Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

Wow you guys have never played mythic raids have you?

Void zones and the fact there is a tank are 100% distinct shits.

Voidzones are random (or not-so random) areas that will one-hit kill you or prevent healing while you're in them. If you stand in those, you die. Period.

Diablo 3 has that kind of mechanics. Orbiter, frozen, desecrate, etc. You stand in those, you die. Period.

Path of exile has that kind of mechanics. Red mines, tentacle attacks, atziri's call (where the sky obeys) or ultra-flameblast. You stand in those, you die. Period.

And that's okay. That's NEEDED.
martinel91 wrote:
GGG pls do something with the Frost Wall, is to much nerfed :(

It's a frost WALL. Not "frost lightning arrow booster". It now work like wall.. should. Prevent enemy from walking to you.
Bex_GGG wrote:
Shaper of Desolation now grants different Confluxes over a fourteen-second cycle: Chilling Conflux for four seconds, Shocking Conflux for four seconds, Igniting Conflux for four seconds and then all three together for two seconds. Each Conflux means that any damage causes that Status Ailment. Elemental Conflux was too powerful. The new version requires more strategy (and doesn't need a kill to get started).

What does elementalist in the Scion ascendancy do now? Does it still grant all three status confluxes for 4 seconds when you kill a rare/unique?
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
PathOfShalti wrote:
Wow you guys have never played mythic raids have you?

My wow expirience end in 3.3.5 sadly. I killed Lich King in 25 hardmode as a tank several times but that's about it. And Haleon 25HM too but who care about him anyway.
Well, if you got to play sunwell plateau, tempest keep and ulduar, you got the best raids covered anyway. Cataclysm was nothing special (Firelands was decent), didn't play mop, and WoD was... Well, mythic or easy.

But then again the comparison stands, if you killed Arthas, you are aware of what the shadow trap was. That mechanic - which dictated the whole phase 1 positioning and movements - was virtually a one-hit-KO. So was the plague. The answer was not getting the DP to shield more, the answer was getting the raid to move in time / accordingly.

I know PoE is not a MMO, but arpgs feel better when they have mechanics that make beating the bossfight satisfying imho.
Last edited by PathOfShalti#0065 on Sep 1, 2016, 3:58:12 PM
No new skills?
garliccannon wrote:
No new skills?

Those will come about 1 month in, two new channeled skills.

Apparently they aren't ready / balanced yet.
Except Arthas droped best weapons in game(exept Shadowmourne.. but that was another grind in itself). And core Mala? Some yellow trash and/or random shit unique. High risk=high reward. Right now there is no. Normal Atziri drop items noone use(and can be AFK farmed but who care). Uber one.. well.. she IS hard for most players. Dfficulty should be compensated or else there is no reason to even do core mala with all difficulty it bring.
And Arthas was never a "good" expirience for me. It didn't leave that "good game" feeling but "I did it. Again damn you. Thx Light. End of this noncense. I hope my guild die". I even "cheated" a little here and there with "bubble+taunt" and other tricks to mowe less and stand and fight more.
So yeah. I aware of those mechanics. Always hated them. Could do. And did. And hate every second of it. It's like.. washing the dish. You must do it if you like cooking. You hate it.
(another reason to hate them for me - I play with 2-3 FPS and simply can't do any dodging stuff)
Last edited by TwiceBorned#6498 on Sep 1, 2016, 4:21:01 PM
TwiceBorned wrote:
Except Arthas droped best weapons in game(exept Shadowmourne.. but that was another grind in itself). And core Mala? Some yellow trash and/or random shit unique. High risk=high reward. Right now there is no. Normal Atziri drop items noone use(and can be AFK farmed but who care). Uber one.. well.. she IS hard for most players. Dfficulty should be compensated or else there is no reason to even do core mala with all difficulty it bring.
And Arthas was never a "good" expirience for me. It didn't leave that "good game" feeling but "I did it. Again damn you. Thx Light. End of this noncense. I hope my guild die". I even "cheated" a little here and there with "bubble+taunt" and other tricks to mowe less and stand and fight more.

bubbletaunt isn't cheating imho.

Also I didn't enjoy ICC at all so I couldn't really disagree with you there. (My first adrenaline rush was our first vaelastrasz kill, my last one was probably algalon. I kinda miss those, but meh.)

Core mala has - had - a high risk/ low reward ratio (I suppose with the nerfs to Core this will be more or less solved). I agree that it'd have been a good thing should he have had a higher chance to drop, say, skyforth. Or some shit like that. But then again with builds in the game that could reliably farm twinned core with no questions asked...

Uber atziri will probably be even more hard this patch with bladefall mines not being able to 100-0 the phases in one cast, but I guess the heavy farmers will just switch to SRS or sthg. But they'll have to dodge around to make it deathless. And that's, again, a good thing for me.

And with core mala down, I suppose the high bosses (guardians + shaper) are an acceptable "not to be oneshot" shit as they should probably have decent enough gear to drop, wouldn't you think?

(Also yeah I just realised, whining about not being able to do core mala anymore while it's been nerfed so as to be "in line with daresso/kaom" is probably stupid and the whole debate of the last pages is moot anyway)

I'm off to bed, work tomorrow, I strongly doubt we'll speak again as I suppose there'll be 50 more pages of salt in 6 hours so... Bye I guess xD
DartMarRagar wrote:
Stop, stop, stop, Kastmar, you spent to build 100 ex, in which you can not die and kill all... Do the same thing, knowing that you're immortal? Ok... And what's the interest in the game? The game should challenge the player, is not it?! Then maybe it is different - you do not play, you just feel like you're imba... By the way, imba - imbalance, as a variant of the acronym «I'm Best of All», as an option «I'm Bad Against». Something is obviously too cool, disturbing the balance of the game.

You are idiot! For example the challenge in the game for me to find out a build what nobody tried out or try out those which looks intresting. I dont care the atlas of worlds or uber atziri. If i can kill a strong boss with a build then i know what is that build potential and i dont care the loot until i need currency for next build. What you call challenge or content i call them build potential measurer. I dont wanna be the Best of All. I just dont wanna lose the chance to build out something what looks imteresting. I wanna more option to make intresting builds. GGG nerfed CoC and decreased the build diversity. Thats all what i have to know. Atlas of worlds?! fklcanzhrdmejc who cares?! NPCs stories?! who cares?! Zana voice changes?! Who cares?! Idk but not me!

DartMarRagar wrote:
Something is obviously too cool, disturbing the balance of the game.

Idk its too cool or not, but i saw a CoC discharge with shield charge. Very high map clear speed and CoC changes dont affect it because shield charge isnt have too high hit rate. So this 500 ms nothing change about it.
Only sad thing i dont care this build, but what i cared is nerfed.

Here is no balance only some build what favorized by GGG and some what GGG bored same like in LoL where no really balance between heroes but time to time change which heroes works better. You dont believe for me?! Fire ball damage now 496–744 at level 20, Frostbolt 752–1129 at level 20. Fireball last changes was in 2.0, frostbolt in 2.3 its a new skill with prophecy league. Why GGG needed 3-4 months to understand the different between frostbolt and fire ball and power up now the fire ball with 50% more damage?! Skill/build favorizing. The Worst concept ever! Or GGG confused in his own game...

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