Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)

Hi. Very interesting build. I give it actually a try. U have a brilliant spirit of doing your builds... Dungeon crawler ssf and so...... Thank u for your work and i hope u will Do some more stuff.... I would be happy about it. Take care
Karmoth666 wrote:
Hi. Very interesting build. I give it actually a try. U have a brilliant spirit of doing your builds... Dungeon crawler ssf and so...... Thank u for your work and i hope u will Do some more stuff.... I would be happy about it. Take care
Thank you Karmoth666!

That's very kind of you to take the time to be so encouraging! I am planning on making some changes to my builds (though I do prefer when they can stay the same league after league). But I will likely only have 3 or 4 guides at a time. Unfortunately, as this is a hobby for me, I only have so much time to give :(. BUT encouragement like yours is so edifying and I'm happy that they suit your playstyle.

Thanks again for your kindness. I really appreciate it.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
are you going to be doing any other skills that are 1 button or not at all?
GamerNerdRage81 wrote:
are you going to be doing any other skills that are 1 button or not at all?
Hey GamerNerdRage81!

I wish I could do dozens of guides. Guide writing and replying takes lots of time (that I love giving) but I only have so much of it. So I do my best to not change my guides too much between leagues. I also have to limit the number of guides that I do for the sake of time. It's kind of contrary to the joy of theory crafting though so I haven't had the will power to stick with my "don't change things if you don't have to" plan ;).

It's something I wrestle with often. Since GGG officially told us that PoE 2 is still a long way off, I'll likely change my guides once or twice more. But if I do, they'd replace what I currently have.

I'm currently testing out a couple of ideas but they'll likely be 3.13 or mid-3.12 releases if they make the cut.

Do you have any requests or ideas?
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
GamerNerdRage81 wrote:
are you going to be doing any other skills that are 1 button or not at all?
Hey GamerNerdRage81!

I wish I could do dozens of guides. Guide writing and replying takes lots of time (that I love giving) but I only have so much of it. So I do my best to not change my guides too much between leagues. I also have to limit the number of guides that I do for the sake of time. It's kind of contrary to the joy of theory crafting though so I haven't had the will power to stick with my "don't change things if you don't have to" plan ;).

It's something I wrestle with often. Since GGG officially told us that PoE 2 is still a long way off, I'll likely change my guides once or twice more. But if I do, they'd replace what I currently have.

I'm currently testing out a couple of ideas but they'll likely be 3.13 or mid-3.12 releases if they make the cut.

Do you have any requests or ideas?

I love the ground slam skill..also maybe a bane or arc all ssf builds
GamerNerdRage81 wrote:
I love the ground slam skill..also maybe a bane or arc all ssf builds
Noted :)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Whatever happened to your arrow build? was it viable at all? If so, do you have a link for 3.12?

Youre awesome, thanks!
PantslessGrampa wrote:
Whatever happened to your arrow build? was it viable at all? If so, do you have a link for 3.12?

Youre awesome, thanks!
You're awesome PantslessGrampa!

I've had a few different bow builds that came really close to making the guide-cut. In all honesty, they were guide-worthy. I just have to limit how many guides I do for the sake of personal time.

I haven't updated any bow builds for this league though. I'm actually revamping my current four 3.11 guides into three guides for 3.12. So I'll be posting the bare-bones of those shortly with the usual detail to follow this coming week.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm sorry I'm giving you bad news about a hopeful bow build.

Good luck with 3.12! It's going to be great!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 17, 2020, 1:01:11 PM
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Hey Everyone!

This is just my "One Stop Shop" for information that's shared between all of my guides. It's also an easy place to put all my guides in one link. No need to read it like a book; just jump to the heading you're looking for and read what you need.

Forever Exiled - A Path of Exile Podcast

If you're looking for a Podcast that's 100% Path of Exile, my buddy Tagz and I have exactly that! A podcast that is 100% about Path of Exile! We put out an episode once a week and talk about all things Path of Exile 100% of the time.

