Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

Now that we can invite Navali to our hideouts, does Navali come with her own set of hideout decorations? Can we level her to 8 like a master? Will there be a new hideout based on Act4's tileset?
availablex wrote:
rockdog2161 wrote:
Not really understanding the hate for this decision from those who don't like Prophecy. It's entirely optional content so you know, just don't seek prophecies...

cos it's part of game, you can said then - just don't play in this game... also in case if you don't know - constructive criticism it's good thing.

Jungle Valley boss is part of the game, and I avoid that too, doesn't mean it bothers me that it exists.

Just gather your silver coins and sell them at a premium to people that like prophecy, that should be a win-win for you (unless you're self-found only I guess, in which case rip...)
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
availablex wrote:
rockdog2161 wrote:
Not really understanding the hate for this decision from those who don't like Prophecy. It's entirely optional content so you know, just don't seek prophecies...

cos it's part of game, you can said then - just don't play in this game... also in case if you don't know - constructive criticism it's good thing.

Saying you don't like something that you don't ever have to engage with is hardly constructive. Your analogy is pretty weak also... if you don't like Dr. Pepper do you demand it is removed from the fridge or just choose some of the flavours that are more to your taste?
availablex wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
availablex wrote:
Reach of the Council no legacy?

Where did you get it?

Qarl wrote:

[li]We need to assess the power of the rewards. For example, for Reach of the Council we knew went out with risky balance values. We pushed it a little as we wanted it to be used, but knew if it went out too high it would only be temporary. As part of the core game, this unique heavily distorts bow use. We know we will be changing this item, and we'll need to assess all the Prophecy content for going into the live game.[/li]

I see, so basically Reach bow wont be legacy (prophecy vercion will be nerfed too)? Am i correct?
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RunPuppet wrote:
In regards of the Reach nerf- who has enough exalts to buy a well crafted Harbinger? Rich ppl in Standard. I paid 40ex for a 6l Reach there, equivalent Harb would be +/- 100-150ex.

I have dreamt of playing with a really kick ass bow since I started playing this game but they were always unattainable for me. There are already many bows existing that are as strong or stronger than Reach- I just can't afford them.

If my bow gets nerfed and I am back to staring at Harbs that I can't afford, I'm seriously throwing my toys out of the pram & re-evaluating my gaming choices. I feel like whatever I want to play has a risk of getting nerfed every 3 months, getting thoroughly tired of it.

if you need the obscenely broken items to enjoy the game.. then there are more serious issues
You need to change the specific unique drop prophecies or many people will quit the game as they ruin the trade and the feeling of finding items like Drillneck or Bino's Kitchen knife. Please.
These items can't cost under 5c just because they are available in other ways than random drops, it ruins the game for me.
You could have kept Perandus in the game as it would be less destructive since the uniques you found were random.
Prophecies ruin the uniques economy and the joy of finding these high ticket items.
added in core game.

is it mean for up comming league, i will have navali on my temporaly league as well?
Butter0311 wrote:
Its just a shame that barely anyone plays the core game. RIP HC.

If its in the core game isn't it by default in every temp league as well though ?
\o/ this is great, really enjoying the league, looking forward to doing this in core game :D

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