Mektul - this might be the point I call it quits ( whiney rant, don't bother)

Valsacar#0268 wrote:
There aren't any non-minion builds that can actually do damage right now. Very boring.

Yes, that's why my warrior with only 2 ascendency points steam rolled over him... while under leveled.

That fight is honestly one of the easiest ones in the game, there's no really bad mechanics. It's just a simple "are you ready to progress to harder content" test of your DPS.

If you can't beat it, look at where your problem is and improve that.

A whiney rant is not feedback, it's... well a whiney rant, also known as bitching and complaining.

Didn't I specifically ask you to not bother? Why did you bother? What exactly do you bring to the table? Am I wrong in pointing out that for ME this is not good? Was I dreaming may be? Have I not pointed out it's a whiney rant?
I know where my problem is: not enough DPS, I need to DOUBLE my dps, which was perfectly fine for the entire time before this boss, and all of a sudden, the game is telling me "oh nevermind, it's actually HALF where it should be". Just go solve that problem, go ahead and farm a better weapon, or better yet, completely change your build, which was working perfectly fine just a second ago. Now that's big fun big bad gamer man, that's great game design!

Anyway, thank you for your contribution!
Just chiming in to say that I concur that this boss feels bad. Surviving is not an issue. He never gets my health even half way down. I just can't kill him because I guess I made the mistake of leveling up with a fire build.

After much trial and error and wasted resources I don't think there is anything I can do to make my build kill him, so I guess I'll skip.
Major problem with this boss is there's a hidden mechanic that isn't communicated at all. He is much tankier when he's near the lava, making the DPS check even stupider unless you figure out you have to keep luring him far from the lava stream.
I complained about him much earlier when I faced him, not because he was difficult (he was not), but for the out-of-where hard DPS check that made the fight hell for a lot of builds. Act 1-3 is when you're the weakest and most people don't have good gear to help them do more DPS. I am against enrage-timers on bosses in a single player game in principle, this is a MMO mechanic it doesn't belong here. As long as I'm skilled enough, who cares if I run around the boss for 10minutes without attacking just to troll him?

Btw beating him grants access to the reforge bench which is sorta needed in maps. Lame it's gated behind him. But usually if you over level him by a lot or get a really good weapon then the fight is much easier.
Maldosam#3663 wrote:
Hi all, hi GGG,

So for a bit of context, I'm 44, I have a job, I guess kinda casual+ POE 1 player (1800h, beat all bosses except ubers I think, but I'm not a zoom-zoomer, and I definitely use guides. There is still plenty to learn and optimise in a build without the need to hit a brick wall because you don't have the time to iterate again and again). Also that's probably why I'm still at Act 3 normal. I don't have that much time to play (but still more than many I'd say... I'm far ahead of the 3 colleagues I convinved to play the beta... guess I owe them apologies now), plus I'm taking my time, taking in the sights the lore, not in a rush (especially when I hear about the state of endgame...).

There's a lot to like in POE2. The artistic side is phenomenal, the gameplay is much improved (not sure about the dodge roll though. I can use it but I'm not sure I like it), but there is still much to improve (QoL, balance, fatty tedium to cut out...).

Which brings me to Mektul (the forgemaster), why, to me it's a special kind of bad, and why if this is the shape of things to come I'm not sure I will keep playing.

So Mektul. Basically he's a DPS check: you're on a timer to bring his health bar to 0. He does fire dmg, so I switch to a fire charm, I put on my fire rings (I keep res rings around to switch as needed), and now he can't kill me, I don't even use half my health pot by the time we reach the end of the tunnel and it's ggwp for me.

Okay, not enough DPS. I do fire dmg (this guide and he resists it (I put 26% fire exposure on him, may be it's not enough). Kinda sucks to put a dps check that counters some builds. But ok. I see he's vulnerable to cold dmg. A quick trip to town, I have a few uncut gems laying around, I switch my loadout to cold dmg. I try it and I do far less (like 80% less) dmg than with fire... okay then, let's ask Google if there's something I missed in the fight...

Right, I have to draw him far from the lava, so that he loses his empowered by molten gold buff, then I can do moar dmg. OK, I do that, and it really changes nothing, he pants for a second and then scampers back to the lava. I still kill basically half his life and then GG.

I was doing fine before, it says on the tin of the zone "Level 41", I'm probably lvl43 or 44, doing the content just fine, and then I face this hard fail.

If the answer is I have to overlevel, then why does it say level 41 ? Alternatively, why don't all bosses require you to over level them ? At this point it's basically random difficulty spikes (same with trials by the way, I think, ultimatum trial is supposed to be lvl38, may be I'm doing something wrong, but I just can't beat that bird). Mektul is kinda optional fight, so I'll to come to him later. But I hope this is not the intended difficulty and what is to be expected, then this game is not for me (mind, I enjoy the challenging bosses! one of the highlights of the game, but it has to be a fair challenge). I've seen something similar in Elden Ring with the horseman in the beginning. I refunded. I don't care if you're supposed to come to him later or whatever. I ain't got time for that, but at least with Elden Ring there wasn't a sign saying "yeah, this is level appropriate". Trial and error is good and all, but spending two hours getting my ass handed to me, because may be I'm not actually supposed to kill this boss now is not exactly my idea of fun.

