Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

GkSanchez wrote:
Pilgrame wrote:
Think this will bring PT back?

lol, who gives a fuck

The answer to this question is related to the question "who are you?".
If you are a pre 2.0 veteran you most likely give a fuck or two about loosing PT. If you are one of the post 2.0 newbies I guess there is no reason to miss PT because you don't even know what the fuck he is talking about. The majority of players seems to like the new casual poe and it is completely fine to be one of these new players but PT is part of a very old community that sadly has become the minotity over time. Those people started poe in cb or in 1.0 because of it's unique flavor. Most of them started playing after d3 was patched from really hard to casual over night (apart from all the other bs in d3). And look at poe now - the sad truth is that it is even easier than d3.
PT explains it perfectly in this video:
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
its interesting because this solo self-found league can be a test for item / drop manipulation for consoles. You arent going to see the same level of trading on consoles and the initial user base wont be that of the PC version, also i dont see console users using so they will have to manipulate drop rates and the way items roll when you use currency to make the game enjoyable for those players.
I really like SSF!!!
This is going to be so mutch fun!
exactly. No bots, no rmt, no price fixers, scammers, flippers. The benefits are great.

Cudez wrote:
ssfHC = new Master-race HC player^_^

the hardest and most challenging content...

I wonder if HC players will adapt the new league as "the competitive" league over normal HC.

edit: its not possible to RMT in ssf leagues... opop
Rolingo wrote:
I really like SSF!!!
This is going to be so mutch fun!

playing alone is fun? Good job playing singleplayer like offline game.
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Chris wrote:
We welcome your feedback.

I see nothing wrong with the plans. Although it does sound a bit more complicated than necessary - in terms of effort to implement - not from players perspective. But there is room for improvements:

Chris wrote:

It's important to stress that the expectation is that most SSF characters do turn into regular characters eventually. Some players just last longer than others before they decide to party up or trade. For example, you might play to level 20 before you decide to trade for a rare item that triples your killspeed. Your friend might play all the way to low maps before she wants to start trading. These scores of level 20 and 70 respectively would be recorded on the SSF ladder.

It would be good to mark the "no longer SSF" characters in the ladder like the dead HC characters - but in different color or whatever. It would also show (other players) how many players leave and how many stay.

Chris wrote:

[li]To be an optional mode. For now there are no incentives for playing other than additional challenge and bragging rights.[/li]

Chris wrote:

Challenges are shared between all four challenge leagues (for example, Breach, Breach SSF, Hardcore Breach, Hardcore Breach SSF).

No one knows if you completed the challenges in an SSF league or not, but this is important so that the SSF mode doesn't feel mandatory. If you don't want to play in it, just ignore it and play the regular one! If you do like playing SSF, then this mode will give you the ability to demonstrate your progress in an indisputable way.

This is IMO inconsistent. Challenges and ladder are both kind of "the same thing" in that they show player progress (challenge) or character progress (ladder). Some of the challenges are pretty dumb though - like the "screw up your atlas" one. Doing challenges should at least not have permanent negative impact. Unless this gets better I dont particularly mind myself as I dont even want to do these. And the same "problem" already exists for HC vs SC.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
How about a Sinleplayer Offline Mode?
From Hunter and Gatherer,
to Role-Playing Games
Great news, thx GGG, def coming back for this! :-)

"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
I appreciate GGG for giving more options for players that want an alternative way of playing etc.

Remember though, the reason SSF became popular, is because of the current balance of the game where if you are able to trade and do a meta build you can trivialise most of the content. Please don't consider this as a shortcut to balancing the game properly.
Great first step but the SSF league needs to have independent drop rates and (probably) balance. Nobody is going to be able to play a golemancer, CI, low life, RF or any kind of build that requires mandatory items. SSF would be limited to totems otherwise

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