Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

I think this is awesome for the sake of the solo players out there. But since i love playing with my friends a duo selffound would be much better and therefor more players would love to use it! Maybe just the 2 of the players cant trade with another respectively.

I always loved the community engagement of GGG. PLEASE read this and consider :(
azaExile wrote:
I have enjoyed this extraordinary game for more than 1400+ hours and did it 100% solo and self-found.

I have played it this way for almost three years, on- and off for months, mostly in challenge leagues, whenever my busy work and family life allowed it.
Should you be curious, it has actually not been a dogmatic decision, but probably the combination of having no RL-friends playing this game (a pity), playing irregularly but intensely, and having no interest in/patience for forums, chats, or trade systems happening out-of-game or requiring third-party tools and sites.

This is also my first post, because SSF happens to be my way of playing the game and you asked for feedback on this manifesto, so I take a few minutes to give some:

Although I applaud your wish to recognise players like me, and/or offer them something, I personally see no added benefit for me outlined in your plans: I could continue to play SSF in upcoming challenge leagues, soft- or hardcore, just as well as I did before, without it being a special league type, it having a ladder (for racing probably?), or something visual to brag about in the forums.

That being said, as has been suggested several times in this thread before:
The thing about SSF that could use the most help compared to playing in groups and/or with trading, especially in time-boxed challenge leagues, is that it is quite hard to play the specific build requiring specific items which you were keen to try out for that patch or league, if you are unlucky or simply do not have the time to invest during the three months to grind for it.
Sure, divination cards have helped, as does being flexible to adapt your build to drops etc, but even after all this time there are still some builds left for me to try for which I never found the item(s).

As my playing time and my playing methods are my personal decisions, I never dared bothered to complain about that fact or that I probably will never achieve everything in a three month league.

If you would keep the economies completely seperate, you could tinker the drop-rates of tier-1 or known build-enabling uniques, or offer some sort of Vendor recipe- or Master up-trading, or a quest to choose 1 of n of those items as reward, etc.
I would also have no problem to play such a tinkered challenge league, and afterwards not get merged back into standard, as I almost never play there, but just delete the chars of that league when the league ends.

If I think about it or you ask me, I could surely come up with more suggestions ;-)

Anyway, thanks for reading all of this and your continued work on this almost perfect game.

One of the most cool-headed, reasonable and all around good posts I've read in a while...
Kudos mate:)
"Too Wierd To Live... Too Rare To Die...."
Personal Motto

Finally made it to lvl 100... Only took me 3 years...:) :(
azaExile wrote:
Although I applaud your wish to recognise players like me, and/or offer them something, I personally see no added benefit for me outlined in your plans: I could continue to play SSF in upcoming challenge leagues, soft- or hardcore, just as well as I did before, without it being a special league type, it having a ladder (for racing probably?), or something visual to brag about in the forums.

That being said, as has been suggested several times in this thread before:
The thing about SSF that could use the most help compared to playing in groups and/or with trading, especially in time-boxed challenge leagues, is that it is quite hard to play the specific build requiring specific items which you were keen to try out for that patch or league, if you are unlucky or simply do not have the time to invest during the three months to grind for it.
Sure, divination cards have helped, as does being flexible to adapt your build to drops etc, but even after all this time there are still some builds left for me to try for which I never found the item(s).

As my playing time and my playing methods are my personal decisions, I never dared bothered to complain about that fact or that I probably will never achieve everything in a three month league.

If you would keep the economies completely seperate, you could tinker the drop-rates of tier-1 or known build-enabling uniques, or offer some sort of Vendor recipe- or Master up-trading, or a quest to choose 1 of n of those items as reward, etc.
I would also have no problem to play such a tinkered challenge league, and afterwards not get merged back into standard, as I almost never play there, but just delete the chars of that league when the league ends.

If I think about it or you ask me, I could surely come up with more suggestions ;-)

Anyway, thanks for reading all of this and your continued work on this almost perfect game.

sign, completely agree
Glacial Hammer now has 3-5% Chance to Poison on the character select screen.
I suppose now is a good time to again suggest an offline mode for SSF. Welp, I'm off to grind on Grim Dawn.
Last edited by raisin2u#7031 on Jan 28, 2017, 7:53:47 AM
ghoulavenger wrote:

As far as the tinkering of the SSF league goes, I stand firmly opposed as long as the opt out exists. If the opt out gets taken away I'll probably be on the fence for a bit.

I sign this!

Why do you need an opt-out? If you already plan to play trading in the long run, then just start in a trading league. You could play self found there in the beginning as you would do now if you want.

But opt-out does not make any sense, it just causes chaos for both leagues (trading and selffound). It messes up the ladders. And let's be serious, an independent ladder is the only thing that makes the difference for SSF currently and as it is intended by GGG in the future. So why do you (GGG) want to mess up this independence with an opt-out option? Then we also could just let be everything as it is now.

Just decide what you want to play, and chose a league when you start a character. Same as Breach HC or Breach SC. Somebody said dying in HC is the same as an opt-out, but no it is not. If I die in Breach HC, I will be send to permanent league. Which is "game over" for this character in Breach temp leagues. And the permanent leagues are just like a big trash can where everything is thrown in at the end of the temp leagues or if HC characters die, so that nobody can complain that he/she lost items or "amount of time he spent". Are there really people that enjoy playing there? Even as a not trading playing person I hate playing in such broken economic environments.

I say: Please cancel the opt-out option! :-)
Last edited by Perimax#6656 on Jan 28, 2017, 8:51:35 AM
GGG not plan make offline version of PoE.
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I wasn't aware of the existence of Solo Self-Found, and I like the idea. Could you guys at GGG add some rewards for playing that mode? Things like hideout items/trophies as milestone achievements, like beating a difficulty, reaching end-game levels (70, 80, 90), etc.

Maybe even a special MTX if you manage to beat the Shaper!

You see, every league I love to grind currency, gear and my way up the Atlas from scratch, but once I beat the Shaper and get the challenges done at mid-league I stop playing because of no other possible reward... if I could start SSF at that point to get even the slightest rewards I would be delighted ^^
I'd like to cast my vote that this makes it to XBone as well please. Planning on playing there as well and would love enforced SSF.
This is a promising development.

The problem with playing self-found isn't that you don't get epeen points from doing it though. Although, acknowledging the people who do this opens the way for implementing a league catered around this in the future, I suppose.

I just really wish there would be a better way of acquiring specific items when you play self-found. I had hoped that the cards was a way to do that, but in the end it was little more than yet another trade-centered item type cluttering up my stash tabs.

If self-found has its own chat channels, that would be pretty cool.

In any case, since you say that playing like this is increasing in popularity, do you actually have statistics for the % of characters that engage others in a league? Either by trade, or by playing co-op? Could be interesting to see!
It's a shame there's no real party finder for mapping. Instead, you're forced to go to a player made global 820 because of lack of the game's features.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.

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