[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
I don't want to sound aggressive and my apologies if you got that impression ( that's why i don't like to do conversion over the internet ).
Of course it's not about "my Kung-fu is better than yours" it's all about personal preferences and what works best for each individual. I do express sincere concerns about your survivability. Don't take it as a critique take it as an advice, an exchange of information if you will. You see the game is much , much harder and unforgiving now and there are things that are extremely deadly and one-shot people all day every day. So i can't take serious statements which claim that you go through everything like a breeze, because based on my experience that is just not true. For example without capped lightning res, or with capped ( but not overcapped ) lightning res or in a -max res you'll get one shotted in a Palace map ... on spot. Throw in extra monster damage, or extra boss damage or double bosses and it gets even worse. Or for example the new Village Ruin Map .. the boss duo and especially the chicken boss is just crazy ... his rain of arrows locks you in place and you can't move for a solid 2 seconds while he is recking you with crazy damage poison arrow ... in a vulnerability map it's worse .. in a a double boss vulnerability map - nightmare! I don't even want to speak what happens if you combine those 2 with extra boss speed and damage... And there are so many other things that can kill you ... and with the rate at which one gains exp above level 95 or even 90 ... leveling up becomes impossible if you die even occasionally. Again based on my experience for the last 2 days i had so many close calls, and one insta-death ... ( yet i haven't died before that for God knows how long ) ... and that's with my over-defensive spec ... Don't get fooled by what the game was a week ago my friend .. it is indeed a different game now, a harder more unforgiving game. P.S. As for your lighting resist ... come on man .. just respec the 16 max life/16% armour node in the marauder start and get the resist ... "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 12, 2015, 4:34:52 PM
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Everything is cool friend. in one thing u deffinetly right - since i didn`t played high lvl maps with uncomfortable mods , its utopia to speak with high prhases like "i do everything in one eye blink". Surely i didn`t try to sound like that.
Also would u pls explain more about Fortify gem. Is it only about incresing phys.damage % and taken damage reduction to 25%? So as i can understand: 1)%added phys damage 2)Fortify(damage taken reduction) Is that all? |
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Glad to hear that everything is fine... i hate it when people get the wrong impression... Honestly all i always try to do in this thread ( and the forums in general ) is to help, though i'm not sure if i'm always able to so ... but i try! :)
So fortify. It used to be 25% damage reduction from hits in the beta, now it is 20%. It does not reduce damage over time, so unfortunately it has no effect on the Blood Rage drain for example. The increased physical damage works just like any X% increased physical damage passive from the tree, or for example the quality bonus of melee physical damage. It's interesting that Fortify is applied after the armour reduction ( man it would've been awesome if it was before it ) when it comes to physical hits. Oh btw that remind me of something interesting that some people might not the. The Endurance charges give flat physical damage reduction and that damage reduction affect Damage over time effect like bleeding and yes - the Blood Rage degen. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 12, 2015, 5:53:38 PM
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Fortify is definetly must have as for me.
I`m just lvling one gem in secondary weapon slot. will exchange it with added fire damage as soon as it will reach lvl 20. Why not now - just because of clear speed which i need most for now as farming sacr. frags. its all about 20k dps difference but what it gives in excahge of that DPS is simply awsome. Thanks again for your large informative response. Will continue to track new post on this topic.Thanks for it. teaches a lot and gives really good advices with kind of analytics.Keep on!) |
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I'm glad i could help!
Ok guys so i've uploaded these two short boss fight videos: The new level 81 Palace boss fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aTZC-CEaiU&feature=youtu.be and the new level 80 Courtyard boss fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqlk0V1dfCg&feature=youtu.be sadly i'don't have any maps above level 78 at the moment but when one drops i'll make a video or two "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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again great videos thanks!
hope more will come :) |
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Thanks man! More will surely come ... though no luck today so far ... i'm out of my 78s too.
Btw guys i've added some more info in the "Jewels" section. Oh and something interesting that i've found ... no idea why i haven't done that yet. In my case with Cyclone: 1% increased attack speed = 208 DPS 1% increased physical damage = 85 DPS Or roughly 1% increased attack speed = 2.5% increased physical damage. That's just raw tooltip dps though , things like monsters armour must be considered too ( bigger hits penetrate more armour ) but even so i think it's safe tos ay that 1% increased attack speed = at least 2% increased physical damage "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 13, 2015, 8:11:20 AM
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Hey man, I already asked you something before, but here I am again :3
I was wondering, do you have any doubts about your 2.0.0 Duelist skill tree? I really liked your build before, which I didnt even change because it had everything my personal preference wanted, so I kinda think this one will be fine aswell. But I just wanted to make sure you like it yourself, and was wondering if you noticed any improvements after creating it. Greetings, Ricardo Last edited by TheRicardo311#2834 on Jul 13, 2015, 11:00:18 AM
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Yup, i'm absolutely happy with my 2.0.0 tree.
The only improvements that can occur in my opinion are based on whether or not you have a rare jewel for which it's worth it to grab an extra socket... So far i've got 1 extra socket for 2 passives ( refunded 2 12% physical damage nodes in the duelist start ) and in theory it is possible that i'll grab another socket for 3 passives ( the one above Resolute technique or the one in the scion start .. the one next to the res nodes ) if i craft good enough jewel that will give more than those passives. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Ah okay, thanks :3
I also just wanted to tell you that I think it's AWESOME that you quickly reply to everyone who posts something here. You always give a detailed explanation and I think that's a really nice thing to do :3 Thanks man :) |
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