Ascendancy Class Statistics

Of course Jugg is the most popular class, especially at higher levels. The game naturally funnels people into playing the most tanky class because the experience penalty for dying at higher levels is harsh and no one wants to lose many hours of progress every time that happens. Likewise, no one wants to be unable to level up anymore at higher levels because they will inevitably die many times long before they can progress to the next level, and thus lose all of their experience points towards it.

Jugg should be great at tanking - that's the whole point of playing as one!

So the Jugg being great at tanking is not a reason to nerf it. If the other classes are played less, then that means that other aspects of the game are the problem: i.e. it should take less time to level at higher levels, and/or the experience penalty for dying should be removed or greatly lessened at higher levels, and/or other classes should be given a few more ways not to die often, and/or other classes should not be cramped into small arena fights all the time, etc.

Please don't nerf the Jugg which wouldn't accomplish anything except to make it suck like the other classes that almost no one currently plays. That wouldn't be solving any balance problems; it would just create more.

Rebalance classes is a huge challenge, maybe impossible.

Too many parameters such as items, skills and passives trees themselves.
And as you create new items and skills every leagues, this is a endless fight. :D
currently playing an assasin ek in bhc, crits and single target double dmg feels good. it's really not represented a lot though - wondering why:-p
Ingame: @_P_
Generally i dont think there is much of an issue with class balance.

The issue is that monster damage scales way to high (to deal with the mega high power levels of player characters) which results in people almost "needing" to play the most defensively heavy or safe classes.

Necromancers and Hierophants can stay out of trouble while their minions or totems kill things. Juggernaut is probably the tankiest ascendancy and it synergizes really well with the RF+SR meta.

So in every league, even softcore, players feel that they either need to be safe by going for totems/minions or safe by playing RF+SR which basicly only stack HP and still deal crazy amounts of damage.

And i think that this is one of the major issues with the game at the moment. Too much of the new content scale way up in damage to counter act the increase in player level that has come.

Now i am no expert game designer but i do get a strong feeling that GGG needs to take things down a notch. Make monsters deal less dmg, make players deal less damage.

This way half the playerbase might not feel that they need to play one of the top 3 safest classes, and it might also make the game more interactive and fun.
I just want to know
where is new skill feed back?
I love the Ascendant changes, they are strong enough to make a non meta build and I love that. Slayer and Jugg ascendant choices mesh so well together. Hopefully some buffs to this class to make it a popular choice once more and a boost to single target skills as well. :)
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
Now look at how many player played Trap build in this league.. : 0.0000000001 % Thats right. That mofo is a fool and a dreamer. But GGG never give a shit about Traps... Even in a trap oriented league..
More people play Deadeye than Raider? Nice change

Sometimes I do not understand this forum
"Everybody plays Raider/PF/Inquisitor DPS only. Do something!"
GGG makes defense-focused class worth using, and people complain again.

I hope they will not nerf Jug, but make other ascendancy classes interesting [maybe improve Scion?].

"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
This kind of Thread is interessing but it feel like D3 balance "class" endless discussion ^^ I hope for you GGG you will not fall in the same trap.
I'm playing Raider (my first char) and i love playing it, but next time i'll go for a tank class. As a Raider i die too much. I don't bother dying, but the 10% EXP penalty for dying is just crazy.

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