Tagz started playing Path of Exile 100% of the time in Beta (April 2012) and I started playing Path of Exile 100% of the time in 2014. We play Path of Exile completely different, 100%. (His ways suck 100%, mine don't...100%. (In other words, he crushes Path of Exile 100% and I hate him for it...100% true.))

If you check out the podcast, let us know what you think. We've grown like crazy! 100% Serious. It's insane. So the more feedback we get the better.

Thanks 100% for the listens!

Stress-Free PoE? No Required Items? 1-Button Play? SSF? League Start-End?
To paraphrase what you'll read in the following paragraphs: My guides will help you clear the Atlas with whatever items the game gives you, with 1 button. From League Start to League End.

I love the old dungeon crawlers where you had no clue where to go and every one of your equipped items came from what your dead enemies dropped...you were at the mercy of chance. So when playing PoE, I love implementing that very concept; to just pick up the game, play, and be successful with the items that drop. No shopping required (but feel free). I just love the excitement that every drop could be an upgrade...not being married to any item. It's also kinda nice to just load a game and play...even one as complex as PoE.

So my guides don't require any specific items for you to be successful. (My guides will tell you what mods will help your build.) You can play at your pace since you will choose all your gear. You can play at breakneck speed or slowly pick up every Scroll of Wisdom and inspect every item as you pick it up :). (I don't play a fast playstyle. So just make the minor changes you want, to make your build faster.)

Don't worry, I'm not naive to the fact that you need good gear to progress and be successful the farther you get in the Atlas. All success in PoE is dependant on gear. I'm just saying that you don't have to go shopping for anything to clear the Atlas. With the Passive Tree and Gem setup that I've provided in my builds, you can take what the game gives you, and as long as you're not overlooking the basics (life, resists, Attack weapon stats), you'll clear the Atlas no problem. (It's such an awesome game when you're using items you've found.) So obviously the guides are perfect for Solo Self Found BUT I love playing with friends too. So I make sure my builds are great for co-op as well; they won't be dependent on mechanics that other players can steal from you ("on kill" mechanics for instance).

The Stress-Free part of my guides is, of course, being able to use the items that the game gives you which I just mentioned. But I also like to make the gameplay as simple as possible (for the medical reasons I mention in the "Why My Builds Are the Way They Are" section). I like my builds to only need one or two active buttons to press. I don't like having to button mash 5 active skills and/or always keep my flasks up. So the "Stress-Free" part is not just gear, but also playstyle. Let the game do the work for you ;).
Why My Builds Are the Way They Are
I deal with post-concussion syndrome. Without getting all "doctor" on you, if I want to play a game for a good while and be able to function when I'm finished playing, I have to avoid many things in video games. I was surprised when I started making guides that accommodated my huge list of triggers, that there were many people that needed to play PoE the same way that I do. I have since found that there are many people that, though they don't need to play a specific way, they prefer the un-hectic experience I create for myself.

Some examples of things that I try to avoid in games are:

- Fast or unpredictable movement on-screen (especially with a mouse)
- Quick and specific button presses at specific times (like flasks)
- Specific aiming/clicking with the mouse (the inventory on PC exhausts me)
- Bright flashes and busy screens
- Quick thinking and reacting
- And a billion other things ;)

The reason that I write this part isn't so that you feel sorry for me but to explain why there are certain elements of my builds that are not maximized in a way that the general community would typically maximize their builds.

As limiting as that seems, this game provides endless character building options. That is the glory of Path of Exile.

So my build and guides are great for:
- New players.
- Experienced players that want a guide but still love looting.
- Players that don't like button mashing.
- Players that prefer playing with only one or two buttons.
- Players that like a relaxing PoE experience.
- Players with medical conditions (like epilepsy or those with physical limitations that are restricted in how they use a keyboard and/or mouse…)
- Players that like the best builds ever made in the history of Path of Exile ;).
- Players that love loot :).

