Rebalancing Internal Unique Item Rarities (Locked June 16)

Please remove drop of low-level shitty uniques from high-level maps.
This is a welcome change.

Throughout my countless hours in onslaught, nemesis, and invasion (so far), the best unique I've found is Tabula Rasa or maybe Kaom's Primacy. Yeah, they are indeed rare.
Current IGN: TheBearerOfLight
Gizoogle Chris: "Da State of Exile muthafuckas axed mah crazy ass ta post a reminder dat they podcast is dis weekend, as usual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack."
Last edited by BoltThrower87#3044 on May 16, 2014, 9:35:42 PM
shoju wrote:
None of these "feel" unique.

Heatshiver is decently unique. 4L rares can't get non-minion +skills on it. The mana regen (another non-hat affix) is very relevant for using Elemental Hit with Clarity attached to your life total.
I can't believe the amount of people that are OK with having to sell/trade EVEN MORE, than we do now to get things we need/want.

Truly a traders fantasy come true. Paying the worker bee's up to %50 less, while the queen bee's only lose up to %20. This further pushes down the "middle class" and "poverty" gamers.

This will make it more of a trade SIM than ever, the appeal of finding twice as many of the mid tier items and people here saying "in 2k hours I haven't found Kaoms/Shavs/Auxium", well you probably still won't and your going to have to trade even more shit to get one.

I like how flippers say this is a great idea, push the value of our stuff down, where they can flip even more, while retaining the golden goose, and others brainwashed to believe it.
Worldbreaker wrote:

I get what you are trying to say, I do, values will half and items will double putting us about where we are now. This isn't really true, especially for those that enjoy the "Christmas Day" feeling of items dropping.

You are a kid 16 years old, Christmas morning, you see 2 presents under the tree, Ipod and new Bike ($300), Thanks mom and dad! I like them alot! :)

Right Now...

You are a kid 16 years old, Christmas morning, 1 present under the tree, OMFG NEW XBOX I LOVE YOU MOM I LOVE YOU DAD, PRAISE JESUS FOR HAVING A BIRTHDAY, OMG! WOOOT SUCH FEELS! ($300)
I can't put it into words, that is the best way I can give an example of what I am worried about. I would rather find 1 BoR than 2, it makes the 1 more meaningful.

That's really true, right there.

Right now, great drop will make you jump out of your seat and scream out loud. Doesn't matter if you're a new player with nothing to his name, or a guy with 500ex in his stash, if Kaoms or Soul Taker drops - it's EPIC, it's one of the greatest moments of your entire gaming career, it's the thing you tell your buddies, it's the thing you tell even to that one friend who hasn't even heard of Path of Exile.

Thing is, you wouldn't get this feeling, this high, if drops were buffed by a margin so significant to the point where you *expect* them to drop, where you're like *guaranteed* to have them drop.

And thing I fear, is what I wrote in the thread I opened- I think anyone who's unhappy with the game just cause they didn't drop some amazing top-tier item (Kaoms, Soul Taker, Shavs etc), if they still don't drop it, what then? Now ask for a 1,000% increase in drops, or accept you're not gonna drop it and uninstall? In some way, I think this is a double-edged sword. Me, when this goes live, I'm gonna go on a farming run the likes of which even God has never seen (Stilgar quote here for extra style points), I know I'll do ok. The players who don't even try, don't know how's this gonna play out for them.
b15h09 wrote:

Not sure why you say this. I agree, the 20% more super rares will ultimately be meaningless, I think, so not so bad. Doubling of rares sounds great, as I'd love to find something useful for a build rather than my 4th wondertrap or 5th kurai ward or 7th stone of lazwar.

I like those items, just try to make the most of what the game gives you. Karui Ward is like having 5 chance orbs dropping, Stone of Lazhwar is insta-Vaal (and handful of exalteds when you land the desirable corruption).
Last edited by toyotatundra#0800 on May 17, 2014, 12:08:45 AM
shoju wrote:

your -11/-11 heatshiver is pretty good

i have -11/-10 and consider it a good item now (however with only two uses: elemental hit OR Searing bond + Arctic Armor

Voidhomes are Animate Guardian weapons (if you waste your time with that skill) - dmg is decent and you dont regret wasting it when AG wanders away and dies

other make nice chance recipe ingredient (unique/rare/blue/white of the same base == 5 chance orbs)

oh - icetombs. that 'cannot be chilled' and chill duration are very very good for frost based chars. sadly no life and mid-roll defenses, but it is not a bad chest (my summoner used it up to 82)
its funny how people see what they want to see with these things, esp when they just want to be mad at the game regardless of what happens

omg more drops?!?! theyre turning it into a trade sim game!!!!

omg more drops?!?! theyre turning it into a noob game for casuals!!!!

omg more drops?!?! no one will even notice because the games too hardcore!!!!

when theres something wrong then crying needs to happen, but theres way too many people on these forums that just want so badly to complain and see the bad in everything, its a shame.

The vaal orbs have provided an item sink, people are going to rip potentially useful uniques by the truckload.

welcome to a skin transfer i bought, the guy had it listed in his shop for a handful of alts, I gave him a gcp out of sympathy. If an item is useful and abundant people are going to buy them by the truckload and vaal them into oblivion. I dont see any harm in having more rats nests, starkonjas, rime gaze, remorse shields etc going around and finding more of these rather than constant heatshivers so we can have a little vaal gamble for funs with our drops. I used to vendor blood dance and darkrays, now Im saving them up ans vaaling them, thats a sink for jewellers, fuse, chroms etc that Im using each time. I think the economy is a lot more stable than people give it credit for.

Too much crying, take a break, lighten up, come back when you actually want to have fun and enjoy this great game.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
This increased drop mechanic is farcical. It increases the drop rate of trash uniques (1-2-3) drastically, but keeping top tier uniques scarce. The wide base of the pyramid gets even wider but the apex remains pin prick size. Dafuq.

This is not the way to help self founds. Wait till self finders realize its more POTS (trading simulation) than its ever been.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
Path of Exile is a game.
Playing the game is about using stuff, experimenting, trying new builds, different combinations, etc.
It is all about replay value.

I love going to that unique map instead of selling it for 1 ex.

I love going to that Atziri dungeon when midnights were worth multiple ex, even if it is just to get owned by the 1st boss. (maybe not a good idea with my 3200 life).

I love buying that unique and getting it to 5L, just to understand it's not worth it and it is just cheaper to buy 5L items.

Same should go for loot, items should be used.
I play pure MF (solo or party of 2), melee with 75IIQ/239IIR on regular hit and 80IIQ/322IIR(+13/52flask) on boss cull.
Most of the unique items I find go to directly to vendor, used to give away for free but it also takes time... so it's vendor now.
It would be great to try new builds with items I find, not just farm for yellows -> alternations -> jewelers -> fusings -> ex to buy items.

I also recommend adding the graphic effect we currently have on unique drops to high end currency drops as well. A chaos/jewlers/fusing/regret/EX/ET/Mirror is worth more than most unique items I find but even when a mirror drops it is easy to miss.

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