[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
35-50% inc damage is nothing really ... in my case thats around 3k DPS and the attack speed can push it up to 3.5k dps or around 7% total damage increase while providing literally no defenses ... and of course an evasion chest ... good luck getting 4 off-colors.
Overall pretty useless chest in this case. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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OP can you expail that tree part, i followed this one: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwQAAO4EhwSzBS0GOQkzC2EMXwz3Dc0UIBUgFewZtBo-G5cbrRynHM4n7SpNK1As6S2DLlMvzDJONZI8BTwtPQ894j38PydAoEd-SO5KyE1GUEdRYFOlXz9i7GVNZ5to8m6qcql07XaseK55OXrvfNl9dX7ig1-DzITZhO-Gs4rwjM-PmaIAqZWsr62Nrj6vbK-ntfK2irc-uR29Nr6nwGbAv8GCxFjEgsT2xq7KkM9-0TbTb9N-18vYvdrB4izkUelG6dXqGO8O73rvfPAf8i_zBvZI9qP3Mvuq_gr-VP66
What extra did u put in besides that? |
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Well based on your profile and your character passive tree you don't have the 2x 10% inc damage while holding a shield + 3% attack speed while holding a shield. I also have 2 damage boosting jewels and the 6% attack speed node in the duelist start.
For the skill tree i am using and the jewels in it you should look in the "My Facebreaker build" section ... i must further remind you that i'm level 96 and i have more than 110 passive skill points to assign. But really of all that i've listed the tree differences are not even in the top 5 of the reasons for the difference in our dps. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Wow I didn't know that 35-50% increase in damage was very little. Well, 3k is very little right? (Seems like a lot when you are starting out XD )
Do you think it's better to invest in defenses that in offense? Like say gaining 4k more damage over 400 life? Or maybe more block chance and armor? Also, what would be better overall: Tabula Rasa for 6L or Daresso's Defiance 5L when starting out mapping and later on? Last edited by renroval#5813 on Jul 14, 2015, 7:14:49 PM
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In 2.0 Awakening I'm liking unarmed more with a legacy BoR vs. abyssus and a good 6L, at least with ice crash and blood rage now dealing physical damage. It actually saves ~15 points in the passive tree (since you can spend less on armor, block, and life regen). You end up with consistent endurance charges, more reliable procing of block effects, similar damage (if you use the saved passives to buff attack speed and grab some of the elemental damage nodes in the Templar area), similar effective life (better vs large physical hits), and you can use an offensive curse like elemental weakness instead of warlord's mark. I'll have to play around with ice crash more vs bosses, to see if it's good enough without a 4L for single target (and without carrying concentrated effect around to swap in).
Legacy BoR: Ice crash + fortify + added fire + 1 optional (I still haven't decided on the best 4th link - need to do more tests with hypothermia vs. cold penetration vs. physical to lightning). Rainbow Stride: curse + tempest shield + phase run + CWDT Shield + Facebreakers: flame golem + flame dash + blood rage + hatred + herald of ash + riposte + reckoning Gear-wise it's more tricky (especially with physical to lightning) because you need jewelry with high resists, life, added physical damage, mana regen, and a corrupted amulet to leech cold or lightning damage as life. Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client. Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Jul 14, 2015, 7:37:18 PM
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Tabula rasa or 5L daresso ? Daresso all day every day! With the suggested tree yo can't really get more block not for any reasonable amount of passive spent of course. As for armour ... most of your armoour comes from your shield + shield defense nodes + determination. You'll end up with enough armour i'd suggest that you check the screenshots in the "My facebreaker build" section to see for yourself what you can end up with without grabbing any extra armour nodes for the sake of having more armour Well it's funny that you ask me whether or not you should go for more offenses or more defenses because i'm known as a guy who values defense much much more and that sparked many debates :P So let me explain how i see all that offense vs. defense when it comes to this build ( and in general actually ). Again i must remind you all that this comes from the perspective of a strictly solo player, i can't stand parties and i don't do party play. I'll start with an example. If a monster has 10 life would it make a difference if you deal 20 damage or 200 damage or 20000000000 damage ? Will you kill the monster faster ? Of course not ! So what i'm trying to say with this is that at certain point you start killing 99% of everything you meet extremely fast ( at around 40k cyclone dps