*Despite the limitations my builds revolve around, the guides I post will obviously clear the Atlas :)[/span]

Each of my guides includes mechanics in PoE that REALLY intrigues me. There are a few things I have had to leave out so I don't overwork myself with 20 guides but ALL of my builds follow the same guidelines (either for medical reasons or personal preference):

- Not needing any specific items or mods (EVERY DROP IS EXCITING!)
- Easy/relaxing to play (one or two buttons)
- Atlas clearing (or the build is pointless)

Now just as a heads up, I don't plan my builds around league content. So each guide may have varying pros and cons that fluctuate each league. That being said, I obviously make them so they can handle all content in the core game...well except for Hall of Grandmasters.


Mondays: 3.11 - Slow-Mo Zombies - This is a zombie build (linked with phantasms) that heavily invests in curse efficiency. You'll have the aid of spectres, a guardian, a golem, and skeletons. The build is extremely efficient no matter how apathetic or detailed you wish to be with your support minions. Despite all the minions at your disposal, this build can be played effectively with 0 to 3 active buttons (I use 1 or 2). Almost everything in the build is automatic. Our defence is from Bone Armour (from our ascendancy), Enfeeble and Temporal Chains as blasphemies (really weak and slow-mo enemies), block chance from Bone Offering, Fortify (IF you use Shield Charge), and our zombies' taunts (which pulls enemies' attention away from us). It's lots of damage and lots of defence. (I know the title makes it seem like the Zombies are the ones going slow even though it's really the enemies and not the zombies...but I like how the title sounds.) It's easy 1 (or two) button fun! Here's 3.11's Gameplay Example video.

Tuesdays: 3.11 - RF Happy - This is a Righteous Fire guide that doesn't require any items to easily sustain RF and tank the atlas! Endurance Charges are a big focus and a valuable support in both the offence and defence of the build. There's a real fun synergy between Enduring Cry and Immortal Call, as well as between Cyclone, Righteous Fire, and Summon Holy Relic. Despite the list of skills, the build couldn't be any easier to play. Just turn on RF and walk/spin your way through the Atlas. Everything else in the build is automatic! You'll clear the Atlas with a yawn and smile. It's easy 1 button fun! Here's 3.11's Gameplay Example video.

Wednesdays: 3.11 - Curse Happy - This is a CI build that blitzes into the middle of every mob we see dropping Vortex "DOT bombs" everywhere we go. Curses are a huge part of both our offence and defence and are invested in substantially. Fortify is an optional part of the build if you opt for a shield instead of dual-wielding wands. Every single other aspect of this build is automatic! You'll clear the Atlas with a yawn and smile. It's easy 1 button fun! (We get a big damage boost from how many enemies we've killed recently, the boss battles that don't spawn extra enemies will take a while (single target sucks). I don't mind, you might...but I don't. This build is a personal favourite of mine despite its single target damage. So that's how it made the "guide cut". It's also CI without ES leech but great survivability (as long as you stay moving) and that's badass.) Here's 3.11's gameplay example video. Rock on ;).

Thursdays: 3.11 - Trigger Happy - This is build has a natural Maximum Block chance of 79% for both Spells and Attacks. It uses all three Counter-Attack skills at full force and has Bladestorm as our main skill (that leaves storms (that kind of act like DOTs (though they aren't)) all over the map). The build's design is "global" damage...we have many skills hitting enemies in unison. We want to get hit as much as possible! The more we get hit, the more damage our trigger skills do! The more we block, the more damage all our skills do! Almost everything in this build is automatic. It's easy 1 button fun! The Atlas will be cleared and you'll have been snacking with one hand the whole time...well, you could use two hands to snack since blocking kills enemies. Block block block! Get out there and get hit! Here's 3.11's gameplay example video.

Fridays: Guide & filter touch-ups, miscellaneous responses, and guide responses.

Saturdays: Theory Crafting for guide improvements and guide responses.

Thread Replies: I will be actively responding to questions in each guide's individual thread but please note that I have multiple guides. I, of course, want to respond to each equally. If it's really slow (like at the end of a league) I may be able to respond to multiple guides quickly but set your expectations that I'll respond to each guide once a week. (Too much time responding to guides makes an unhappy spouse...an unhappy spouse means less time for guide replies...less time for guide replies makes an unhappy me...Unhappy spouse + unhappy me = an epic hockey fight with sweet uppercuts which I would obviously lose...a lost hockey fight against my spouse = busted hands that I can't type with, no teeth to voice type with, and black eyes that I can't read with. So one build a day, m'kay? K.)

