[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

I can see your profile but not your characters.
I'm trying to increase the survivability of the build right now. This is what I will be testing:

- Soul of Steel annoint
+ Rampart annoint (+2.6% DPS, +5% move speed, +10% increased fortify effect)

This theorically gives me better mitigations all around because fortify affects all damage types so I should be more resistant to phys, elemental and chaos (but not dots). PoB gives me these calculations for damage taken:

(phys, ele, chaos)
With Soul of Steel: 8%, 18%, 37%
With Rampart: 8%, 18%, 36%

Ideally I'd like to add a fortify effect mod on my helmet but that seems like an impossible craft with -9 chaos res.

- Quicksilver Flask
+ Quartz Flask

Phasing is always good to get out of shitty surrounds or delve in general. I chosed Alchemist's prefix because it gives +25% increased effect giving me a total of 14% Attack/Spell Dodge. I take a big movement speed hit but with Whirling Blades it might not matter.

- Jade Flask
+ Amethyst Flask

I lose half my armour, but this only affects VMS as I'm still phys. reduction capped. Ideally I'd cap my resists using gear but this will cost me a lot of money. I usually don't map with VMS unless it gets hairy anyways. This brings me to:

(phys, ele, chaos)
With Soul of Steel: 8%, 18%, 37%
With Rampart: 8%, 18%, 36%
With Capped Chaos: 8%, 18%, 20%

As I said, this is just a test. I'll report back with results (probably a T18/T19 100% delirious map).
Hi guys!Can anyone look into my profile and say what am I doing wrong? Not sure about jewels, but it's look like saving more points. The issue is I am dying a lot at maps...
Migipadl wrote:
Hi guys!Can anyone look into my profile and say what am I doing wrong? Not sure about jewels, but it's look like saving more points. The issue is I am dying a lot at maps...

Missing 3% cold and lightning res on the two-stone ring. Missing 1 int on amulet. Blessed orbs are dirt cheap.

You don't have corrupted blood immunity. Maybe get a Growing Agony with the implicit, it helps a ton, especially in delirium.

To access the jewel above Blood Drinker, take the int node instead.

Your jade flask has a bad roll (69%). If I add a 95% one instead (nothing too crazy) I get 1% more phys reduction.

You could try adding resistance quality on the belt/ring, or even better, get a triple resist stygian first and then apply resistance catalysts.

Add an Enduring Composure small cluster jewel for 3 endurance charges (12% phys reduction). That makes you capped at 90%.

If you need a few points for composure maybe drop primal spirit. You can probably save a point or two if you get an amulet with +# all attributes instead of +# int by removing your 2 extra strenght nodes.

If you downlevel your wither gem to 16 (levels only add AoE, so its not really worth it) you can remove Thief's Craft for another point.
Yalpe wrote:
I can see your profile but not your characters.

Unchecked "hide characters tab". So sorry and thanks
Wasn't there a cluster jewel variant of this build, can't seem to find the PoB link for it anymore? It had the one large, two medium, two small with Prismatic Dance.
GhaleonRlz wrote:
Yalpe wrote:
I can see your profile but not your characters.

Unchecked "hide characters tab". So sorry and thanks

I didn't look too far but if I enter my claw into your PoB I get a +48% dps increase.

If you want to test:

New Item
Imperial Claw
Elder Item
Crafted: true
Prefix: {range:1}LocalAddedChaosDamage1
Prefix: {range:0.979}DelveWeaponLocalChanceForPoisonDamage100FinalInflictedWithThisWeapon1
Prefix: None
Suffix: {range:0.901}PoisonDamage2
Suffix: {range:1}LocalIncreasedAttackSpeed8
Suffix: {range:0.5}BlindOnHitUber2
Quality: 20
Sockets: G-G-G
LevelReq: 68
Implicits: 1
{tags:attack,life}+46 Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks
Adds 72 to 123 Chaos Damage
27% increased Attack Speed
25% chance to Poison on Hit
39% increased Damage with Poison
8% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
{tags:chaos}{crafted}{range:1}+(18-20)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
shmigy429 wrote:
Wasn't there a cluster jewel variant of this build, can't seem to find the PoB link for it anymore? It had the one large, two medium, two small with Prismatic Dance.

Looks like OP took it out. It was very early in the league that a guy posted what he was using. Since then, a lot of people have experimented with other ones. I dont remember exactly what it was, but I can give you some ideas of what other people are using, or decent ones to get.

Most of us are using a large chaos with Unwaveringly Evil, Wicked Pall, Unspeakable gifts. For the most part, it just gives some decent QoL, damage, and theres not other ones that are that great. Stun Immunity, some explosions for help and just cause it sounds cool, lol, and decent damage. I think the variation comes in the mediums and smalls.

Mediums there are a few. The most mapping damage is gonna be Low Tolerance/Wasting Affliction. Or, you can use more utility based ones(that still has good damage) in Brush with Death/Exposure Therapy. There's also a high resist version if thats what your after, where people are using 3x Purities/Aul's, and then Pure commander/X medium jewels. You can get your resists up to like 82%, or do a double cluster set up and get then to 86-88%. If you do go that route, though, you gotta give up at least 35% of your damage, if not 45%.(Can't use Agony or 16% chaos neck). Honestly, just look at the notables and decide what you like. All the ones I mentioned are good.

Smalls, there is Fettle, and then Enduring Composure is nice. Fettle basically will give you 300+ hp, and Enduring composure you will permanent 3 endurance charges. It can help you cap out your Phys resist, or ele weakness resists, etc. I dont think I'd use Prismatic dance over either of those. If you dont want the endurance charges, I think a 2nd Fettle is probably just superior to 1% max resist. Thats easily another 300+ life. If you do the purity/aul's build, I think you can get pure commander's on smalls, so thats an option.

There may be some others floating around, too. This is just the ones you may commonly see people using this late into the thread, and in a month it may all change if they dont let you stack them. Then, you just be mixing and matching one of each.
Last edited by Destructodave on May 7, 2020, 4:06:24 PM

Just crafted this. Here's the process:

- Craft 30% with perfect fossils (optional)
- Use Prime Resonators with Aberrant, Corroded, Metallic and Shuddering
- Aiming for these mods:
Prefix - Adds # to # Chaos Damage
Prefix - 60% chance to deal 100% more damage
Suffix - Increased Attack Speed
Suffix - Increased Damage With Poison

I had an open prefix and chance to blind on hit.

- Annul extra prefix for multi
- Annul extra suffix if you want Aspect
- Craft prefixes cannot be changed
- Divine until chaos damage is perfect or close
- If empty prefix, do the same for suffixes
- Craft Chaos damage multi on empty prefix
- Beastcraft Aspect of the Spider using Fenumus, first of the night beast

Maybe it can help someone. Fun crafting project.

Bought for 5ex now i'm good

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