[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

I've been playing PoE since closed beta, but I never reached lvl 95 or 36 challenges. Also never made more than 3 ex currency. Always got bored at lvl 85-90 and just kept rerolling... This leauge I tried this build and I got to say this is the strongest charachter I ever had. Lvl 97; elder, shaper, uber elder, sirus 8 all done. Very close to 38 challenges. Made more than 50 exalts.

So thank you for this guide and GL to you all!
I have had my fill of words and tearful farewells. I desire blood and cries of our enemy.

Yalpe wrote:

Just crafted this.


- Beastcraft Aspect of the Spider using Fenumus, first of the night beast

Maybe it can help someone. Fun crafting project.

Not a bad way to use the open suffix.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Bought this for 24 ex today, to finally have enough Int on gear to cut the 30 int nodes on the tree and have enough points for a cluster jewel setup.

The whole setup gave me about 4.5m DPS increase, but cost me ~400 max life, some block chance and accuracy rating.

I'm very unsure if I cut the right points from the basic tree to make room for the clusters now, could someone maybe look over my tree and tell me if I can relocate some points for better use?

Tips about the clusters also appreciated of course, haven't used them on this build so far.
Corioliss wrote:

Bought this for 24 ex today, to finally have enough Int on gear to cut the 30 int nodes on the tree and have enough points for a cluster jewel setup.

The whole setup gave me about 4.5m DPS increase, but cost me ~400 max life, some block chance and accuracy rating.

I'm very unsure if I cut the right points from the basic tree to make room for the clusters now, could someone maybe look over my tree and tell me if I can relocate some points for better use?

Tips about the clusters also appreciated of course, haven't used them on this build so far.

Dang, nice neck. I'd have bought something like that had I seen it; but I've burnt myself out a little bit not gonna lie so been sparingly playing, and not really looking for upgrades.

Looking at your tree, it looks like you cut some life and other things to make room; a lot of us cut the block nodes. I honestly cant tell you which is better. Only thing I can really say is to just cut them and get other nodes back and see it feels and vice versa. Thats the only difference I see in our trees; I kept the life nodes and cut the block, you cut the life and kept the block. Its probably down to whatever you feel comfortable with.

As far as clusters go, I dont think Dark Ideation gives very much damage to this build. I see you still have the mana node, but Wicked Pall is like 35% chaos damage. Its not a big deal, but your character is basically at that squeeze everything I can out of it point, so it might matter on min/maxing to you. You could use another notable on your Low Tolerance Jewel. Just about any of them are good in my opinion. Brush with Death, Exposure Therapy, Wasting Affliction. I've been partial to wasting affliction lately, because I've reached a point I kill or phase things in 3-4 seconds, so doing the damage faster(Wasting Affliction is 10% faster poison damage)just seems better than buffing up my PoB numbers. But, I been using a longer duration skill, where Pestilent is pretty fast. Id add one to that jewel, though. I'd probably also roll that small jewel into Fettle instead of flow of life. Fettle just gives so much life; just Fettle will almost make up the life you lost. Enduring Composure is nice, too, it will give you 3 endurance charges basically all hte time, and this will cap your phys DR out at 90% and give you some resist buffer on ele weakness. But, just stacking 2 Fettles is like 600 life and more than great.

Honestly, my 3 favorite notables are probably Enduring Composure, Fettle, and Unspeakable Gifts, lol. 2 smalls and a large explosion one that just makes a cool sound and punch when you kill things. Its got a nice feel. I dunno how helpful it is, but still.

Another thing you can try, since I'm sure you got some resist to play with, is using a Very Large Thread of hope in the ranger jewel slot. I'm not currently doing it, because I was trying to level and I'm not ele weakness capped with it in, but it will allow you to pick up Hunter's Gambit, Heart of Oak, Swift Venoms, and Revenge of the Hunted for 4 points. Its pretty nice if you can squeeze in the resists.