Oh! I play Standard most of the time, not League. So I don't plan my builds around new league mechanics.
My Filters
Oh my goodness! A link! You should click on it. Definitely. WOW! Look at all those pretty green FOLLOW buttons. You should press them all ;).

I LOVE FILTERS! So, I make my own filters! THEY ARE AMAZING ;). For me, making filters is just as fun as playing Path of Exile. If you're looking to cut down on the amount of garbage on your screen but don't actually want to miss anything, my filters are right up your alley. They only filter equippable items. Everything else will show. I've made two types of filters:

1 - A filter that only shows gear relevant to my guides.
2 - A filter for everyone that's relevant for all builds.

Each of the above filters has 4 tiers of strictness you'll want to Follow:

1. Starting Off (Used for levelling until you're mapping comfortably.)
2. Tops-84s-Fancies-Atlas (Used when you are only looking for the top bases of each class.)
3. 84s-Fancies-Atlas (Used when you only care about gear item level 84+.)
4. Fancies-Atlas (Used when you only want Fancy gear like Atlas Drops, Influenced gear, etc.)

The descriptions of each are on the filter page, with all the details you want, explained within.

(Because I have two filters (2), each with four tiers(2*4=8), posted for all 3 platforms (2*4*3=24), my filter list is quite large. So just be sure you're Following the filters you want for the platform you want. It's easy to mix it up with a list that large.)

Please let me know if you have any feedback or see any errors you may find within the filters...otherwise, I hope they enhance your PoE experience!

If my filters interest you, once you've clicked on the provided link, click "Follow" next to the filter(s) that you want. It'll automatically load to your filter list in-game when you login AND it automatically updates upon each login as well!
My Social Links
- My YouTube channel is 100% me with PoE. The channel showcases my guides' example videos and my PoE broadcasts.
- My Twitter account is 100% PoE as well. I only use it to update followers on guide and filter updates...and to like tweets from my podcast's twitter account ;-). (I don't use this for personal stuff...like "feelings" or "opinions" (gross ;)). It's just PoE.)
- My Twitch channel is where I broadcast all my PoE play. If I'm broadcasting, I'm up for chatting or helping out. So feel free to chat or lurk! Broadcasting is fun either way :).

Tips for New Players
Here are some tips for those new to Path of Exile. PoE is a REALLY in-depth game, don't be discouraged! You'll catch on quick. This section of tips will help you not get overwhelmed with everything PoE throws at you and help you understand how you can improve your characters on your own.

TIP #1 - Make sure you like your build! The skills and concepts should excite you! No matter what the build looks like on paper, like how it plays! Liking your build goes a LONG way no matter how efficient (or inefficient) it is.

TIP #2 - The in-game tutorials are really good. Don't forget to read through them!

TIP #3 - Don't forget to occasionally check your crafting bench to see which mods combine well with others and which of your favourite mods are Suffix or Prefix, etc. Visiting your Crafting Bench will be the best way to learn about mods.

Leveling Tips (Story Mode) (Acts 1-10)
- Take your time. Don't feel like you have to play as fast as PoE players you see online. If you take your time you'll learn the game (and some lore!).- Do all the quests. Some quests give better rewards than others, but you might be surprised how helpful the rewards might be in retrospect. You'll also tend to get a little over levelled for the story which will help make progressing a little easier too. The respec point rewards are nice for trying out passive nodes that interest you.

- Save your currency! The Orbs that drop during the story don't give you a good idea for how rare some currency is to drop, nor how many you'll need. So use your currency sparingly if you are going to use it at all before Endgame. Soon you'll see that it takes a lot of currency to get what you want on an item.

- Be patient. The items you need will drop in time. Hang in there.

