Leap Slam


Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 70 and make it so when you click it that your character jumps the maximum range in the direction you point your curser without holding shift?

This would be a huge QoL upgrade for the skill and would make it a good movement skill for 2 handed and blunt weapon users again (damage could be lowered if it is to powerfull for a movement skill)

- Dagger and one handed sword users have Whirling blades
- Shield users have Shield Charge
- Spellcasters have Lightning Warp and Flame Dash
- Bow users have Blink Arrow

All of the above mentioned skills work fine and are good movement skills. 2-handed and dual wield blunt weapon users don't have a good movement skill right now, which is just said.

Every archtyp in this game should have access to a good movement skill. What schould 2-handed/dual wield blunt weapon users do if Leapslam doesn't get ajusted in 2.2 - maybe start using flame dash or what?
Last edited by Wiesl_1404#1448 on Jan 18, 2016, 5:10:14 PM
Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 100 and make it so when you click it that your character jumps the maximum range in the direction you point your curser without holding shift?

This would be a huge QoL upgrade for the skill and would make it a good movement skill for 2 handed and blunt weapon users again (damage could be lowered if it is to powerfull for a movement skill)

- Dagger and one handed sword users have Whirling blades
- Shield users have Shield Charge
- Spellcasters have Lightning Warp and Flame Dash
- Bow users have Blink Arrow

All of the above mentioned skills work fine and are good movement skills. 2-handed and dual wield blunt weapon users don't have a good movement skill right now, which is just said.

Every archtyp in this game should have access to a good movement skill. What schould 2-handed/dual wield blunt weapon users do if Leapslam doesn't get ajusted in 2.2 - maybe start using flame dash or what?

created suggestion about it: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1580141


But we knew that GGG hate melee so much and we never will see any good changes.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 70

TreeOfDead wrote:
Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 100

I see what you did there.

The answer to the first question is that we (I) totally can, but the descision about whether this should be done isn't up to me.

The answer to the second question is no, because you can't buff something "back up" to nearly 50% better than it's ever been.

Wiesl_1404 wrote:
and make it so when you click it that your character jumps the maximum range in the direction you point your curser without holding shift?

This would be a huge QoL upgrade for the skill and would make it a good movement skill for 2 handed and blunt weapon users again (damage could be lowered if it is to powerfull for a movement skill)
That would ruin it's use in other cases. Leap Slam is still an attack skill, and clicking on an enemy or place is used to indicate you want to attack that enemy or place. You absolutely should walk up to the range you can do that, rather than jumping where you are, landing harmlessly in front of what you were trying to hit, and then being attacked by it.

This is literally the reason the "shift" functionality exists in these games, so that people using it to actually target things can, and people who just want to jump in a direction can. You're asking us to force everyone to use the skill the way you want to, so you don't have to use a modifier key that allows people to chose what they're doing.

Not all PoE players are spending all their time in high-level maps and caring about the extremes of speed. The feel of the skill to the new player who clicks "Leap Slam" on a goatman shaman and expects to land on it and bash it's skull in instead of in front of it in range of it's shock nova is also important.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Feb 2, 2016, 6:12:39 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Leap Slam is still an attack skill

It was and i had a char built around using it as such. With the reduced range and no more multistrike support it's no longer a viable attack skill.

It is now only useful as a movement skill, or an engagement tool paired with fortify/curse on hit.

Even before 2.0 it was far from optimal, but you could make it work and it was damn fun.
Mark_GGG wrote:
That would ruin it's use in other cases. Leap Slam is still an attack skill, and clicking on an enemy or place is used to indicate you want to attack that enemy or place. You absolutely should walk up to the range you can do that, rather than jumping where you are, landing harmlessly in front of what you were trying to hit, and then being attacked by it.

This is literally the reason the "shift" functionality exists in these games, so that people using it to actually target things can, and people who just want to jump in a direction can. You're asking us to force everyone to use the skill the way you want to, so you don't have to use a modifier key that allows people to chose what they're doing.

Not all PoE players are spending all their time in high-level maps and caring about the extremes of speed. The feel of the skill to the new player who clicks "Leap Slam" on a goatman shaman and expects to land on it and bash it's skull in instead of in front of it in range of it's shock nova is also important.

I'm pleased I saw this post.

Mark, this needs to be taken further, there is a solution. Not only to leap but to the required use of shift for melee generally.

"You're asking us to force everyone to use the skill the way you want to, so you don't have to use a modifier key that allows people to chose what they're doing."

OK, how about:
Using leap with a target namelocked out of range will walk the character to leap distance then leap on the taeget.
Using leap with a target namelocked out of range while holding shift will leap maximum distance, then leap again to the target.
Using leap with no target namelocked while out of range of the cursor will leap maximum distance towards the cursor then leap again without the need of the shift modifier.

It's the same with all melee skills (other than cyclone and flicker), the requirement to use a modifier is so pagan, lol.

Options. It's about options, which is kinda funny because you refuted the suggestion on the grounds of forcing everyone to use the skill a certain way because he doesn't want to use shift. Well, you are forcing everyone to either use the shift modifier with every melee skill bar 2 or just don't play melee.

