Design a T-shirt Competition

Serious Entry, sorry no picture. If I'm incorrect on any lore, I'm sorry, I'm using wiki and filling in gaps.

Black T-Shirt (or long sleeve). The main focus is the Shaper, the more traditional one with the hood draw over his face and tentacles coming down. He's spreading his hands out, fingers down like he's grasping at everything below. His cloak and part of his face is the Celestial theme, all starry and blends downwards. Below him and subtly connected to his tentacles are the 4 guardians, with the celestial theme around and below each of them. Each of the guardians is posed in such a way as to subtly allude the themes of what they are: changed by the shaper, through the lore as said by the map Shaper flavour text/voice.
As an example, the Hydra used to wear many masks and now wears the one he can't escape. So perhaps her pose would be to the side, as if trying not to shot her full face, yet part is broken off and you can see her wicked smile as her multiple snake/hydra faces all look forward. And Chimera can be seen crouching, or mid-leap, with a gem or glowing beast-shaped heart somehow in his chest. Minotaur would be seen stoically absorbing debris falling on him, or something else thematic but also obviously causing constant pain. And lastly, the Phoenix with his flaming swords (of course all guardians would be wielding their prospective weapons) standing over the ashes of phoenix bird rising out of it's own ashes. And the guardian probably posed to kill it again, or the opposite, ignoring it behind him.

To recap: Shaper with hood and tentacles, standing/floating over the 4 guardians in thematic poses to their map lore and black shirt so that the edges of Shaper's coat/cape/dress, as well as the permeating Celestial effect, blend seamlessly into the edges of the shirt.
(I'm a Terrible artist when i get down to actually drawing it so I'm sorry if I didn't have a picture)
Have a shirt with 3 images of the mirror of kalandra somewhat in the middle of the shirt... with the following text wrapping around it..

Front of the shirt:
People keep throwing ...(above the image)
(Insert the 3 images of the mirrors here)
at this Exile.. (Below the image)

Now on the back of the shirt:
But there can be only one!

Now just imagine it less shitty paint version, like no black background edge showing, and a nice path of exile font and the proper logo
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Last edited by demivion on Mar 26, 2018, 7:46:43 PM
First entry :

A black tee-shirt with the Elder in the upper right and Shaper in the lower left with this text in the center of it : " Shape me to your covenience Exile "
Last edited by Marroc on Mar 26, 2018, 7:50:21 PM

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