Vaal Spectral Throw
I absolutely love Vaal Spectral Throw. It's my primary AoE skill linked with LMP. Get enough charges to use it once and then run in to a big pack. They'll all be dead and you'll walk out with two more charges. It does really respectable damage as it has a lower damage reduction than normal Spectral Throw and can't be evaded.
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I strongly recommend trying Slower Projectiles with it
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League: Ambush
Character: Level 46 Scion Talents: No Points Spent Every other VAAL skill gem I use is classified better than Vaal Spectral Throw without talents and/or Support skills. I therefore classify Vaal Spectral Throw in need of rework or buff. Argue that it's crap or good. It needs rework. Cheers, Suggestions
>Alt 'Entrance' & 'Quest NPC'| >Alt 'Character Panel'| |
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That is terrible reasoning.
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" excuse me? you play without spending passive points? oook.. fine.. dont think that anything in this game is balanced on your gamestyle so chance of ggg catering to are rather slim to the point: vaal spectral throw is bordering OP atm. if speced properly that is. i managed to do it (not that hard) and it is cheap, effective, cool skill atm. very good addition - powerful (very powerful even) but requires some setup |
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A pretty great troll skill. Spend thousands of years chargin' yer laser, and you unleash one cast of Blessed Hammer.
The natural impression at first glance, is that it should have been a support gem - Spiral Projectile. The Matrix-GMP combo mentioned here is usable, but as its a close range attack, is nothing that remarkable. As with all Vaal gems, for long sustained fights it'd be nice to have a way to charge your limit break. Maybe a support that can grant souls on hit, at the cost of greatly hobbling your damage. Then there could be dedicated Vaal characters. |
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I'm a 60 rt 5 aura shadow (ele buzz saw). It's awesome. I have it linked to lmp and Icd at the moment. I feel like the tooltip is off, it seems to do more dmg than my st tho the tooltip says it does less. It's quite effect of used correctly. I like to save up charges and spam them before opening a strong box and everything melts the instant they spawn. And it hits a single mob more times than normal st because they circle around. I always use it once b4 opening up on a big mob and it really puts in work. I think most of you guys are underestimating this skill.
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ok when this skill said "spiral" i was like "ok so it'll move in a weird way then return like usual, thus covering more ground." boy was i wrong XD, on two accounts lol.
1) doesn't return, well thats fine just takes a little more thinking on use but it means less damage as its not "coming back". 2) holy lord it is a spiral centered on the user. this was/still-is clumsy to use. i know how to "fix" this on player side, and its the same maximizing the hit radius (using fencing swords or 2-h axes). using the wider weapons causes point blank foes to get hit "twice" more reliably. they actually get hit 4 times on average between all mobs and without projectile speed. i suspect slower projectiles will shine while faster projectiles is "wtf r u duing". all in all, its really neither bad nor good. cold snap or normal spectral throw is doing a slightly better job at killing however. this is normal mode by the way, same as my other post today on vall detonate dead. |
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Marauder, RT/IR/US/Iron Grip. Standard fare innit. Cleaned out Cruel A1 so far.
I found Vaal ST to be far superior to regular ST in open-ish areas. Gather everyting around you, pop one or two VSTs and everything keels over dead, fueling another two VSTs in the process. I had a Karui Ward for 30% Increased Projectile Speed, so no waiting for it to hit ranged dudes. Grabbed an LMP soon, and it's a pretty massive boost. Great coverage. Kinda hoping for a GMP some time (more hammers!), but LMP's juuust fine. Went to bum around with Faster and Slower Projectiles. While having slow hammers was fun to watch, it took (relatively) forever to reach mid-range enemies. It didn't feel much stronger against close-range foes either, so, meh. Next! Going for both FP and Karui Ward wasn't too fantabulous either. Too fast to score loads of hits on everything. Using only one or the other felt fine, but I ended up, just like with regualr ST, using the default speed. Mixed in Knockback and the Fending cluster too, a bit down the line. Most enemies can't come near and take a bunch of hits trying. Hits hard against Rares all the same. Got the feeling it'll keep up potential down the line. Guess I'll see whenever I get to it. |
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Seems like using the point blank support gem instead of slower proj would be a lot better for this, due to it being the only spiralling projectile attack it's unique in that the gem would actually be useful for this skill! Meanwhile lets you use regular ST with no PB so you still have a good ranged skill.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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