[Merc] Flash Grenade Melter (Easy, Cheap, Fast Clear on T16+)

Why does flash grenade do more damage than explosive grenades?
Konried#2763 wrote:
"budget items" lol, lmao

anyways I've been leveling a merc and decided to give the grenades a try
your setup works really well, thanks for the guide

Most of that gear in the budget category legitimately cost me 20ex or less. But I got it before the economy blew up.

Also you don’t need to min max this you can see how tanks I am, so just get a little less life or chaos res to start then upgrade as you earn currency. There’s no one required stat or item.
Last edited by katonz#3113 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:29:09 AM
Why does flash grenade do more damage than explosive grenades?

The damage is actually worse, but they have a much shorter fuse time and mana cost so you don’t have to trigger them and can fire lots of rounds.

They also have 500% stun buildup so they insta stun everything, 100% blind, and knock back. So the DPS is slightly worse but the ease of use and defensive bonuses make them better (in my opinion)
Last edited by katonz#3113 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:27:34 AM
Which bases should I look for armor pieces, evasion armor or ES?

Early on, just focus on pure evasion or evasion + armor depending on what your strength/dex supports. With life and resists.

Around level 80 I took passive tree node that gives me evasion per armor on the gloves I wear, which let me wear pure armor gloves (base doesn’t matter) and get a bunch of evasion + the armor helps me tank big slams. Then at around 90 I got nodes that gave me Evasion per Energy Shield on my helmet, and I switched to an ES + evasion helmet to maximize that (I don’t have the int to wear pure ES helmet).
I know there are multiple mixed nodes near this part of the passive tree but wouldn't it make sense to go full armor for this build considering you're permanently blinded and it reduces your evasion by 20%?
I know there are multiple mixed nodes near this part of the passive tree but wouldn't it make sense to go full armor for this build considering you're permanently blinded and it reduces your evasion by 20%?

Evasion allows you to use ghost shroud more effectively and while you are permanently blinded, so are the enemies, so that part cancels out. There isn't really an armor equivalent to ghost shroud, and you can also use wind dancer as an added defense layer.

Armor is probably fine too, it's just not as easy as evasion/es in late game is.
I know there are multiple mixed nodes near this part of the passive tree but wouldn't it make sense to go full armor for this build considering you're permanently blinded and it reduces your evasion by 20%?

Evasion allows you to use ghost shroud more effectively and while you are permanently blinded, so are the enemies, so that part cancels out. There isn't really an armor equivalent to ghost shroud, and you can also use wind dancer as an added defense layer.

Armor is probably fine too, it's just not as easy as evasion/es in late game is.

Being blinded reduces my evasion from 86->83%, so I haven’t had a huge issue with it. Haven’t experimented with armor though it could be good as well, evasion has just felt great and also helps with else dmg mitigation.
Posted posted what I think will be my final update, which is a video vs. level-82 breachstone & boss: https://youtu.be/zso0AmIkiUM
I think the real Pro of this build is that my screen doesnt stutter anymore unlike with 5 Explosive Grenades going off at once :D
I added one more update, which was switching to Morrior Invictus armor with 5 slots and global defenses + max life. this took me from ~23% armor -> 40% (huge), 2.7k life -> 3k life, and 1.1k ES -> 1.2kES. It came at the cost of 8% chaos resistance + some of my overcapping on fire resistance, but I think it's worth it.

You could squeeze more chaos resistance onto the gloves by getting triple res rings, but that would be so expensive I'm not sure it's worth it.

But end result is that I'm now even tankier + my DPS per grenade has gone up to 21.4k with all the improvements.
Last edited by katonz#3113 on Dec 23, 2024, 11:30:18 AM

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