Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)
Just out of curiosity how can you have 3.11 game play video unless you are playing on test servers or are they just the build in 3.10 that you put to 3.11?
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I'd love to get the pastebin for the Trickster. If it is as easy and fun to play as your zombie build, I'm all in!
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Many thanks, Wrecker of Days. Stumble onto your post on Reddit and follow it here.
Love the colour and the humour. I started POE when the leaguestones dropped and gave up. Almost all the guides required a PhD or better to understand how to min-max, craft (bench and otherwise), trade etc that it was too complicated for me. Came back every now and then but could not pick it up as each league added levels upon levels of extra mechanics and crafting. It was only until I stumble onto Enki Arc Witch that I sightly understood better. Now reading your guide makes things so much simpler, easier and most importantly makes it feel like I am actually playing a game and not engaging in real world activities of a constant change to improve equipment by trading etc. This is a game for me to relax (in the loosest of terms) and blow steam off, not to stress that I need a Headhunter and search the marketplace. Definitely will be following your guides and deciding on a build. Never could take to any trap builds because it feels very counter-intuitive to my play style. RF effects looks cool so might try. Thanks once again. |
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"Hey marvtobi! Thank you. I really appreciate note :). Thanks for making the time. I'm glad you have fun with them! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jun 20, 2020, 4:27:05 PM
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"Hey Fitzpup! No no, I have no test servers. Once the new tree and patch notes are released, I can see if anything is different from the previous league's build. For this build, nothing changed that would impact the video. And enemies didn't have any changes made them (like a few leagues ago). So this league, my Curse Happy and Trigger Happy guides could use last league's videos. You'll notice my RF Happy guide doesn't have a video yet (which I explain in that guide). Sometimes it works out to use the previous league's video, sometimes I need a new video. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"https://pastebin.com/LMYRzVqf Here you go. There are only 2 links so you can add as much as you like considering your attributes. I didn't have time to min/max the tree, unfortunately. The old tree seemed to import completely to the 3.11 version though. But check out some of the notables around. The tree may need a change or two based on all the changed notables. BUT max life is really important on the right side of the tree. So don't sacrifice those. Oh, this is the FORK PoB. The link to it is in this guide. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey CrabCanc3r! Awesome! Thanks for such a kind post! Leaguestones was a while ago! Welcome back. I really appreciate you taking the time to be so thoughtful. I hope you enjoy the guides as you play them (and as they change). I've had a few people mention using PoE to relax, not stress. So I used your comment in the next episode of my podcast. Thank you for your kindness. You're very kind. I hope you have a great 3.11! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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heya Wrecker of Days, well i'm always checking guids out seeing what i can do for a easy to play toon, found your guid and been looking it over so trying a few builds lol i do enjoy playing, i normaly do my own builds but use other players guids for info for mainly the skill tree.
well you remind me of a old friend who used only 1-3 keys on keybored i do miss playing with him, but that was in diablo 2-lod now i do ssf here normaly when i do my own builds i think of him Tbone_CpK. so keep up the good work and have fun. Life sucks; but damn i'm havin a ball doin it.
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"Thanks Nuitariwolf! I appreciate you taking the time to be so kind and thoughtful. I'm sorry you two don't play together anymore but it's nice to have fond memories. Thanks for the kind note :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I played POE maybe 200 hours in 2016, but I stopped because the builds I tried to do myself sucked too much to do maps. I'd like to try POE again with easy builds that I can trust... and yours seem to be great from what I read. What would be your most efficient (and less gear/money reliant) build out of those you have? I'm really scared to screw it again. Spending dozens of hours trying out things only to have to create a new character is not fun for me. Moreover, I work a lot (60+ hours/week), so I have little time available to read hundreds of guides and trying to learn what works or not. I'm just looking for a guide with which I can put my brain on "off" and just watch everything die around me. Thanks a lot for your input. |
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