Outside of that, I wish I saw that neck. Grats.
I actually do not have any resists to play with, my Lightning and Cold Resistance are spot on 75%, that's why I use the Flow of Life Jewel as well.
I couldn't find any Fettle Jewel with enough resistance to cap me out.

About the large jewel: I don't use Dark Ideation at all, didn't invest those 2 points, because I don't know where to take them from. About the Mana Node, Yeah, I could probably cut Primal Spirit, but I'd have to take wisdom of the glade instead. Can't make the Int requirement otherwise. Still one point saved for another 5% life node or something.

About the Medium Cluster jewel: I didn't take that top node so far, because again: I didn't have a spare point, but with that point saved I will look for one with 2 useful Notables.

Thanks for the advice, I will try out block vs. life nodes.

Here's my current PoB btw. to avoid any confusion about allocated points
Last edited by Corioliss on May 8, 2020, 10:16:55 AM
Hi everyone,

I posted earlier about using the 3xPurity approach. I still think it's best for me as I am not good at dodging, but I am curious if people have tips on how to optimize my setup -- some general support gem questions and other mechanics questions. Don't get me wrong, I think my setup is pretty awesome. Lvl 96. 86ish max ele res. Sending some phys damage to fire. Endurance charge on kill boots. Great claws. 5,600 life using fettle gems. I don't die unless I screw up. Easy clear. just have a flask switch for a little extra tankiness (Rumi's for blocking + armor when no curse mods, Quartz w/warding for curse mods)

My profile should be public -- character is ScrotieMcBoogerBabe.

Q1: What support gems? I'm using Pestilent Strike with Tribal Fury anoint. I am totally confused on support gems, though. I'm using Multistrike, Vile Toxins, Aw. Added Chaos, Aw. Deadly Ailments, and Aw. Unbound Ailments, mostly because I see someone else using a similar build on POE Ninja is using those. But is Aw. Melee Phys better? If so, what goes? Unbound ailments? I assume Melee Phys gets more damage converted to poison on the initial hit, but pulling unbound will impact the ailment scaling and how much poison remains to get reprisaled or pestilented... and not sure which works better with proliferation, low tolerance, etc. The intimidation would be nice for bossing, though.

I'm using one low tolerance, but not sure when it really kicks in -- does it impact the Nature's Reprisal prolif only, but not the PS debuff? I'm assuming just the Pathfinder proliferation, which I assume spreads at the same time as the PS debuff, but that's not clear to me. Assuming they move together, low tolerance is pretty neat because it triples the nature's reprisal piece (is that just the biggest stack, maybe from the first hit on a quick kill, and does it transfer with a new clock?).

So, Q2 - does fitting in another low tolerance make sense?

Q3 - Is Nature's Reprisal doing most of the heavy lifting on clear, or is the Pestilent Strike debuff doing it? If it's the former, wouldn't Viper Strike make more sense because the proliferation should be bigger stacks that go further? Although when VS poison proliferates, does the new stack get the longer duration, or does it get a standard 2 second base duration?

I am having trouble finding anything out there that explains the PS + Nature's Reprisal mechanics shown with #s, and that lack of understanding is making it hard to choose cluster notables (poison duration or faster poison vs. low tolerance vs. chaos damage vs. area of effect)

Q4 - should I try to squeeze in a Pure Guile + Pure Might or something like that + a couple "1% less mana reserved" gems [so expensive!] to also get a Herald of Agony or Flesh and Stone? :) I could drop the faster casting on my wither totem. It would be pretty greedy running all that (Malevolence, 3x Purity, Arctic Armour, Precision, + HoAg/F&S), but could be nice. Or I could anoint a mana res notable and figure out how to get some gloves with +1 strike targets... but getting that with +2 AoE gems would be hard. Maybe this is a late league project.

Corioliss wrote:
I actually do not have any resists to play with, my Lightning and Cold Resistance are spot on 75%, that's why I use the Flow of Life Jewel as well.
I couldn't find any Fettle Jewel with enough resistance to cap me out.

