Finally uninstalled PoE2... the wave of relief is crazy!

Cocofang#3395 wrote:
It's funny because the "I WANT FIREWORKS PEWPEW!" kind of person isn't exactly the target audience for PoE2. But it doesn't really matter. FaZe in the name, opinion dismissed.

Has GGG clearly said who the game is for and more importantly who it's not for?? Given differences in feel between early campaign, late campaign, and endgame it sure feels like two or three different games are in there and not a single consistent "tone".

Devil's advocate on one main point: For YEARS PoE2 was advertised as effectively the replacement / expansion to PoE1. The idea that PoE2 would be a complete replacement for PoE1.

Obviously that has changed over the last [few?] years so that's no longer the case but I don't mind big supporters from ages ago feeling cheated as they didn't get the game they thought they would.


As for PoE1 being niche that's hard to argue but over the last couple of years PoE1 has definitely suffered as funds, resources, etc. was diverted to PoE2.

Given that GGG is still a corporation I'd be willing to bet that there's a mentality that the main backers of PoE2 have is "we can't let it fail no matter what" ... and if PoE1 suffers due to that would anyone really be surprised??

To me the idea of GGG being able to support two games and evolve those games so that they are both "the best they can be" seems like a longshot to me. I'm more in the camp of one game will succeed [pressure will be for PoE2] while the other game will naturally wither over time due to lack of funds, resources, focus, etc.

Last edited by KingAlamar#4071 on Dec 23, 2024, 1:37:42 PM
This runs better on my pc than PoE1 and it's not even close, DLSS, game changer.

Not sure maybe it’s shader cache or something but my pc is a beast and dlss doesn’t seem to do anything and the game has terrible performance and many crashes while I’ve never had any issues at all with on poe1

I played one map where the game was lagging to a crawl and then would like catch up and I would zoom around at warp speed destroying everything. It was bizarre and I was worried I was going to get banned for cheating due to my speed being off the charts.
Last edited by maquino85#7657 on Dec 23, 2024, 1:42:43 PM
Cocofang#3395 wrote:
Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.
It's funny because the "I WANT FIREWORKS PEWPEW!" kind of person isn't exactly the target audience for PoE2. But it doesn't really matter. FaZe in the name, opinion dismissed.
That's NOT how it works... the people that paid the bills of the ungrateful divas of GGG are not disposable and this game SHOULD HAVE BEEN made with their best interest at heart... if the devs had any kind of soul or values...
That is exactly how it works if looked through the lens of having a brain.

It makes absolutely 0 sense to make PoE2 the same as PoE1, just shinier. This would cannibalize the PoE1 community, which is still growing and striving, and make the game obsolete. That would be stupid. Both from a legacy and business perspective.

Doomers saying that PoE1 will be abandoned or put on life support is also stupid.

PoE1 is not a mainstream game and never will be. It fills a unique niche that only it can fill and is therefore striving. Because the people that like what PoE1 offers have nowhere else to go. It's the only game that can do what it does. This is a very valuable and durable position to have on the market.

PoE2 will never be mainstream either. It fills another unique niche in the market that only it can fill. And it is distinctly different from PoE1. GGG presents once again an experience only PoE2 can offer. Thus creating a second pillar to stand on.

With both PoE1 and PoE2 being different it means that GGG can have two unrivaled games with two distinct audiences (with some overlap) that can coexist.

You pay GGG for what they have delivered to you. Not what you fantasize they could or should deliver to you in the future. You got what you paid for, what's coming in the future is GGGs business alone.

Hahahahaha... a game that hit 280k CONCURRENT PLAYERS 11 years after it's release is "not a mainstream game"...

Sure... sure... and PoE2 hype is what's "mainstream"? Because in 10 years it will have 150 players...
It rather seems like you are some relative of a certain guy in charge of a certain company, which cannot get over the fact how good POE 2 actually is.
Cocofang#3395 wrote:

PoE2 will never be mainstream either. It fills another unique niche in the market that only it can fill. And it is distinctly different from PoE1. GGG presents once again an experience only PoE2 can offer. Thus creating a second pillar to stand on.

What niche does it fill? Seems very similar to vanilla d3. I guess that counts in a very technical way.

The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.

I agree with this for the first 3 Acts then Cruel feels good. Acts 1-3 are overtuned for some of the classes at this early stage of the game. I trust GGG will fix this by balancing classes and bosses.
Hahahahaha... a game that hit 280k CONCURRENT PLAYERS 11 years after it's release is "not a mainstream game"...

Sure... sure... and PoE2 hype is what's "mainstream"? Because in 10 years it will have 150 players...
Are you daft? I literally said that PoE2 won't be mainstream either.

Mainstream gamers play (or at least used to play) the new Ubisoft game. They play Bethesda in-house games. They play CoD. They play FIFA. They play D4. They see "Ooh, Blizzard, I know Blizzard, they will always be Blizzard to me, I buy Blizzard" grab it, play it 2h each week and are content. You'll find people that have played the Diablo franchise for years and never even heard of PoE. Because they are not deep into this shit.

They don't play the convoluted mess of mechanics that requires five third party tools and three third party websites to even begin to understand. PoE1 is an enthusiast game. The difference between a guy buying a pre-assembled model car and putting it into his vitrine and a guy that builds one from scratch over the course of weeks, having his fingers covered in band-aids from scalpel slips.
Same, a few days ago I had the realization that this game hates you and the fun part is very short lived.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.

Well, first post here... and probably last for a long time :)

I am a builder, I like to try-out stuff... and die trying. That's what I find "funny". So long I make my way, even if not powerful... I can deal with it. For that to work, I expect that if a game offers a specific gameplay, that gameplay is [at least], funtional.

On this respect, POE2 feels "too much" as Elden Ring: There are quite few options out there... but either they are meaningless [like armor in ER or many initial skills in POE2] or you don't have really agency on them [Roll or die in ER and... same in POE2].

POE2 also falls in the Elden Ring pitfall of not explaining anything to newcomers. At its core, it is game made for catering POE1 fans.

From my side, I followed what OP mention and just uninstall the game.

One constructive criticism here before leaving: I play Magic the Gathering since some time. Main lead design of Magic [Mark Rosewater], offered the following advise for game development: If you want the players to learn mechanism from the game, make sure they get enough exposure on the common / more usual elements of your game. An example for POE2: make sure that WHITE minions teach players useful skills. Last Epoch does a fantastic job here with cold damage in the tundra level of the campaign.

Once you hit end game in poe2 the roll becomes useless and you can see anything. Mass waves is enemies, skills popping off everywhere and floor effect that can damage and insta kill you when you can't see them. None of these things actually work in conjunction with each other. And the xp when dying to invisible things with no tells or visibility just makes it unbearable. Atleast elden ring is mostly based on skill and learning. Poe2 seems to be completely funnelled into getting rich somehow with bad drop rates so you can buy rediculously expensive items on the trade website. Way to win poe2= get rich and pay to win gear, very little skill or difficuly. Only terrible mechanics with little enjoyment or reward.
Can't imagine relying on this level of acknowledgment from people you don't know. Good luck in whatever other games you eventually complain about.

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