- Choose the gear YOU really like. When you're levelling, it's hard to choose between gear that is great for survivability but doesn't have the sockets/links you need, or crappy gear with great sockets/links. Some people don't care if they die lots. They just want their gems to be linked and watch them work, while others would rather not die and level their gems later on. Make sure you're playing YOUR way.

- Be slow to sell/vendor great gear just in case its replacement isn't as good in-game as it seems "on paper".

- Do the 3rd Ascendancy before the end of the story if you're nervous about the Ascendancy Labs. You'll start losing 10% XP every time you die once you beat the story. Here's a list of lab locations in the game.

- Chaos/Poison Resist is not an Elemental Resist. Some people get away with ignoring chaos resists but on a build with all Rare gear it shouldn't take too much time to get your Chaos Resist to 0% (anything higher is just bonus). It's doable...and so relaxing when accomplished. You'll want 135% total on all elemental resists because, by the time you finish the story and get to endgame, PoE hits you with a -60% to your fire, cold, lightning, and chaos resists. It is very important to have those capped at the +75% or more. It's not a waste to go over 135% resists as some endgame map mods will lower your resists by another 60% (and the less map mods you can ignore in endgame, the better).
Currency & Vendoring (Buying and Selling with NPCs
There are TONS of "recipes" for trading with NPCs. I'll just list some helpful ones while you learn the game. (Here is a list of all of them if you care to take the time to do them.)

Vendoring to NPCs
- Chromatic Orb - Vendoring items that have a red, green, and blue socket all LINKED can be traded for a Chromatic Orb. Grab as many of these as you can. They are very common though, so if your inventory is full, drop the chromatic recipe items.

- Jeweller's Orbs - Gear that drops with 6 sockets will trade in for 7 Jeweller's Orbs. You'll want a lot of these if you're Solo Self Found or trading Lani for Fusings.

- Glassblower's Bauble - Save flasks that drop with Quality. After you have a bunch, vendoring flasks adding up to a total Quality of 40% will give you a Glassblower's Bauble. Use these to upgrade your final flask choices.

- Gemcutter's Prism - Save gems that drop with Quality. After you have a bunch, vendoring gems adding up to a total Quality of 40% will give you a Gemcutter's Prism. Use these to improve the quality of your skill gems.

- 20% Quality Gems - If you want to save Gemcutter's Prisms, you can trade in a level 20 gem and 1 Gemcutter Prism for a 20% quality gem...but the gem will be returned to you at level 1. It's a great deal if you have the patience to re-level your gems. (Vaal Gems cannot use this improvement method. They are vaal'd (corrupted) and can't be changed.)

Buying from NPCs
- Lani - After you beat the story, Lani sells lots of different important currencies. So I pick up every currency that drops in-game. If I end up being way over-stocked in something, I go to Lani and can upgrade my over-stocked currency into the "next tier up". Take a look at what she sells. (It's a great place to get a few extra fusings...) It's worth picking everything up in my opinion. (Weylam (next to Lani) lets you deal with Armourer's Scraps and Blacksmith's Whetstones.)

- Orbs of Chance - Chance Orbs can be fun to try and get great gear from a Normal base item, but you can also use Orbs of Chance to buy maps from Zana during the endgame. I'd save a good chunk of Orbs of Chance for Endgame so you're not short on currency that'll help you clear the endgame atlas.

- Orb of Alchemy - Orbs of Alchemy will be used a lot for progressing Endgame quests but also for buying maps from Zana. Save these as much as you can for when you start modifying maps.
Crafting Bench & Modifiers
Once you get your hideout you'll have access to a Crafting Bench. This bench lets you modify your gear if there's space on the gear to do so. (Items with less than three Prefix or Suffix can have a mod added to them via the Crafting Bench.)
When an item drops in POE, it is completely random to what it is. It has the chance to be a: Normal, Magic, Rare, or Unique item. Each rarer than the previous. On magic and rare items, different modifiers (mods) are randomly assigned. There are hundreds of modifiers in the game, not all can roll on all items. Examples of a mod are: "+30 to Maximum health" or "Adds 1-3 damage as lightning". Sometimes the mods work well together. Sometimes they contradict each other. If you're using a spell, you won't benefit from an increase in Attack Damage and Attack Speed, but you would from Spell Damage and Casting Speed increases. Rarely, you'll find a Rare item where all or most of the mods work perfectly together and for your build.

