Curse on Hit
Cast on Damage just got nerfed and will most prob get nerfed more.
So I would say hold on to the curse on hit gems and lvl it up first on your alternate weapon set. |
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Would ice nova + curse on hit + x curse + y curse work ? i get a lot of AOE points in the skill tree and i could get a +1 curse unique OR wisper of doom so it could double curse everything around me.
give me your opinion on that thanks |
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It would be really great if you dont have to link curses to a specific attack/spellcast, because giving 2 supportgems slots for lazy cursing seems way too expensive.
But that would need an appropriate downside though. |
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I'd use this gem if it cast the linked curses when ANY of my abilities hit. Otherwise it just takes up too much time and I'd rather cast the curse manually.
IGN: @Deltrus
My build and gear: |
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I think ramping up the effectiveness of the curse a lot more (and not just quality) would make this interesting. You trade off automatically getting a curse for a curse that is potentially more powerful. Then I think this gem would be a lot more interesting.
@Moylin (Beyond)
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Just did a little bit of testing:
arc + curse on hit + a curse works fine. arc + spell totem + curse on hit + curse = arc totem that never procs a curse. spectre + curse on hit + curse never procs curse on spectre attacks. have yet to test ranged attack totem, flame totem, shockwave, as well as raise skeleton or zombie, but i assume they do not work either. Could we get a GGG rep to let us know if this is intended behaviour? Or will this be rectified in a patch? | |
Horrible trigger gem. Having to link it to your main skills is definately not worth it, since you lose 2 supports. On top of that, the curse is not AoE AND it only has a limited chance to cast. Who came up with this trigger gem?
It should not be necessary to link it to an attack. It should work "globally" imo. Curse on hit without needing to link it to a skill would make it nice.. Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen
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" THIS. Also the % needs to be upped (to reach 100% or at least 90% @20) or the AoE restored to it In its current state 50% without AoE, it is very useless, needing to hit often to apply with certainty. Another question: Chance is calculated by hit or cast? (Does one cast curses all targets or is it rolled separately for every target?) Forums are SOOO much fun on patch day!
Casuals play because it's fun, not to achieve any goal unreachable with their resources. We are playing for the next difficulty, the next keystone, the next item upgrade. Not to feel better than anyone else. |
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--I was going to try whirling blades, blind, curse on hit and temporal chains. But there is too much RNG involved when I could just cast the curse and hit the whole group instead.
--I can see the purpose of this trigger gem was meant for mobility whilst casting/attacking and never casting a curse manually. --It works more effectively for the Whispers of Doom keystone. Players that pick up the extra curse for mobility whilst casting/attacking, but you still have that RNG factor involved vs just simply casting the 2 large AoE curses manually. Curse On Hit -- suggestion
-Base 60% chance to apply Curse on Hit [Less RNG] -Per Gem Level | +0.5% Increased effect of curses you create from skills -Per 1% Quality | +2% Chance to apply curse on hit. -I've simply increased the base chance significantly and switched the gem leveling attributes with the gem quality. -People will strive for a better quality Curse on Hit for 100% chance to apply curse and love to level the gem for the increased curse effect. Cheers, Suggestions >Alt 'Entrance' & 'Quest NPC'| >Alt 'Character Panel'| Last edited by darkdraithdoom#3549 on Nov 8, 2013, 2:22:15 AM
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So is this supposed to work with traps or what? Right now it doesn't, but there's nothing in the spell description that implies it shouldn't.
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