GGG to change their stance on it, and then put a lot of dev ressource on it for it to be functional.

The currency exchange is kind of nice though, and I really thought they would do the same with an AH.
Every time someone bring up the idea of an Auction House I have to tap the sign.

Trading is important for PoE, but a fully automated Auction House will always devolve into a bot controlled market, where items are bought in a server tick and a couple of people manipulate the whole market via mass buyouts.

It happened in D3, in WoW, in Eve Online and in every other videogames with an auction house. Hell it's happening in real life right new on the stock exchange.

What we need is simply to add the Trade Page in the game itself and make sure the AFK players are quickly removed from the list when they don't respond to players in a timely manner (simple, just have a player automatically drop AFK if they don't answer a Trade generated /w in 30 seconds. Once they are AFK remove them from the search until they get out of AFK.

Yes, it's less efficient to have to look for the narrow spectrum of item for sale by player currently logged in, have to /w them, group them, get to their place and finally trade, but it's the only way to avoid the whole market falling in AI hands (and it will still happen, it will just slow the AI just as much as it slows the player, which will massively reduce their effiency).

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