- Normal item: are white and have no mods.
- Magic item: are blue and have up to 3 mods.
- Rare item: are yellow and can have up to 6 mods.
- Unique Item: predetermined mods.
Prefix and Suffix Modifiers
- GGG organizes Mods in two categories: Prefix and Suffix. Each piece of Rare gear, no matter the item, can have 3 suffix and 3 prefix. Items can have less than 3 of each but never more. So the items that you can craft with are the items that have less than 3 of either a Suffix or Prefix.
*If you find a Rare item that works really well for your build AND it has less than 3 prefix or suffix, see what you can add to it! It's these items that will help you remember everything about mods!
- (Push down on the Left Analog Stick as a button or hold Alt to view which Mods are Prefix or Suffix.)
- The in-game tutorial explains well about prefix and suffix. As you play with your crafting bench you'll quickly learn all about gear and mods.
- As you progress through the different areas of the game, you'll unlock greater versions of the mods you already have.
- Crafting mods can be replaced.
- You'll notice over time that sometimes mods are "split". Split mods are when two mods like "increases to Energy Shield" and "increases to Evasion" are rolled together as one mod but with lesser values than if they were individual mods. So, if you let's say "increases to Energy Shield would have rolled 100 ES. If it was included on a split mod, it'd roll a 50. The Pro is that "you can have more than 6 mods" on a piece of gear. The Con is that the rolls on the mods will not be the highest that can roll.
An implicit is a guaranteed mod. It will show up on ALL rarities of a base item except the unique. So for example, the Bone Helmet gives 15%-20% extra Minion Damage. All helmets do not give this bonus to minion damage, only the Bone Helmet. The Normal, Magic, and Rare versions all have this implicit mod. If you use an Orb of Alchemy on a normal Bone Helmet, the implicit mod stays, and the item gets the number of extra mods a rare item gets. If you use an Orb of Scouring on a rare Bone Helmet, it'll change the helmet into a normal Bone Helmet but keep the implicit.
Item Tiers
Mods have tiers. Depending on the level of the map an item drops in, determines how high a tier a mod can roll on an item. Let me explain.

There's a mod (prefix) that gives a % increased to Physical Damage to one-handed weapons. The tiers of this mod are:

Level 1 (40–49)% increased Physical Damage
Level 11 (50–64)% increased Physical Damage
Level 23 (65–84)% increased Physical Damage
Level 35 (85–109)% increased Physical Damage
Level 46 (110–134)% increased Physical Damage
Level 60 (135–154)% increased Physical Damage
Level 73 (155–169)% increased Physical Damage
Level 83 (170–179)% increased Physical Damage

If a one-handed sword dropped in a level 11 map, the one-handed sword could only roll either the level 1 version of the mod or the level 11 version. nothing higher. If that sword dropped in a level 84 map, the sword COULD roll any one of the listed tiers above (hopefully the highest one).

Every mod has tiers that are limited by an item's level. Every mod has different tier thresholds but the point I'm getting at is, the higher the map, the higher the 'item level' of your dropped items. The higher the item level, the higher the tier a mod can roll.

Here is a list of all the mods in the game! I use this site ALL the time.
Mod Wording:
Some mods are unclear in their wording. Check your guide for specifics. For example: "Adds # to # Cold Damage" only applies to Attacks even though it doesn't specify Attacks...whereas "Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells" obviously only applies to spells. But funny enough, "Adding damage to Spells" only applies to the Hit of a spell. So if you have a spell that damages enemies with Damage Over Time (which doesn't Hit), it won't help you.

Also, "Adding" damage is different than "Increasing" damage. Increases to damage increase ALL types of that type of damage, while Adding only applies to Hits (as mentioned).

