Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

sidtherat wrote:
Harmona wrote:
To be honest I don't even know why would this be needed nor wanted.


Edit 2: I still fail to understand why people want an offline singleplayer mode with online ladders. Because that's what it is.

maybe just maybe because xbox version might have issues implementing trade and this might end up as the default and only version of console poe? maybe.

but in current circumstances i just can no longer believe that this has been made to benefit PC players only

Oh gods, the console scourge Pc games suffer nowadays. Yeah, that'd explain this nonsense.
Make all gems available to all classes! ---
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines
#1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill
Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013)
1) Make Master Crafting cheaper/less ridiculous for the high-end options (you can no longer trade to get currency, so the pricing should be cheaper to compensate for the removal of this income).
2) Make items account bound when manipulated by a Master Crafter.
Computer specifications:
Windows 10 Pro x64 | AMD Ryzen 5800X3D | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | MSI Geforce 1070Ti Gamer | Corsair AX 760watt PSU | Samsung 860 Pro 512GB SSD & WD Black FZEX HDD
Last edited by Nicholas_Steel#0509 on Jan 23, 2017, 1:21:18 AM
Havoc6 wrote:
Make all gems available to all classes!

Nope. It will be then change to core-game. But wait - there will be 3.0 after 2.6 right with Act 5 and only 2 difficulties, soooooooooo... changes are coming. And we are beta-testers for SSF thing :)
It's always cool to see devs supporting the community's attempts to find new ways of playing a game. :)

"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Heh, first step is towards SSF with no distinction, just "bragging rights", next will introduce maybe SSF with no transferable items and improved crafting via orb drop rates and put a huge strain on the obsolete "bartering" system used to trade at the moment...

While I root for the second to happen, I want to remind you that TheAnuhart plays only SSF, and does have most of the bonkers items in this game, all those feeling fearful that SSF isn't as efficient as trading are right, but it's only a question of time and grind. SSF in the actual state of the game is a great option, and with the introduction of Divination Cards for many uniques, you won't even have to test yourself versus some of the higher end content, just have to grind, grind, oh and grind of course...

I will probably be more interested when information regarding balance ES/HP, melee one handed, melee close range skills, reworking of armour/evasion even CWDT + Immortal Call interaction surfaces, but as I am such a hoarder I will play at least 1 character in the SSF permanent league, at my own pace and resist the urge to buy more stuff that I'll hardly use...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
The_Reporter wrote:
PsychicMuffin wrote:
It's pretty cool that GGG is going this extra mile to support the fans like this. I always thought it would be pretty cool to have PSF (Party Self Found) leagues, where you can party but only trade items with people who were eligible for item allocation at time of drop. I guess that's kind of how D3 does it these days, but I like the removal of external trading while still allowing you to play with your friends. I don't seriously ever expect this though as it would be very difficult from a technical perspective, but hey, I can dream.

Perhaps when the custom paid league option is introduced this will be an available option.

yes please!

I'm really hoping that we can get something like this in the future! (It has been my dream for a long time ;D)

Forced permanent allocation, no trade button and no access to the guild stash would probably be easy to implement. I guess the only thing they cannot do for now is that loot thrown on the ground is also allocated loot and not accessible to others..?

Custom paid leagues would be great, too! I'd definitely pay monthly for a Party Selffound Invasion/Beyond/Breach-League or something like that.
Until now I've played along with the clearspeed-trading-meta but it becomes dull pretty quickly. For me it's not as fun as the SSF-races, flashback-races and also not as fun as the closed beta / open beta / invasion / beyond times.
IGN PPPPanddddaPPPPanicccc

still waiting for that 'Chris Wilson-director's cut' version

oh wait, I finally got it. Thanks team!

Pilgrame wrote:
Think this will bring PT back?

I like that this keeps people from bullshiting people about their accomplishments, but it's something for 8% of the population of poe.

2% SSF
8% Highlevel dueling cause mirror gear :(
10% low level dueling cause mirror gear not there
80% for the trade game/feeling of wealth gaining

Shit I play because of the wealth game. MF'ing crafting. Meanwhile wishing I could do Highlevel dueling. And fighting league fatigue. I suck at all aspects of this game but love it non-the less. It's everything I want in a D2 LoD replacement. Although I wish high level dealing was a thing.

Love this game for its almost endless replay ability. And we have a great community too. Most communities aren't this great.

Awww long live PoE and GGG.
Last edited by FatBubba#1232 on Jan 23, 2017, 1:41:36 AM
I've been waiting for this for a long time!
infantlobotomy wrote:
draygourn wrote:
oh an idea.

just make it perma SSF. BUT increase drop rate. I'm sure many will be tempted to play SSF when they can have MORE freedom when crafting items. in current/perma league, most ppl just gathering funds to buy existed items rather than craft a decent one themselves.

or let SSF able to migrate but only naked character. after all, SSF is to have fun and bragging rights, not for economy.

I disagree with increasing drop rates. SSF is fine the way PoE currently is.

In my 2000 hours in game, I have found a total of 8 Exalted orbs across 8 Leagues, 4 T1 uniques and 1 6-link.

The current droprates are not acceptable for SSF IMO.

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