without flasks from my observations ) and even if you deal 10 times more damage you won't kill them any faster ( again see the example above the principle is the same ). Now you might ask what about that remaining 1%? Well that 1% is the map boss. At 40k cyclone depending on the boss of course and the map mods and whatnot on average you'll kill him for about 5 seconds if you deal let's say 100k without flasks you'll kill him for 3 or even 2 seconds. The question is : "Is it worth it to sacrifice defenses for doing a map 3 seconds faster?". Some might argue that the answer is not obvious, but for me it is so obvious that can gouge your eyes out. Ok but why more defenses? Why do you need more defenses ? What do you gain by having more defenses? Now unlike the damage you deal you can't reach that point of tankiness when you become immortal and you no longer care about anything. Path of Exile is a deadly game and you'll face many dangers and no matter how much you spend on defenses the chance that something will kill you .. one-shot you even .. always remains! Look at my defenses in the "My Facebreaker build" section .. they are exceptionally high ... one of the highest around actually .. yet i died yesterday ... ground effects + shrine + the monsters around the shrine ... everything was fine ... but then when all cleared out i had around 0.2 sec to realize that i'm standing on top of a couple of frost bearer "bombs" and 0.2 seconds later i was dead. And that's just one of so many ways to die and the lower your defenses are the more wide the variety of things that can kill you becomes and it is more and more likely to die. Some might say "Pffff Unless you play in HC what does it matter?" but i can tell you that those people never solo leveled up a character beyond level 90. At this point ( level 96 ) based on my exp per hour while doing 78-80 maps it will take me around 30 hours non-stop farming to reach level 97 so 1h = 3,3% exp. And one death = 10% exp = 3 hours of gameplay. OH an we don't even factor in the fact that it is absolutely possible that you'll run out of 78-80 maps .. then you level up even slower and a death costs you even more hours of gameplay. And what about the wasted currency for chiseling your maps then making them rare and then using chaos orbs until you get a high amounts of extra IIQ just so you could have a better chance to get more map drops ... So without good defenses you hit a wall at some point just because you die faster than you gain exp and at this point you could as well retire your character because e is not going anywhere anymore. So if you have lower offenses you level up slower, if you don't have good defenses at some point you just stop leveling. So yeah .. that's my opinion on the matter it always has been and it always will be. I know that many won't agree, i know that many like to smile with pride when they see their 500k dps ... but i'm more practical. So my advice is focus both on defense and offense but when you reach high enough damage focus only on your defenses "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 14, 2015, 7:45:01 PM
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Thanks for the explanation. Yeah I was debating between going marauder or duelist. Duelist you are stuck with having to get the physical damage nodes in the starting area whereas marauder you can forego that section and use those points for better health etc.
I honestly don't think 3k more damage is going to be that big a difference when you already have 40k DPS (although 100k more DPS is a whole different matter). I guess I will stick to more defenses but does 400 more life outweight 3k-4k more damage though? 400 life seems so puny. |
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For me it definitely does.
400 life is the difference between being one-shot and staying alive with just 400 life, bigger life pool also means more life regen per second. 3k dps sure is nice but nowhere near 400 life. Though 9% increased life is nowhere near 400 life too ^^ it's more like 200 life. So 200 life vs 3k dps ... that's hard to say ... none is much better than the other. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 14, 2015, 8:12:27 PM
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O wow that little? Maybe it is better to go for 3k DPS then...isn't it? 200 is like nothing. Well the HP has the bonus of giving 50% more life flask recovery which is kind of useless
Last edited by renroval#5813 on Jul 14, 2015, 8:43:58 PM
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I am fairly new to the game so bare with me here...if i run hatred and determination that leaves me with 0 mana so how am i supposed to run this "Level 1 Cast When Damage Taken + Level 5 Curse of your choice + Level 5 Tempest Shield" i tried linking them to blood magic but i guess that doesn't work...am i missing something? thanks in advance
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