So check the links I have if you care to learn it for yourself. As mentioned, the guide will give some general guidelines for you.
Chromatic Orbs - Getting the Right Socket Colours
Chromatic Orbs are the currency you use to change socket colours on your gear. There are a couple of things you should know before you go crazy getting trying to perfect your gear:

- Items that have Strength requirements are more likely to roll red sockets, Dexterity-green, and Intelligence-blue. If an item has a base requirement of Strength and Intelligence it is more likely to roll red and blue sockets. For example, it'll be an "impossible" task to get all red sockets on a piece of gear that only requires Intelligence. While it'd be a really easy task to get all green sockets on an item that has only a Dexterity requirement.

Here is a tool you can use to help decide the best method of spending your Chromatic Orbs to achieve your gear goals (***Make sure your gear has no gems socketed in it before you input your data into this tool): Vorici Calculator.

The crafting bench can guarantee certain crafts for you too. Like Socket colours, amount of sockets, a certain amount of links...it'll cost you the appropriate currency, but for a fair price. You might be able to get the desired outcome without crafting, but it could also cost you more. For example:
- 4 linking an item is easy-ish (25 or fewer fusings at worst) but is guaranteed with 5 Fusings.
- 5 linking an item could easily take a couple hundred Fusings but is guaranteed with 150 Fusings.
- 6 linking an item is not for the faint of heart. In a recent league, I spent over 3200 fusings trying to manually 6 link an item without the crafting bench...I didn't get it. It can be guaranteed with 1500 Fusings. (I have friends that have six-linked items with only 9 fusing attempts. Obviously, I don't speak with them anymore ;).)
- As you progress through the different areas of the game, you'll unlock greater versions of the crafting mods you already have. Don't forget to keep checking your Crafting Bench and get used to what mods can pair up with other mods (which mods are Suffix and Prefix).

Some mod values are "drop only". For example, you can craft up to 24% Movement Speed on your boots, but 25%, 30%, even 35% Increased Movement Speed can drop/roll on boots. So as you start comparing your gear with your crafting bench, you'll start seeing the gear you may want to hang on to.

Here is a link of all the crafting options with the bench and where they unlock. Here's a list of all the mods in the game in case you want to plan/hope ahead. (Ctrl+F some keywords to help you search the massive lists.)
Endgame & Atlas
- It's ok to improve your gear slowly. Don't feel like you have to go from "story gear" to "epic" gear. The company that makes this game is called Grinder Gear Games. You'll have to GRIND FOR GEAR. For example, maybe you'll start with gear that has only 25 health on it. Don't ignore gear that has 50 health knowing that gear with 100 life will eventually drop. Start equipping the gear with 50 health, then 75, then 100.

- Over-capping your resists is not pointless. It's a great idea to over-cap your resists (going over the 75% cap). It'll make switching gear so much easier as better gear keeps dropping. It also helps with some nasty map mods that lower user resists.

- Don't forget about Chaos Resist if using Life as your "life pool". You'll sacrifice some good rolls to accommodate Chaos resist, but it's SO nice and relaxing to play when ALL your bases are covered. You'll see what I mean if you try it out. You don't have to cap it at 75% though. Having Chaos resist at 0% is enough (though higher is obviously great).

- You don't have to match your character level with the enemy level of a map. The highest monster level in a map is 84. The highest character level is 100. Just do the maps you can. Really. Just have a good time :).

- The Atlas has 3 stages of difficulties with its map mods. You'll notice the Atlas has 17 Tiers of maps. Tiers 1-5 show white on the Atlas. Tiers 6-10 Show yellow. Tiers 11+ show red. Each set of tiers has its own set of mods that can roll. The higher the tier, the more severe the mod. Here's an example:
Low Tier Maps - 25% less effect of Curses on Monsters
Mid Tier Maps - 40% less effect of Curses on Monsters
High Tier Maps - 60% less effect of Curses on Monster
Here's another example:
Low Tier Maps - Monsters deal (50-69)% extra Damage as Cold
Mid Tier Maps - Monsters deal (70-89)% extra Damage as Cold
High Tier Maps - Monsters deal (90-110)% extra Damage as Cold

- You'll need lots of currency for mapping. Your currency is for every item in the game, not just gear, not just maps. To go through the Atlas you'll need lots of currency. Use your currency for what you need gear-wise, but keep in mind you are going to go through lots of Orbs of Scouring, Orbs of Alchemy, Chaos Orbs, and Vaal Orbs for your maps. (And eventually Cartographer's Chisels.)

