Curse on Hit
So its not work on totems and traps...
Looks like its support gem for summoner so he can support his ARC and make his already boring game even more boring :D:D ▄█▀█▀█
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As so many have commented, no one is going to give up two damage slots off their attack just to have the auto-curse benefit. Possibly the worst support gem in the game unless modified either to be curse on damage taken or otherwise unlink from damage source.
Man does not stop playing because he grows old. He grows old because he stops playing. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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There are some interesting combos (putting it on Whirling Blades/Leap Slam/Lightning Warp; linking to Tempest Shield), but otherwise, this is an extremely disappointing gem.
I can understand them not wanting everything to just be permacursed upon starting the fight, sort of, but that already happens. In parties, someone is always spamming the most useful curse. For solo, I could link it to Cast on Damage Taken or put it on a totem. Hell, I could just go through the trivial-but-annoying process of cursing them myself. There's no reason this shouldn't just be global. It doesn't shut down any of the interesting cases, works reasonably intuitively, and makes the gem much more useful. Ancient and unwise, SSF only since 2012
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I've been using it with spectral throw, lmp, and temporal chains to great effect so far. I'm only level 49, so I'm not sure how well that will hold up, but in a couple levels I'm putting it into a 5l with vulnerability on top of temporal chains. I like it a lot so far, as I like proccing things a lot. I always forget to curse, so this solves that problem for me. I'm using it for aoeing, and for big groups it works out great for me so far.
Edit: What I had before here about RNG was wrong; got it mixed up with evasion mechanics. Sorry! Last edited by freykin#4559 on Nov 13, 2013, 1:12:49 AM
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Horrible Trigger Gem
Level 83 Searing Touch Firetrap build - Using 2 Auras on one 4L - Using Shock Nova with Life leech and Ele Prolif on another 4L (Elemental Equilibrium) - Have support abilities like Enduring Cry and Molten Shell on last 4L. So to do a rotation without curses I usually cast 3 casts and throw a Fire Trap I am desperately trying to make the game more enjoyable by not having to cast 6 or 7 spells before I can explode a pack of monsters. As it turns out, Curse on Hit makes this more annoying on *any* aoe spell in the game than to cast the curses on yourself. I am a multicurser and thought when trying to apply 3 curses this should remotely be useful. I have all the AoE nodes in the tree, so Ice Nova should be the obvious choice. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the time I cast one Ice Nova I could already have casted 2 Curses. Even after 3 Ice Novas there are still a lot of monsters without all three curses. It is *completely* useless to AoE curse. Only thing remotely useful I see is single target cursing and bypassing mana cost (say lvl 1 incinerate). Please do something to this god awful trigger gem. The only people that did not express 100% disappointment are the ones who are very very new to this game in this entire thread. #1 Templar Closed Beta HC Ladder (lvl 83)
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Curse on Hit should always be a 100% chance to curse, and both levels and quality should increase Curse effect. Substantially.
Otherwise, might as well just cast it manually, or support it with CWDT. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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I just rolled an EK Scion for testing purposes. I use Cold Snap + Curse on hit + projectile weakness first and than I EK. Works wonderful, I am loving it!
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
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with the recent nerfs to cast when damage taken, this is now a possible way to curse.
I.e. CwDT -> Spell Tha that hits often lv1-> Curse on Hit lv20-> Curse lv20 |
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Probably the worst gem in the game.
Would be slightly salvageable if it was kept at the % to cast but allow it to work unattached to the skill that procs it. Don't know why anyone would waste 2 DPS slots in favor of having a % to curse when they could just cast themselves with 100% chance and do a lot more damage. |
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This gem is big joke. Even with "0 mana cost" it's way more ineffective compared to manually casted curses.
It needs 100% chance to apply supported curse or applied curses should not be counted towards the curse limit. |
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