
adi00000 wrote:
sungarlic wrote:
Auras are only OP when in party. If they nerf auras, they really harm the solo play.

no1 is nerfing auras... its snapshot nerf... in case of aura i might call it BALANCE... ive never used any alpha howls or any other "****" trick to cast aura and ive never felt like i need... alpha howls will be cheaper now i guess ;)))

auras can also be snapshotted my dear friend! just saying if u did not know it!

Ghazzy wrote:
nirvanafan4ever wrote:
Hopefully you guys plan to buff up summoners then.

They are reworking the minion gems, I just hope that they'll make them good enough in combination with the summoner items will make a summoner viable for the Vaal Metagame, that is my biggest concern right now.

well u think about the vaal metagame - but it could also be harder / maybe "impossibru" on higher maps if the rework wont be good enough!

many items will not be as usefull anymore - other will get extremly expensive for 99% of the playerbase who wanna play summoner!

and running 7 auras could also be rly hard with all the other slots you need on a low life summoner - u still need to lvl quite far and the proper gear for it! and it could take months if ur unlucky to get these!

compared to other snapshottet "builds" who just do what they please - and take much less slots then a summoner does! - and in terms of lvling progress its way easier for many other builds and way less gear dependent than a summoner!

Last edited by Leunam3#3449 on Jun 18, 2014, 5:11:25 PM
Hey Mark,

If you're still reading;

Are you and your team going to look at summoner unique items post change?

Last thing I'd like to ask, is why are there so few ES unique items?
Have a look on the wiki, there are almost zero ES gloves save Voidbringer, while there's 20+ of both Evasion/Armor ones. There's about 2-3 usable ES chest pieces. There's one pair of boots. There's about 10+ belts for all types, but no chain belt outside one that is for a very very specific build. What gives? Why are there almost zero ES unique items compared to armor/evasion? Just supporters making all the uniques don't play ES?
Last edited by gr00grams#5298 on Jun 18, 2014, 6:21:40 PM
How can you call snapshotting an abuse? Its a mechanic of the game you created and designed. Either take it out, or leave it in and stop bitching. You designed Montreguls. It clearly is your mistake, not the players using it and "abusing" it. Do you think people really want to summon zombies and spectres everytime they log on, or crash or a patch applies? Of course not. Do you call playing Ryu in Street Fighter 4 an abusive tactic because hes better then Chun Li? Do you call Zerg an abusive race because it has a higher win rate then Terran? It just exists and is part of the game. Very poor choice of words in your article trying to get a point across.
Juri wrote:
How can you call snapshotting an abuse? Its a mechanic of the game you created and designed. Either take it out, or leave it in and stop bitching. You designed Montreguls. It clearly is your mistake, not the players using it and "abusing" it. Do you think people really want to summon zombies and spectres everytime they log on, or crash or a patch applies? Of course not. Do you call playing Ryu in Street Fighter 4 an abusive tactic because hes better then Chun Li? Do you call Zerg an abusive race because it has a higher win rate then Terran? It just exists and is part of the game. Very poor choice of words in your article trying to get a point across.

Both of your examples are quite bad because in both SC 2 and Ultra Street Fighter 4 the development teams do patch characters/units to address examples of imbalance.

GGG have already said that any use of snapshotting is perfectly legitimate, at the moment. What they have also said is that it was not intended for them to balance content around the use of snapshotting and 9 aura builds etc. Removing snapshotting from the game allows them to balance the game around all builds, not just those who can access all of their life plus all of their mana as a pool for auras while still benefitting from 10k+ ES.

FYI, this announcement is them telling you that they ARE taking it out. So, they clearly foresaw that you would give them an ultimatum and took steps to make sure that you could be satisfied. Congrats.
MackBesmirch wrote:
I agree that Snapshotting needs to either be considered 100% game "abuse" that undermines the intended game, or 100% "metagaming" that is an intended way to become OP. All or nothing is the only way to really balance the game as a whole (not to mantion make it fair for all players).

Personally, I agree with GGG that for PoE, going on record and removing snapshotting as an unintended game mechanic is the best choice.

The game is supposed to be hard. And it is supposed to be economy and RNG driven. It's an ARPG. The whole point is repetition: try to get lucky, try to get best gear, try to build an OP character so the game ISN'T as hard. Difficult is the baseline. I have always had a love-hate relationship with ARPGs and the almost gambler's addiction of RNG crafting really keeps me hooked! It's infuriating, but also the reason I keep playing. An OP character at level 100 is just a gear farmer and shop owner getting rich in in-game currency... and I have a real job that gives me real money, so why would I want to spend my hours being a fictional farmer and retail outlet?

My only request for the latest major update is another optional one-time passive skill tree reset. I understand that because it is between new leagues, this may kind of be a silly request, but I like to use my old dead/standard characters to test out build ideas and stuff, especially when mechanics change. Resetting their trees allows be to use the gear and gems I already acquired, instead of having to start from scratch and theory craft through a few playthroughs without any gems or currency.

Respec will be available in 1.2 patch
Last edited by Taudlitz#7803 on Jun 18, 2014, 7:12:58 PM
Well, the easyest way to fix it would be to not allow gems to enstick there sockets and gear to be remove in instances.
Please do not allow RF snapshotting in any shape or form.