Anyway, that was my rant. If I'm doing something wrong, I'm open to constructive advice, otherwise this is not fun, if the game remains this way I'm probably out.

PS: For the "git gud" crowd. Don't bother. You're great, you have good skills and a big pipi. Congratulations. I don't care. This is MY feedback.

Edit: went back and did the Queen of Filth. First try, no sweat. Oh, and apparently Mektul drops a lvl 11 uncut skill gem. A random mob dropped one in the next zone anyway... So either this sh*t is broken, or IF it's intended as DPS(chack before going into maps, or the next act or whatever, put it at a level appropriate spot.

Yea this Boss also threw me for a loop the first time I encountered it.
I use a Ranger build and by default I try to keep my distance from bosses etc. However this one keeps running back to the lava if it gets too far out.

So what you need to do is maintain a medium distance from it, just enough that it's JUST BARELY outside the lava stream and pelt it until it dies. Takes a while. I had to switch to explosive Gas Arrow and then later I had a very high DPS Orb of Storms/Lightning Rod build that could do the trick in Cruel.
The problem with having to switch my build around like that was I was really low on uncut gems early on and finding the ones at the right low level took some trade. Which also sucks.

So yea the act of switching your build around in POE1 is a matter of carefully shopping and then getting the right socket colours.
In POE2, it's a lot more resource constrained and I'd say close to impossible without Trade.
The only build I had issues with on Mektul was trying a physical quarterstaff chonk build, but I think that's mostly an issue with whirling assault being undermined (spamming Belly eventually allowed him to clear).

He might be a tough fight and annoying for melee, but both my warrior and invoker steamrolled him. It just takes some knowledge of the game and a bit of luck with your weapons.
Last edited by Amorencinteroph#4321 on Dec 26, 2024, 1:55:08 AM
Yes, he's a DPS check with weird mechanics that rewards certain builds and punishes others.

.... but given that he's a completely optional boss with completely optional rewards, I don't really understand the problem.

I view the side bosses of PoE1 and PoE2 the same way: They're like the Weapons from FFVII. They should be harder than progression-gating bosses and offer nice-but-not-necessary rewards.

It is impossible for all bosses to feel the same amount of hard to all builds without making everything samey, which is boring.

In PoE1, when making characters, I think about what I want them to be able to kill. My righteous fire builds can sit on Exarch's face the whole fight while I drink tea. My Flicker Strike builds can't even enter that arena without spontaneously exploding into gore splatter, but they can clear a map in a tenth of the time the RF builds do.

This is the Way.

Mandatory content-gating bosses should be manageable, but side-quest bosses have only one job: providing challenge to people who aren't feeling challenged.

That's it. That's all they're for.

If anything, every boss that doesn't reward you with skill points, spirit, HP or resistances should be harder, faster, meaner and weirder.

That's just my 2c though.
Last edited by MamanBrigitte#4184 on Jan 3, 2025, 8:02:54 PM
Mandatory content-gating bosses should be manageable, but side-quest bosses have only one job: providing challenge to people who aren't feeling challenged.

OK, I see your point, but I'm not sure (may be I'm wrong) that was the idea behind this boss. Soon after you meet Napuatzi who is also a DPS check, and to my bad build at the time she also was not accessible. Since I changed the build they both became doable. I'd even say Mektul is actually easier! That's why I'm not sure that was what GGG had in mind.

So, if Napuatzi who gates content checks the level of you build to advanvce in the campaign, my issue is that the spike is too drastic compared to the content before. If my DPS was lacking so much, I should start feeling it in maps and start having trouble killing mobs, before reaching the boss who puts a hard stop: you can't pass until you fix your build. I understand that, but I'm not sure it was executed correctly here.
u can skip that fight since it's optional and come back when u'r higher lvl, that'll be just fine i guess
Major problem with this boss is there's a hidden mechanic that isn't communicated at all. He is much tankier when he's near the lava, making the DPS check even stupider unless you figure out you have to keep luring him far from the lava stream.

Its not really hidden, the dude glows with the molten shell body effect when in the liquid gold and runs back into lava if you chunk him hard.
Reasonable to miss it your skills apply full body effects, but its not hidden.
Calling him a DPS check is nonsense compared to the actually bugged Act 2 statue, the 15-25% out of animation slam that hits for more then his fire chargup swing yet is also blocked by bloody pots on the ground jank of Blackjaw (that boss truly is "the Melee experienceTM" in all ways from both sides) or Viper either bugging out in arena being a free kill or phasing like Legion server desynch out of arena thus invulnerable (or worse but likely to actually be fixed by the time PoE2 releases, the current particle effects on soldiers not loading right if you tune down shaders thus sometimes being permanently green resorting to having to look at their legs twitching).

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