[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Oh i'm found it, sorry :) thx for replies
Since I made this mistake.. Make sure you DO NOT put your 4 link Molten Shell + Increased Duration on your gloves. Aspect of the Spider reserves extra mana if you do lol
Last edited by CefkaPalazzo on Jan 3, 2020, 1:02:04 PM

Can I go forward with this claw or is there restriction only to imperial claw?
lusterier wrote:

Can I go forward with this claw or is there restriction only to imperial claw?

Go with it, it's very good.
ArkamHatchet wrote:

Thread of hope radius

It's pretty useful and u can get a lot of stuff with it.

Ok another question, how do you go about fossil farming? Deep delving or just somewhere around depth 100 and go to sides. Trying to get the fossils myself to craft a new claw

I prefer sticking around level 100 and just going sideways. Try to target the most expensive fossils rn like Corroded so it's important to know which areas those can be found in (Fungal Caverns and Petrified Forest). If you can still be speedy deeper than have at it, but the Sulphite costs get high too, so dying halfway through a delve can screw you.


what would be better hunter or redeemer slam?

hunter is:
Poisons you inflict deal Damage #% faster
Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Enemies have #% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against this Weapon's Hits

The Redeemer
% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
% chance to gain Onslaught for # seconds on Kill
% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding

or option c

it's not worth it, go craft another one
On one hand, all of the Redeemer mods at least have value. Onslaught on Kill/Block Chance with Dual Wield are amazing if you don't have another source of Onslaught, and the Blind of Hit is handy if you go with Silent Steps and enemies aren't in a smoke cloud. They don't really generate much value for damage, of course.

The hunter "Faster poisons" mod is pure money for this build, but the other two are complete trash. You deal no physical damage of note to be worth converting making both of the other mods on par with something like 'Stun Threshold' suffix.

My assessment is #YOLO a Redeemer Orb if you've got cash to burn, otherwise don't orb it at all. Hunter's way too risky for a 3ex slam - you'd be better off just slamming a normal exalt imo.

Edit: That claw already has Hunter influence on it actually, so I don't think you can slam a Conqueror orb into it.
Last edited by Sandevasfootball on Jan 4, 2020, 12:26:07 AM
Karathis wrote:

i checked in pob it costs 71 regrets lol. also 10-15ex for GG gear or just end game viable gear?

My personal experience was running a generic rare 6-link with decent stats until I saved for a Perfect Form, and I'd beaten Sirus on Awakener 6 or 7 before I got that. My claws were just a duo with the flat chaos + poisons do 100% more damage mods, with only crafted attack speed on one of them.

If you start feeling the heat with Wasp's Nests, just do a search like this https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/bGmorROtL and pick up the cheapest Gemini/Imperial/Noble claw that fits. Bonus if it has an open slot to craft on, not a big deal if it doesn't. Upgrading the claws greatly boosts your damage, but just having a pair with those two mods will be night & day if you don't feel like crafting your own.
Karathis wrote:

i checked in pob it costs 71 regrets lol. also 10-15ex for GG gear or just end game viable gear?

My personal experience was running a generic rare 6-link with decent stats until I saved for a Perfect Form, and I'd beaten Sirus on Awakener 6 or 7 before I got that. My claws were just a duo with the flat chaos + poisons do 100% more damage mods, with only crafted attack speed on one of them.

If you start feeling the heat with Wasp's Nests, just do a search like this https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/bGmorROtL and pick up the cheapest Gemini/Imperial/Noble claw that fits. Bonus if it has an open slot to craft on, not a big deal if it doesn't. Upgrading the claws greatly boosts your damage, but just having a pair with those two mods will be night & day if you don't feel like crafting your own.

thank you, i will have a look and decide from there! also do you think the despair on hit roll on claws are kind of trash since we have 100% uptime on witchfire brew anyway?

these claws you linked are pretty expensive 1ex and up and not really that many wanted mods on them, so ill probably have to craft them myself
Last edited by Karathis on Jan 4, 2020, 6:52:07 AM

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