The "don't burn enemies" solution provided for RF sounds possibly ideal. Another solution could simply be that RF reduces fire resistance to 0 (like veil of the night) when the gem is removed while RF is active. This would yield amusing insta-deaths by careless players and also allow a player to turn off the ability faster (no more swapping weapons and then waiting in an abandoned corridor for 30 seconds for life to degenerate to 1 point, or removing auras to make it go faster, or no dousing potion necessary).

As a new RF player, I snapshotted dual redbeaks from 65-75; it was a real pain. I no longer snapshot and instead use Doryani's Catalyst, which, when combined with appropriate skills and passives, still allows me to cook whites and blues almost instantly when playing solo. I don't want to be tempted into snapshotting.
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow


In no particular order (because I opened all these in tabs and the order got mixed up in the process)
1988288 wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Have you not found the zombie life bonus from the item significant in your play?

Using this calculator: , would appreciate if you look at the formulas and see if it gets something wrong.
Will do, thanks!
Rob2655 wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Your Animate Guardian's equipment will persist on logout, but due to the snapshotting changes we're making, it won't immediately appear when you leave town. Players will now be able to retrieve their guardian by targeting a blank space of ground and casting the Animate Guardian skill.
I understood everything and i like that snapshotting will be disabled but i think the need to recast you guardian each time you enter a new area is kind of annoying.
It's not each time you enter a new area, just the first time after you log in. If you have an active guardian, it will transition like any other minion into non-town areas. The only change is that when you first log in, it won't automatically be active, and will need resummoned once.
DucksHaveLowAPM wrote:
If you are looking into Righteous Fire please change the wording from:
Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. Your spell damage is substantially increased while under this effect. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining

To: (...) The effect ends when you have 0 energy shield and 1 life remaining.
It doesn't actually check that though - the code only ever looks at your life.
Waves_blade wrote:
Enlighten is the gem that increases gem XP right?

So, if its supporting gems in the none-active weapon set, does it even work?
Yes. It would even work if the item was in your main inventory, or on the ground, if there was a way for gems there to gain XP.
Waves_blade wrote:
How about if said item has +1 to gem levels?

Will the Enlighten register the +1 to gem levels if the weapon is not actually active?
Yes. If you socket a gem in any such item, it will skill have that bonus from the item, even when the item is not equipped.
lk_77lk wrote:
No gear snapshot, just gems sharing, let's say i put tempset shield in a 4L,
TS + Life Leech + Added Lightning + reduced mana
I hit the skill button, it reserve my mana and is active. If i remove the support, will TS desactivate?
If you remove a support, TS will cease to gain any benefit from it, and the reserve will change to reflect it's no longer being in effect.
So if you remove reduced mana, TS's reserve will increase to reflect that. If you removed Added Lightning, TS's mana reserve will reduce due to the multipler being removed, and it will no longer deal extra damage.
Mizzajl wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Minions generated with a set level will not increase in level when the gem enabling them levels up. If such a gem levels up while you have minions active, the change in minion level will only be reflected in newly-raised minions.
Why? :(
Because levels on monsters are part of what type of thing they are. A level 42 Zombie has the object type "Zombie@42". Unlike players, where level is just a stat, a monster's level is a fundamental part of what type of thing it is, and cannot be changed. We'd like to have them update, but we can't.
Mizzajl wrote:
What about Auras? If I'm using Anger level 10 and it levels up, do I have to recast it? or if when I level up I get some aura affecting passive?
Auras don't have their own levels like monsters do - levelling the gem just changes stats, which will update automatically.
Bada_Bing wrote:
How will poison trapster like RaizQT's build of the week s2e6 be affected by that? Will the poison cloud still get the benefit of the traps's more damage? After all it isn't the trap that releases the cloud but the arrow that gets released by the trap.
The poison cloud is still part of the skill the trap used, it will be affected.
Sneakypaw wrote:
But the trap and mine support don't state Mine/Trap Damage. They only state X% more damage.
That will no longer be the case.
Sneakypaw wrote:
So the part of "is not "trap damage" or "mine damage" so will not be affected by modifiers to either" should not affect minions.
These will not apply to skills used by minions, as those skills didn't come directly from a trap/mine.
Now that you're back Mark.

It would be nice to hear the GGG's thoughts on what could be done with the gems to make sure that the *classes being destroyed* in this fix will still be viable for the Vaal Metagame.
Also I think i speak for the entire summoner community when I'm asking for better ways of actually controlling the minions. The "normal attack" works most of the times, but when it fails in bad situations such as Uber Atziri Clone Phase where 1-3 zombies decides to run of the the mirror one and they kill themselves in a few seconds whilst my Convocation is on cool-down is not very appreciated despite doing everything i can to make them not move away from the target i want them on.

*classes being destroyed, note:*
*Let me add for all you haters out there that classes are being destroyed since snapshotting is within game policy but was not meant to work that way, it just does. (So it is NOT abusing anything).

Off-Topic Note:
This is slightly off-topic... but....
Do us all a favour whilst you're working on balancing the game. Remove the Mirror of Kalandra from the game. It is ruining 50% of what this type of game is all about, "Grinding & Crafting". Mirrors are blocking the world of crafting for the average player as you have 2 options: "Either you craft for perfection, or you don't craft at all"

Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Jun 18, 2014, 8:38:22 PM

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