About the large jewel: I don't use Dark Ideation at all, didn't invest those 2 points, because I don't know where to take them from. About the Mana Node, Yeah, I could probably cut Primal Spirit, but I'd have to take wisdom of the glade instead. Can't make the Int requirement otherwise. Still one point saved for another 5% life node or something.

About the Medium Cluster jewel: I didn't take that top node so far, because again: I didn't have a spare point, but with that point saved I will look for one with 2 useful Notables.

Thanks for the advice, I will try out block vs. life nodes.

Here's my current PoB btw. to avoid any confusion about allocated points

It didnt even occur to me you just skipped those nodes, lol. I cant tell from the profile.

Also, small clusters are really easy to roll; its just a single notable, so alch/scour spamming one for a good Fettle probably isnt that hard; its something I actually need to do to my own jewels. Mine are just ones I alt/aug/regal spammed, but a single notable is really easy to get, so alch/scouring a good one I dont think is that hard to do. You could try to do that for a good Fettle.
Destructodave wrote:
Corioliss wrote:
I actually do not have any resists to play with, my Lightning and Cold Resistance are spot on 75%, that's why I use the Flow of Life Jewel as well.
I couldn't find any Fettle Jewel with enough resistance to cap me out.

About the large jewel: I don't use Dark Ideation at all, didn't invest those 2 points, because I don't know where to take them from. About the Mana Node, Yeah, I could probably cut Primal Spirit, but I'd have to take wisdom of the glade instead. Can't make the Int requirement otherwise. Still one point saved for another 5% life node or something.

About the Medium Cluster jewel: I didn't take that top node so far, because again: I didn't have a spare point, but with that point saved I will look for one with 2 useful Notables.

Thanks for the advice, I will try out block vs. life nodes.

Here's my current PoB btw. to avoid any confusion about allocated points

It didnt even occur to me you just skipped those nodes, lol. I cant tell from the profile.

Also, small clusters are really easy to roll; its just a single notable, so alch/scour spamming one for a good Fettle probably isnt that hard; its something I actually need to do to my own jewels. Mine are just ones I alt/aug/regal spammed, but a single notable is really easy to get, so alch/scouring a good one I dont think is that hard to do. You could try to do that for a good Fettle.
Easy to roll if you can just go with anything that's somewhat good, yes.
I pretty much exactly need Fettle, T1 All Resist and T2-T1 Increased Effectiveness of Small Nodes. That is NOT an easy combination to get. If it were there would be some of these on the market, but there are not.

Edit: actually looked around a little bit more. One single Cluster jewel with Fettle, 3 Skills, 6% Allresist and 25% effectiveness on the market, for 35 ex. Listed 11 days ago. So yeah, not exactly easy to make or find I guess.
Last edited by Corioliss on May 8, 2020, 11:13:11 AM
Werdna76 wrote:
Hi everyone,

I posted earlier about using the 3xPurity approach. I still think it's best for me as I am not good at dodging, but I am curious if people have tips on how to optimize my setup -- some general support gem questions and other mechanics questions. Don't get me wrong, I think my setup is pretty awesome. Lvl 96. 86ish max ele res. Sending some phys damage to fire. Endurance charge on kill boots. Great claws. 5,600 life using fettle gems. I don't die unless I screw up. Easy clear. just have a flask switch for a little extra tankiness (Rumi's for blocking + armor when no curse mods, Quartz w/warding for curse mods)

My profile should be public -- character is ScrotieMcBoogerBabe.

Q1: What support gems? I'm using Pestilent Strike with Tribal Fury anoint. I am totally confused on support gems, though. I'm using Multistrike, Vile Toxins, Aw. Added Chaos, Aw. Deadly Ailments, and Aw. Unbound Ailments, mostly because I see someone else using a similar build on POE Ninja is using those. But is Aw. Melee Phys better? If so, what goes? Unbound ailments? I assume Melee Phys gets more damage converted to poison on the initial hit, but pulling unbound will impact the ailment scaling and how much poison remains to get reprisaled or pestilented... and not sure which works better with proliferation, low tolerance, etc. The intimidation would be nice for bossing, though.

