[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

I hadn't fully analyzed the length of time it stays up. It's heavily nerfed from the past. I'm not sure how to get it to stay up for more than a second, which is a point against it. I might switch it out for Molten Shell. It does help, to be fair, if you run into something that does some huge physical hits that bypass even our armor ratings, but aside from that, I think it falls into the 'nice to have' category. If there was a good way to up it's duration, I think it'd be a lot more useful.

It could also be useful for leveling a Facebreaker as a way to mitigate physical damage before you have huge amounts of armor.
My Builds:

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1739942 - Flee the Fire! Fireball / Flameblast Sire of Shards Chieftain
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1572176 - Chill and Breathe: An Arctic Breath Totem Build
Last edited by Eustacio#3599 on Jul 13, 2015, 5:19:41 PM
Eustacio wrote:

It could also be useful for leveling a Facebreaker as a way to mitigate physical damage before you have huge amounts of armor.

It could be though the unreliable nature of CWDT makes it "not good enough" if you ask me. Perhaps if self-casted at the right moment ... i know i don't want to be the guy who has to rely so heavily on his reflexes to cast something that lasts for a second just in the right moment.

The way to prolong the duration is by grabbing a lot more endurance charges ... but that requires way too much passives in my opinion.

Like you said at the moment it is in the 'nice to have' category, which is just not good enough for me.

btw here's something interesting to look for in the warbands league:

Some say that they are godly BiS for Facebreaekrs boots ... i'd say .. .not really. Sure 5-7 flat phys is awesome ... but no life, only 20% movement speed, only fire resist( and not that much by the looks of it ). Still not a bad unique.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 13, 2015, 6:50:30 PM
It's a great unique if you can handle not getting life and can cap your resists elsewhere. Not always an easy task. 20% move speed is alright. Not spectacular, but at least the boots have move speed. If they didn't have move speed, I'd ignore them completely.

I'd rank them ahead of Great Old One's Ward in terms of "alternate gear options" to the standard setup, that's for certain.
My Builds:

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1739942 - Flee the Fire! Fireball / Flameblast Sire of Shards Chieftain
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1572176 - Chill and Breathe: An Arctic Breath Totem Build
Eustacio wrote:

I'd rank them ahead of Great Old One's Ward in terms of "alternate gear options" to the standard setup, that's for certain.

Yup, i can agree with that completely.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Hi, silent stalker here of your build. Great job and not that expensive. I found this little jewel recently and I think it sinergizes nicely with your build: http://i.imgur.com/xET46EV.jpg
IGN: Eluende
I nice jewel indeed though a rare one could give you more. The good thing about this nique jewel is that you don't need to worry about rolls and mods even if they can do more in the case of a rare jewel.

Anyway thanks for bringing that jewel to my attention, it was added in the jewel section :)

EDIT: I've refunded 3 points to grab an extra socket so i could use the pugilist and this is what i've got from all this:

+2% increased physical damage
+10% armour
+26% evasion
-3% life

Worth it in my opinion especially when i'll get back the refunded 5% life/ 6% armour passive when i reach level 97 ( and leveling seems easier now with the changes to map levels and char lvl vs area level exp penalty )
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 14, 2015, 11:59:37 AM
Hey, just wanted to share my setup to see what you think about gem links and in case it helps Belly of the Beast users:


I don't use all three auras at once. By by putting them all in my shield I can choose if I want Hatred + Determination or Hatred + Haste based on map mods.

I flip flop between using Enhance or Faster Attacks in my boots.

<< Passive Skill Tree >> (Feels done at level 94)

For jewels I use Warlord's Reach and Martial Artistry (I don't feel like I need any other jewel slots), but I really don't notice much of an AoE difference with or without the jewels when using Concentrated Effect.

Something I didn't expect: the new Shield Charge is fantastic! I love it. It gets you from A to B so quickly, and the recovery time is short.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Last edited by Tempada#2630 on Jul 14, 2015, 11:59:24 AM
Shield charge you say ... you know i haven't tried it in 2.0.0 . I'll get right to it!

Very first impressions about Shield charge:
I do like it to some extend. It gets you where you want to be faster, the downsides are that it gets blocked by all obstacles - big or small. Also there is a very brief period when you arrive while you are slamming with your shield you can do anything else, but that gets better if you combine it with faster attacks.

Of course a lot more testing is required and i wonder if i decide that i want to use it .. what will i drop ... and will i link it to faster attacks ( and what will i drop for the faster attacks ) Anyway it is surely worth checking out guys!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 14, 2015, 12:11:24 PM
What are your thoughts on lightning coil? Since facebreakers benefit so greatly from abyssus' flat physical damage, woulnd't it make sense to mitigate it's major downside with LC?

with a level 11 purity of lightning we can achieve 77% lightning resistance and the additional 40% physical damage from abyssus is mitigated by our lightning coil quite effectively.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
Yes, it improves your defenses a bit but at what cost ?
You need to use purity of lightning instead of determination .... and just by loosing determination you are loosing more physical mitigation than what you get from the lightning coil. And pretty much that's all that the chest does for you ... mediocre life, armour and evasion and thats it!
Lightning coil was godly when we could get very hight amounts of max lightning res now .. that's not really the case ... you still get 1/4 of the converted damage.

! The downside of the abyssus is a joke really ... and nothing to be afraid of.

Don't forget the following fact regarding the abyssus downside. The damage taken increase is applied AFTER the armour reduction

a quote from Mark on the matter :

Mark_GGG wrote:
Namcap wrote:
Does it come after armor reduction or before any mitigation is applied?
After. Modifiers to the amount of Damage Taken always apply after mitigation.
The Attackers modifiers to damage (dealt) are applied to work out the base damage of the hit, then the defender's armour/resistances/other mitigation are applied to this to work out damage taken. This value is then affected by any and all modifiers to damage taken.

let me try to explain it with the following example:
Lets say that you take a hit for 100 physical damage and lets say that you mitigate half of it with your armour and also you are wearing abyssus. Now many people think that with abyssus you you take 100 physical damage + 40 physical damage from your abyss for a total of 140 and then you'll reduce 50 points of that damage so in the end you'll take 90 points of physical damage. Well that is just not true. What happens is that the 100 damage is first reduced by 50 from your armour and then the remaining 50 is increased by 40% and in the end you take 70 points of damage. That's a huge difference and something that everyone should be aware of.

Anyway i've got sidetracked ... the point is that Abyssus isn't nearly as scary as many think.

As for Lightning Coil .. again .. you gain some resistance vs physical by converting a portion of it, but at the same time you loose protection again vs physical by not using determination, by using a low armour chest, by not getting easy endurance charges or not having 6% dodge ( compared to Daresso ) by getting mediocre life ( compared to Belly of the beast ) So in the end the lightning coil is not bad but it's not really worth it ... not in this case anyway, not with the other alternatives.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 14, 2015, 3:07:30 PM

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