Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0
This is awesome news!
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Did not see this coming...
What i dont get is why every mode needs its own league/server There is an easy way to make one server be all modes at once by adding player flags (im sure there are flags in the game already so im not sure why this isnt the way its done) On one game i played one could become HC by typing some line of text to the starting npc with no exp and it would flag the player FLAG_HC By having this flag if you die it just needs to check the players flag and if it sees FLAG_HC then it auto deletes your char SSF could work the same way by flaging them FLAG_SSF and adding checks (there are already checks here so it shouldnt be hard to add) if the player as the flag FLAG_SSF dont allow the trade window to come up and dont allow the player to make or get into a party Now the dumbest thing of all... the ladder it would be just as easy to make the ladders for this by using its player flag Adding on to this there could be some line in options to add your player flag to your name.. sort of like guilds do or you can just turn it off So if this league is just a copy of normal league with a new flag most people may not see the point to it just like there is no point to HC since its the same HC should have higher exp gain or some such thing to make people want to keep remaking chars if they die (and lets face it sooner or later you will with how this game handles damage) SSF should have higher drop rates to make people want to play it cause lets face it STD drop rates suck Or maybe better RNG so we can get perfect gear for once |
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to give the SSF a league of its own is pure genious... I will definetely try the challenge^_^ first the x-box and now this. im more hyped about the game than for a along time. Who Are We? Where do we come from?
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Finally, this will clearly show how inept drop rates are and that the game is unplayable without trading.
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Maybe my english isn't good enough, but self found shouldn't include vendor trades. Without that i would be more interested. Vendors could offer currency transfers for crafting.
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wow! I'm speechless...
This is more surprising and bigger news to me than the announcement of Xbox version. Totally and utterly surprising that GGG would consider SSF in this way. :O Thumbs up! I already planned to play SSF HC in the next league. GG GGG! When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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There have been many changes to the game over the years that've made SSF a lot more viable than it was at the time of this game's release - such as mastercrafting, essences and even just adding more vendor recipes.
However, I'll add that there's still one more long-standing request of the community that needs to be catered to to make SSF truly good - for all classes to have access to all gems at the vendor (still tied to their regular zone, level and quest requirements, of course). If it's not implemented for the regular leagues, fine, but SSF could really use that change. And no need to worry about cross-league contamination either since low-level gems are - and always will be - worth next to nothing plus it's much easier to trade for them within the league than going to all the trouble of making a new character just to trade across leagues. SSF players already can't count on getting their specific unique for a crazy build they might want to try, but at least cut them some slack in the skill gems department. :) |
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At last!
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" Plenty of people play SSF already. The fact that you say this tells me you have never even tried it. |
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Definitely good idea, but IMAO requires some kind of similar technic presented in Perandus league, mean you have a chance to get some needed stuff (uniques,orbs etc ) purchased from a vendor or equal, which is much more harder than just getting it from trade chat. Otherwise, the grind will become a real nightmare and ruins all the fun, especially in HC.
Last edited by Regisan#2902 on Jan 23, 2017, 2:32:46 AM
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