Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

The_Reporter wrote:

Anyone who's played any amount of self found during the challenge leagues (I have for several years) in PoE know that exalted orbs are a useless item and NOT needed for SSF.

Not needed perhaps, but they are useful. Slamming them on jewels can often turn out good results, and it also helps with master multi-modding quite significantly. You don't need them in the tens or hundreds though like people that trade do -- using them as a store of wealth is just silly. You need currency that is useful and practical, not convenient and takes up less stash space (which is a significantly less concern when you have a currency stash tab).
Here's the thing.

An average (non-nolifer) player MAY find one or two in an entire league. Usually, none at all.
That is the expected SSF result.

The yolo roll is usually something absolutely useless like light radius or similar.
I leave them on the ground.

(I'm not saying that it's a good or bad thing that more don't drop. Just saying that GGG won't up it for any reason because unfortunately, bots and rmt flood the 'economy' with the things already)

The_Reporter wrote:
Here's the thing.

An average (non-nolifer) player MAY find one or two in an entire league. Usually, none at all.
That is the expected SSF result.

The yolo roll is usually something absolutely useless like light radius or similar.
I leave them on the ground.

(I'm not saying that it's a good or bad thing that more don't drop. Just saying that GGG won't up it for any reason because unfortunately, bots and rmt flood the 'economy' with the things already)

That's why you slam it on jewels (which have far fewer affixes) and use it for elreon multi-mod (which can let you make some pretty decent items). In the long term exalts can be slammed on other items, but that's not really a practical objective for SSF, especially not within the confines of a single league. If you played standard like I do though, it isn't that unreasonable to start long term projects.
My mistake, sir. I keep forgetting that this SSF thing isn't just an upcoming league specific thing. I haven't played the permanent leagues since they introduced the first temp league. I guess with permanent SSF, I might actually begin thinking long term in that league as well. (might) :)
We do not want new players to choose SSF unless they know what they're doing. Despite the addition of this mode, Path of Exile is still designed and intended to be multiplayer with partying and trading

While the game is great in many other aspects, it has the worst trading system seen online in the last 20 years...
If it is "designed and intended" to include trading, it is an uber fail.
Completed 25 ChallengesTheshadow5 wrote:
The SSF will not work if GGG stick to letting players leave the SSF league... Because you won't have things like:
(1) "buying Exalted orbs with merchants", As people suggested. 50 chaos to 1Ex, for example? (another incentive to do the chaos recipe among SSF players). Exalts are extremely important in endgame crafting!
(2) Higher drop rates for things - cards? sextants? breach shards? [the too-rare chayula].
The reason is, people will just have a SSF char to manipulate the non-SSF leagues.

You just made up those things, they never said it's gonna have anything 'extra'. So what is your point?

yeah, I was suggesting things that seemed nice to me, personally..... and I made my point clear in the latter segment - you wont be able to independently balance the SSF leagues if its economy is tied to the other leagues'.
Or do you believe every single aspect of the game, including things like the chayula shards' drop rates (or anything similar they might do) - which are obviously intended for trade - is perfect for SSF also?

BTW, if exalts were buyable then I could do alt/regal and then double mod things MUCH more (it will still be expensive and you'll need to save up), instead of just spamming chaos or settling for less mods. I think its another incentive for SSF also (look, we have fun and new crafting methods!).
Last edited by Theshadow5#5635 on Jan 26, 2017, 6:52:56 AM
I played for a fairly long time (steams says 783 hours) , and did not trade a single time. Before 750 hour's of playtime well I tried a few times, and I don't like the trading system. Therefore I play solo self found. and only did the trading because my 20stashses were full.

Also, the droprates for good uniques 5 links 6 links and the orbs to modify rares drop so rarely on solo that a realy powerfull combination is hard to get.

Even if we increase the drop-rates by 200% for rares uniques and currency. I wouldn't be able to reach maps as quickly as a trading player

So even with strongly increased droprates Solo self found wouldn't be as economic as trading with the current drop rates.
So actually I'm in favor of increased drop rates for solo self found to make it a bit smoother.

Of course, the economy of the solo self found league should be strictly separated from the actual league.

Maybe so, that if one wants to go to the trading leagea that his stash is emptied, before he or she goes?
Last edited by Vapori#0945 on Jan 26, 2017, 7:39:21 AM

Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Arcis wrote:
afaik, the main reason people want a SSF league is so the game doesn't have to be balanced around the fact that trading will always be much more efficient than soloing. if there are no additional benefits to playing SSF, i think this has missed the poinwt.

The fact that you missed the point its why it is not mandatory and players like yourself can opt out.
Hello everyone:)

As others have said before me, this game has been balanced around trading... heavily.
Everything from item drops to map drops to the exp masters gain from doing their missions has been modified with the economy in mind.

So, in my opnion, for this SSF experiment to work and not be a stillborn, it'd require some... tweaking.
I'm not saying 6-links being handed to you, I'm saying small tweaks:)
Ofc these tweaks could be changed as the league goes and depending on the feedback of players.

I also want to say that I agree with those that say that the items collected from your SSF characters should not transfer to the normal/corresponding leagues so as there isnt any descrepancy from the increased drop ratio in SSF league.

If no changes occur to drop rates I'm afraid this league/experiment is destined to fail from its very beginning:(

Finally, I'd like to say that I'm hyped for this one and I havent been hyped for anything in POE for quite some time now...:)

Best wishes to everyone and ty for taking the time to read this post...:)
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