I'm using one low tolerance, but not sure when it really kicks in -- does it impact the Nature's Reprisal prolif only, but not the PS debuff? I'm assuming just the Pathfinder proliferation, which I assume spreads at the same time as the PS debuff, but that's not clear to me. Assuming they move together, low tolerance is pretty neat because it triples the nature's reprisal piece (is that just the biggest stack, maybe from the first hit on a quick kill, and does it transfer with a new clock?).

So, Q2 - does fitting in another low tolerance make sense?

Q3 - Is Nature's Reprisal doing most of the heavy lifting on clear, or is the Pestilent Strike debuff doing it? If it's the former, wouldn't Viper Strike make more sense because the proliferation should be bigger stacks that go further? Although when VS poison proliferates, does the new stack get the longer duration, or does it get a standard 2 second base duration?

I am having trouble finding anything out there that explains the PS + Nature's Reprisal mechanics shown with #s, and that lack of understanding is making it hard to choose cluster notables (poison duration or faster poison vs. low tolerance vs. chaos damage vs. area of effect)

Q4 - should I try to squeeze in a Pure Guile + Pure Might or something like that + a couple "1% less mana reserved" gems [so expensive!] to also get a Herald of Agony or Flesh and Stone? :) I could drop the faster casting on my wither totem. It would be pretty greedy running all that (Malevolence, 3x Purity, Arctic Armour, Precision, + HoAg/F&S), but could be nice. Or I could anoint a mana res notable and figure out how to get some gloves with +1 strike targets... but getting that with +2 AoE gems would be hard. Maybe this is a late league project.


I think you drop unbound for melee physical. If you want unbound, you could try dropping vile toxins for it.

I personally dont know how good Low Tolerance is for Pestilent Strike. It doesnt work on the Pestilent strike dot, becuase thats not a poison; it may buff the poison that started it, but Im not for sure how worth that is. Also, Pestilent is a single attacking skill. One of the reasons I think Low Tolerance and Viper work so well together, is because Viper is a double hit ability. So, your double claw hit is then boosted 300-600%, compared to a single claw hit on Pestilent. Point is, there is a very noticeable difference with Low Tolerance and Viper Strike. But, I cant really tell any difference when I use Pestilent with them. I"m sure it helps, and its just not bad to have, but I dont think its as good as it is with Viper Strike, since Viper is a dual strike so the initial poisons are just bigger.

Also, I just dont really think you can go wrong with most of hte mediums. They all give pretty good damage, and they all have strengths. Chaos resist, 1% life on kill, stun resist, 300%, etc.

I cant really tell you the mechanics either, but the Prolif basically helps carry the Pestilent dot; The pestilent dot is not a poison, but its a lot of extra damage on top of the poison that prolifs. So my best guess on how the mechanics work, is the prolif just carries the pestilent skill effect as a secondary dot with the poisons its prolifing. I hope that made better sense than I said, lol. Thats how I understand it to work, but Tornstein knows more about the mechanics of it all. It seems that if you kill something with Pestilent, that skill effect stays in effect on the monsters nature's reprisal poisons. So, it seems like there is a NS poison, and then a pestilent chaos dot with it. I may be wrong but thats what it seems to me.
Low Tolerance is a boost for one tapping mobs and it should work great with Viper Strike + Melee Splash. Probably with Pestilent too when i think about it.

Pestilent clear can be more improved with adding duration and poison dmg (low tolerance could be big here)because when monster explode it deals damage that's equal to the remaining chaos damage that had on itself.
That way you are scaling that explosion which can have impact when boss pops out like Kosis.
Bursting dozen monsters around him can make enormous hit on him.

Corioliss wrote:


Have you considered dropping Fenumus gloves and getting good rare ones? You could still craft Aspect, get some damage loss there, but it would open up space for other things.
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on May 8, 2020, 11:29:22 AM

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