- Zana sells maps. If you're having a hard time getting the maps you need, remember that Zana sells maps. Her stock resets when you do her daily mission. Her daily mission isn't just meeting her in a map, it's meeting her in a map that has her icon on that map in the Atlas. So make sure, that if you need maps that she's selling, to not do her daily until you've purchased the maps that you need. They can get pricey, but take what you can get.
Currency for Mapping
To complete the bonuses of each tier you'll be using:
Tiers 1-5: Orbs of Transmutation to make them Magic (Orbs of Alteration to change the mods).
Tiers 6-10: Orbs of Alchemy to make them Rare (Chaos Orbs to change the mods (or an Orb of Scouring and another Orb of Alchemy).
Tiers 11+: Orbs of Alchemy to make them Rare (Chaos Orbs to change the mods (or an Orb of Scouring and another Orb of Alchemy), then Vaal Orbs. Vaal Orbs randomize everything. They can randomize modifiers, change the map, or even "Un-ID" the map. Try and remember what mods were on the map before you Vaal it. If the map goes Unidentified, the hidden mods will be the ones that were previously listed on the map before you Vaaled it.

Map Quality and Quantity:
- The higher the QUANTITY of a map (not Rarity) the more likely it is to drop currency. The more currency that drops, the more opportunity you have for some really rare currency to drop...or even just more currency.

- A map's Quantity will increase with harder combinations of map mods. Some map mod combos will only result in 40% map quantity. While other map mod combos can result in 110% map quantity.

- Cartographer's Chisels are the item that increases Map quality. Map Quality increases map Quantity. With Chisels, you can increase map Quantity by an additional 20%. If you use a Chisel on a Rare map, the Chisel will increase the quality of the map by 1% each. If you use a Chisel on a Normal map (white), you'll increase the quality by 5% each. So only bother using Chisels on Normal Maps.

- Cartographer's Chisels are only worth using on really high tier maps. Depending on your comfort level, save them for the highest tier maps you can clear pretty easily. I typically only use Chisels on Tier 15+ maps.

- Orbs of Scouring are used to make an identified Magic or Rare item a Normal item. At first, you'll use these mostly to make Tier 6+ Magic maps into Rares. (ID the Magic Map, Scour it, then Alch it.) You'll eventually use these for making ALL your high tier maps Normal so you can Chisel them all to 20% before Alch'ing them again.
There are a crazy amount of end-game bosses in this game. Some are required to clear the Atlas while others are simply awesome side portions of the game. When you start getting to the epic bosses, don't panic. You'll probably use up all your portals. Lots of the very end-game bosses require familiarity to beat. My philosophy is that if your build can take you to the boss, it can also handle the boss. But some bosses have mechanics (and "tells") that you just need to get used to. So don't be discouraged when you fail a big boss battle. You'll find the more you fight them, the better you get. This game is a grind not just with gear, but also experience. But FEAR NOT! It pays off. Just be patient and be ok needing to try again.
- If you broadcast save your broadcasts. Maybe put your broadcast link in your signature so people can see how you play, what your style is like, and what your suggestions look like. Don't be embarrassed :).
Sweeeeet. So if you have any guide specific comments or questions, please post them on the thread of the guide that you're using. Thanks!

You! I like you! And your builds ofc : ) Hope you can finish at least one of them before 3.12 lunch. Fingers crossed.

Good luck!

Czm wrote:
You! I like you! And your builds ofc : ) Hope you can finish at least one of them before 3.12 lunch. Fingers crossed.

Good luck!

Ha ha! I like you too Czm!

I'll have the "bare-bones" of all three guides out within a few hours. The explanations and details will come within the next few days.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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