" Actually its the article was written by me, nick and brian because the sentence without nick and brian would read " the article was written by me" and not "the article was written by I" which is how you differentiate when you use me, and when to use I. |
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" If they release such a big addition to the game, they should make it viable for all players, not just a select group of builds adorned with the best gear and/or abusing game mechanics. I really hope they look at the Apex of Sacrifice and The Alluring Abyss (specifically Q'ura, Y'ara'az, A'alai and Atziri) when reworking certain things as well. |
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" It's never ever "the same". First, I have not the uber-gear like the Zombie 1h thing to switch and I do not switch gear or auras or even repsec (who is that mad?). GGG can nerf this stuff as much as they wish, it#s always good to bring the players back together so the community is not that hard split between "casual" and "hardcore". I personaly switch 2 support gems to summon different spectres, that's all!. Remember, PoE is a game that is entirely based on switchable skill/support gems! It's the actual game! So it's just logical that you simply summon spectres with the current set of gems and then different spectres with another set of support gems. It's not logical that your already summoned Spectres now have different abilities when switching the support gems. All I want is to keep my single Spectre Skill Gem and switch one or 2 passive skills to summon different types of spectres with diffetent skills. How is this "abusing" of a valid game mechanic? Summoners just don't have enough free sockets to summon different Spectres with 2 different Main Skill gems + passives. (which would be also possible after the big update if I read it right) I would say this is still different from that snapshot abuse Orgy GGG showed in their Video. Again, this stuff can be removed, no problem. It's always good if such a game is not that gear-depending like GGG currently can be with certain builds. Everyone should be able to play the entire game content, without the need for the most expencive gear or heavy abuse of game mechanics (again, who is so weird to even do expencive respec just to snapshot?!?!?) But it's actualy not my fault that I can't play "normal" high end content, besides I have choosen to play solo/self found and suffer from constant desync that makes tough bosses impossible to survive. Ok, maybe then it is my fault... -_- Last edited by Fusion_Power#0294 on Jun 18, 2014, 2:51:31 PM
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I'm am happy with all the change that are listed, it was getting beyond ridiculous.
I am a full summoner and I never used any snapshotting at all (mainly because it's too tedious for my taste but also because I knew it would get fixed eventually). | |
" Nope. Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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Since this thread is being monitored by the devs to get honest opinions and thoughts on solutions for builds that will lose their potentials in clearing both regular as well as Uber atziri maps.. Here are my general thoughts:
Remake the quality bonus on the minion gems, specifically Spectres and Raging Spirits, there is not a single soul in this game that cares about movement speed as a summoner. The minions reaches movement speed cap with Haste aura and Flesh Offering. Increase Zombie HP scaling, even the % HP from the quality would be a good way of solving this as well. Potentially overlook the idea of having Enlighten - Empower - Enhance provide their bonuses towards other gems besides Active Skill Gems only. Increase the stats provided to minions via the passive tree, resistances included. And consider adding/changing so that we can gain an additional spectre from the tree (yes, +2 from tree). Do not increase the ammount of points we need to spend on minions in the tree as creating a summoner build available for regular as well as Uber atziri maps without snapshotting auras is a hell and pure pain when it comes to the pricetag of such gear that will require resistances as well as a good chunk of ES (as i've heard of no HP build being capable of uber yet i'm strictly considering ES builds in these thoughts). Change Blood Magic gem to not affect RESERVED ammount with it's multiplier. DO NOT, let me repeat that DO NOT add more unique summoner items to solve this as they will have the highest possible pricetag anyone could deem imaginable. (of course it would be a nice addition to the game, but for the sake of the entire summoner community, wait with such releases) Consider in the future to add minion affecting stats to the possible craftables, such as a minion modifier on amulets/rings (blue/rare). After some discussion with a few other summoners, a guy brought up the suggestion of adding an additional minion that would be bigger, stronger, but could only have 1-2 of that sort to be the big truck so to say. (I do not personally like that suggestion but i thought i should post it anyways). Change minion defensive nodes to affect you as a summoner as well as your minions Example:
* Minions gets +10% increased life
* You get 10% increased life * You get 10% increased energy shield Increase attack speed of zombies (sometimes in maps (if not linked to faster attacks, but with multistrike) they can stand stil and strike a few times in the air whilst the enemy has already moved to a different country. And last but by far not least, minion controls: At the moment if i "attack" in the air they will be (in most cases) moving/attack anything where i am hovering my mouse. It would be great if said control options would actually have the minion prioritize what ever target the summoner is hitting or prioritize moving to the target the summoner is hitting towards if not targeting something. This will be very beneficial for boss fights where movement can be crucial, such as Uber Atziri 4x Clone Phase. I'll post more ideas/suggestions when they come to mind, but thats the general ideas i have. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" If they release such a big addition to the game, they should make it viable for all players, not just a select group of builds adorned with the best gear and/or abusing game mechanics. I really hope they look at the Apex of Sacrifice and The Alluring Abyss (specifically Q'ura, Y'ara'az, A'alai and Atziri) when reworking certain things as well. [/quote] They know about this already. They wont do this again the way they did anyways. Hiding content behind a lot of things among them rng and strong mobs. I never fight Atziri ever and im cool with that but it would have been nice to fight the expansions boss. |
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" We have a suggestions forum for these kind of posts and it has been confirmed GGG reads those suggestions. |
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Thank you - More posts like this would be awesome. I know you guys have ideas - lets hear them, the devs are hoping for and wanting some feedback - take the chance to give it to them. Within reason. Give them reasons why you think it's needed - explain it in detail. I've seen lots of people say they don't understand the issues with summoners - MAKE them understand, here is your chance.
" “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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" Awesome feedback all around, but just wanted to say big +1 to this one. It's always baffled me that specters, the summoners best friend, only has one available through the passive tree, yet 2(3 these days?) through gear. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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