I'd love to play melee, the only 2 melee skills I've ever played for more than 5 mins are flicker and cyclone. Partly because arthritis, mostly because principle.

I don't want to remove the use of shift as an option, but I do see it being necessary as really, really bad design.

Either allow melee to attack in place without shift modifier when no target is namelocked or give us the Diablo classic targeting (I think it was called, where you move until a target is in range then start attacking). Or do both. Shift attacking can still be a thing, just not the only bloody way to play melee. And while we are at it, give the option to disable namelocking.

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Feb 3, 2016, 5:51:37 PM
^How about simply allowing a UI change.

Enable/disable shift for left mouse
Enable/disable shift for right mouse
Enable/disable shift for center mouse
Enable/disable shift for skill 1
Enable/disable shift for skill 2
Enable/disable shift for skill 3
Enable/disable shift for skill 4
Enable/disable shift for skill 5
Enable/disable shift for skill 6

Voila, now you can manually disable enable it for certain specs and utility's while preserving all current interactions?

It get's really troublesome after a few hours of play for example and it's these little things that actually make it feel a lot better.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Mark_GGG wrote:
Wiesl_1404 wrote:
and make it so when you click it that your character jumps the maximum range in the direction you point your curser without holding shift?

This would be a huge QoL upgrade for the skill and would make it a good movement skill for 2 handed and blunt weapon users again (damage could be lowered if it is to powerfull for a movement skill)
That would ruin it's use in other cases. Leap Slam is still an attack skill, and clicking on an enemy or place is used to indicate you want to attack that enemy or place. You absolutely should walk up to the range you can do that, rather than jumping where you are, landing harmlessly in front of what you were trying to hit, and then being attacked by it.

This is literally the reason the "shift" functionality exists in these games, so that people using it to actually target things can, and people who just want to jump in a direction can. You're asking us to force everyone to use the skill the way you want to, so you don't have to use a modifier key that allows people to chose what they're doing.

Not all PoE players are spending all their time in high-level maps and caring about the extremes of speed. The feel of the skill to the new player who clicks "Leap Slam" on a goatman shaman and expects to land on it and bash it's skull in instead of in front of it in range of it's shock nova is also important.

I see what you did there.

So, for bow players you crate best movement skill ever with free decoy totem that doing fine dmg, but for melee you cant?

Do you know that more and more players use Leap Slam just for MS skill same as Blink Arrow or LW or WB?

You just force every melee with 2H, mace, axe to use that trash (Leap Slam i mean) and gave no other options? Nice nice. I see what you did there.

Is that even fair in your vision? And you cant increase range to 100 because "you can't buff something "back up" to nearly 50% better than it's ever been", but what you did with new spells? What you did with Tornado Shots? Poison? CoC? You literally buff them "back up" to nearly 5000% better than it's ever been, BUT you cant do the same with Leap Slam because its melee?

I have no idea why and how it all can be in same human, i think its double standards or split personality or whatever it is.

Can you answer at least on one question: why you and other devs so much hated melee and punish everyone who play it?
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Feb 11, 2016, 7:54:10 AM
TheAnuhart wrote:

Either allow melee to attack in place without shift modifier when no target is namelocked or give us the Diablo classic targeting (I think it was called, where you move until a target is in range then start attacking).


D2 melee was so fun and intuitive to play compared to PoE melee for this reason and this reason alone.

In PoE your ability to hit (i.e., the speed at which you do damage AND your ability not to die) is largely predicated on your hand-eye coordination with a mouse, your ability to target exactly the monster you want. Misclick? YOU DIE.

Maybe that's your intention. Fair enough.

But I found it a lot more fun and user-friendly (in D2) to just run with R-click and automatically attack monsters once they are in range of my melee skill, and use L-click to target specific monsters or to move without automatically attacking.

You can argue that this would make the game easier, and you would be right! But I always make the distinction between meaningful and meaningless challenge in gameplay (play the game with a laptop's trackpad if you want a good example of a meaningless challenge), and this is no different.
Wash your hands, Exile!
gibbousmoon wrote:

In PoE your ability to hit (i.e., the speed at which you do damage AND your ability not to die) is largely predicated on your hand-eye coordination with a mouse, your ability to target exactly the monster you want. Misclick? YOU DIE.

Maybe that's your intention. Fair enough.

But I found it a lot more fun and user-friendly (in D2) to just run with R-click and automatically attack monsters once they are in range of my melee skill, and use L-click to target specific monsters or to move without automatically attacking.

Don't think we will see it, not even sure we will see real buff to Leap Slam (not minors change, but real strong one).

In GGG vision melee should be painful, slow, weak, expensive, slow, slow, did i mention that melee slow?, slow, noobtrap, defenseless, etc.

Just check out yourself how many buffs in every patch note ranged and spells got and how many melee. Plus mechanic punish melee so much for no reason.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
i cant understand why leap slam doesnt work like whirlwing blades either? click on the edge of the screen and my char leaps as far as he can without walking. i read the latest GGG replies but i still dont see a reason.

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