TRADE System in PoE

they should scrap all third party apps for poe. those are poe 1 things... they should be banned for poe 2. the hardcore pc players sbhouldnt need all those crutches ot make trade easier. if they do they arnt hardcore at all. funny how they refuse to give those up and say trade is fine. trade is only fine because you need you crutches. your pricing tools. add ons cheats. you never want to play vanilla. pc players are coddled little children who cant play poe normally lol. and they call console players plebs. pc plebs more like.
come play on console for one minute and trade.... no ad ons. no trade macros to make life easier. use a controller like we are forced to.
If anything there should be a market where you but up a item for a price and if it's bought it's bought, not having to deal with price tuners or people being afk/busy.

That's my opinion.
Much like the fact that we're all here talking to eachother on a forum in 2024, it's just embarrassing for GGG that so many crucial features of the game are on a separate website instead of directly ingame.

I'm surprised GGG don't mail an AOL trial CD with the early access keys to help people get online. Because it unironically feels like playing a game from 1999.

F***ing embarrassing lack of feature integration, especially after 10+ years of development.

I'm also sick of having to use third-party tools to fill the gap. Most of them are poorly developed and maintained because, let's face it, the people who made those tools aren't professionals and just want to play the game, not look after some extra piece of software.

I honestly wouldn't mind if a fully featured ingame trading system was a paid/mtx extra thing, either, to deter bot accounts etc.

Just add it already, for the love of god.
Agree 100%

This post goes more in depth about issue:
Last edited by berlord#9140 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:03:18 AM
icBett#4738 wrote:
Trade system is SHIT. I message to somebody 80% of them dont replie, or change price。

make the trade system different, it's terrible, for example an auction like Alva's!

Instant buyout
This whole trading system is archaic and it seems like bots are rampant. Having to go to an external site/auction house is absurd in what is marketed as a modern version of poe aimed at new players and an apparent gigantic audience. Sort this junk out please.
Completely agree. This game needs an Auction House and the trades need to be automated. I dont want to have to leave a map to go trade with another player. It detracts from the game. Please fix this, GGG!!
jersch_#2179 wrote:
The official GGG stance on this issue is that trading has to be inconvenient to add friction, so people wont trade as much.
Even the trading we have now with the trade search on this side has been a thorn in GGGs eyes.
In early poe you had to post your items for trade in the forums trading section and also look through other peoples posts trying to find an item you need.
After a little while poexyz made the trade site with the same name (later on and it became the gold standard for poe trade, so much so that GGG saw themselves forced to adapt it for them and implement it on their site.
This is what you have here now as the trade search.
GGG would probably like to have trading even less convenient than it is now and they havent budged on this stance for 12 years now so i doubt they will in the future.

The one and only dogshit take from GGG, there is zero reason to not be trading in a trade league nor should they be discouraging it.
Every time someone bring up the idea of an Auction House I have to tap the sign.

Trading is important for PoE, but a fully automated Auction House will always devolve into a bot controlled market, where items are bought in a server tick and a couple of people manipulate the whole market via mass buyouts.

It happened in D3, in WoW, in Eve Online and in every other videogames with an auction house. Hell it's happening in real life right new on the stock exchange.

What we need is simply to add the Trade Page in the game itself and make sure the AFK players are quickly removed from the list when they don't respond to players in a timely manner (simple, just have a player automatically drop AFK if they don't answer a Trade generated /w in 30 seconds. Once they are AFK remove them from the search until they get out of AFK.

Yes, it's less efficient to have to look for the narrow spectrum of item for sale by player currently logged in, have to /w them, group them, get to their place and finally trade, but it's the only way to avoid the whole market falling in AI hands (and it will still happen, it will just slow the AI just as much as it slows the player, which will massively reduce their effiency).

Being forced to be online to sell anything is bad, especially when streamers have 50 different people who pass items around so that they can sell them. Auction houses solve this problem, it would be 100x better if i could farm out lets say a max adorned, put it on the trade market, go to work, come home to currency.

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